Kish's Grow Along

damn that cross sure looks like it was worthy eh?
Thats a killer lookin plant right there :wink:


Very nice sir! I’ve loved your budshots for a while, and wanted to give props. Looks like ya got everything dialed in beautifully in your setup. I’ll be sticking around to watch.


Thank y’all for the seeds and pollen to make this cross. It definitely has some potential to produce some nice plants. There is a little bit of intersex in them unfortunately. One out of 8 was a full blown herm and another threw some late nanners.

My buddy was really happy with them. I stopped by yesterday to check them out and grab a couple of buds to smoke. Two of them have wonderful blueberry smell and taste. Reminds my of my keeper shishkaberry mom I had from my original 2 packs i got back in '99. These seem to have a more sweet blueberry aftertaste without much spicey flavor like my old mom had. I’ll let y’all know how they smoke after they cure up a little while. @Budderton @SHSC-1


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Thanks bud! Definitely not doing anything special around here. Just trying to keep the jars filled up with some decent smoke.

I’ve been growing in 2 gallon bags lately so I can look through more seeds. I try to flip them when they are 12-16 inches tall and most finish around 2 1/2 - 3 feet. Some of them are starting to show sex around this time for me.

I sent some mail your way the beginning of last week. Hopefully it’ll make it soon with all this nasty weather.

Hope you have a wonderful week and stay warm!!


We’re getting some snow today but maybe 4 inches tops. I’ll keep looking. I’ll be pollinating in 1.5 weeks.


I think it should make it by then. I sent it out last Tuesday


Here’s a pic from when I just turned lights on after their second night of 11/13. Got a few males and a few females showing. I’ll remove the males in a couple of days unless one really stands out to me.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening!


Doing great man! Plants look good!


Thanks bud. They’ve all been pretty easy going this round. Got a couple Party Rocks that are a little slow in veg but overall look good and healthy


Woah, they are beautiful. I hope you get at least 3 females from the SS! :crossed_fingers:

Thanks again for running them :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Well… sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The last couple of seed pops I’ve been the loser. So out of 20 plants I’m down to 6. I had 13 males, 1 herm and 6 girls. Fortunately I ended up with at least 1 of each of the 4 strains I started.

2- Party Rock
2- 4sd x Chem dd x (Sour Jack)
1- Sour Serenade
1- Jetfuel x Hellbilly


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Dang that’s a kick in the groin but at least you have a variety still.

I hope you have all females on your next grow.

The funs just starting, look forward to seeing what she does. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Good morning bud. Yeah I’ve had a crazy amount of males lately. I guess that’s what I get for saying I prefer regs over fem seeds. :joy: I’ve jinxed myself!

Here’s a couple of pics of the Sour Serenade girl. @InTheWoods


Haha hopefully it’s just the luck of the draw.

Shes a beauty, I hope she makes some great smoke for you.
Thanks again for trying em out!

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You and me both, popped 6 Carmelita, 5 boys, popped 7 ultimate pink, 5 boys! Crazy!

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Damn that’s a ton of males. Hopefully the buds are all dank. Plants look great.

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Here are the girls. 14 days since flip


Noice! Is the Sour serenade the front Left or the Mid right row?

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Nice ladies! Going to replant them soon?