Kraken's Grow

Well I’m going post some good with the bad. We are still chugging along entering week 5 today. Excited to see this girl at the later weeks.

Me being super stubborn and not wanting to pull out a ph pen or calibrated it. We definitely have a root zone issue. Weither it be the ph or a little bit of root rot. I’m going let the soil dry back a bit and do a worm casting tea on the next watering to get some beneficial bacteria in the soil to hopefully combat any bad bacteria and buffer the medium.

I’m leaning a bit on the root rot side. In living soil I like to keep the media moist but may have watered too often after looking at my notes. It’s been a bout a week and the soil is still damp. Also none of my other plants are showing any issues. I appreciate the help @George. I’m just stubborn and stuck in my ways :laughing:. I may start PHing next run just to eliminate that as an issue.


Honestly, the plant looks happy, I wouldn’t sweat a few blemishes! Don’t overthink it, living soil likes to stay constantly moist so long as you’re not overdoing it and going anaerobic. If you’re worried about overwatering your plan of drying it out and giving it a hit of compost tea should get things kicking again. You can also crank up the fans in your tent a little, dropping the RH at this point in flower is totally fine.


I agree, no worries for that limited damage, I know they say that in organics the pH is buffered by the soil but guess that happens with really big pots, also you shouldn’t let dry out to avoid killing the microbes, maybe just watering less so no getting dump.

My chucking technique is more primitive but at least it works … ejem|nullxnull


I appreciate it, someday I would love to get through a run with a beautifully faded plant. I think I was beginning to keep it over wet.

Currently the tent is around low to mid 50 on RH, mid to upper 70 degrees, exhaust fan is on full. Should I drop the humidity in the room lower?

I think I will be doing this the next time I attempt to make seeds, just have to get my stock pile up before attempting a full tent chuck. That’s how nature does it

Gotta have weed to grow weed and currently my stash is getting low lol.

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The tent is full because it was the first one I bought (80 cm x 80 x 160) :grin:, now I have two bigger ones so that one is just for … kiki|nullxnull


Thats awesome, I cant wait to be able to have more tents again, I would love a veg/mother tent. a flower tent and a breeding project tent. I actually started with a 2x2 and a 3x3 that worked great but needed the space.

then I downsized to a 2x2 and a 2x3

now Im just in the 2x3

but that’s down the road when our economy turn around here in the US.

This was the last run before I had to start over, never got to finish this plant.


Well, that was a great deployment icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, hope things will go back to where they were, at least now you have the skills … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks George, I’m learning everyday.


Oh dude, your RH is just fine, it’s probably the soil temp! If you can get the temp in your tent to low 80s and keep it there your soil will really get the beneficial microbes moving and will dry out faster. Soil likes to be warm and active. I only know this due to a really cold winter we had where I was garage growing and everything was moving really slow and stressed. Nothing worked until I added a space heater and bumped the temps up into the 80s.

Jeremy from Build-A-Soil goes into proper living soil temps in the first few minutes of this video. The further into flower you go the lower you want the RH but keeping temps in the low 80’s fixes a ton of problems related to soil.

Maybe see if turning your fans down to like 30% increases the temps, the increase in temps should reduce the humidity which should keep about the same since you’re reducing fan power.


Thanks for letting me know. I don’t know why but ive been afraid to break 80 degrees.

I love Jeremy’s work. Tons of knowledge.

Been throwing everything I have a cut for outside with the male, for a little outside chucking. Don’t look too hard, these plants get no love and have been trampled by our cats and eaten by slugs, I’m amazed their still alive. I have back ups for them all inside.


I used to think of anything over 80 as the “danger zone” - Realistically, it’s anything under 65 and over 95, provided the humidity is right and keeps the vapor-pressure deficit in check.


I would love to start checking leaf temp for vdp, and get a ppfd meter to check DLI. Just so I can chart some data for my own sick amusement.


Just a Day 30 update

I can see some of the pistols and calyx beguin to brown and swell.


This is one of the lower buds that I pollinated. To my un trained eye she looks like it may have worked.


I decided to make some changes today and rename and move the thread due to it becoming more of a growroom diary.

Also I have ran out of soil and needed to mix some up so I thought I would share what I do. It’s simple and I just use what I have and don’t over think it.

I start with a good store bought soil, I like fox farms ocean forest. It’s a good base and can honestly be used strait out of the bag but I like to doctor it up a bit.

Makes about 10 gallons of soil or so.

1 bag Fox Farm Ocean Forest
1 gallon worm castings
1 gallon rabbit manure
5 tbls Gia Green All Purpose 444
5 tbls Gia Green Bloom 284
A tote to mix and store in
And some good old h20 out of the hose

Combine in the tote and mix well with your hands. If your not getting dirty your doing it wrong.

Bring the tote over to the hose and moisten and mix until you can make a fist :facepunch: with the soil and it stays together. Not too wet not to dry. You will know when you have it. It will stay together but not drip when you squeeze it.

Then I throw the lid on and let it chill for the month or so in the basement. I’ll open the lid to let air in every few days. We don’t want this mixture to dry out. But we also don’t want to starve it for oxygen. We want the worms and microbes to break down the organic matter to make it avaliable.

I don’t worry about the left over hay and a few leaves from the worms. The worms and microbes will break them down in time.

This mix has about 100 or so worms as well. I like life in my pots. 🪱


Day 33 - Happy 4th Everyone!

I don’t think these girls have even hit there swell yet. Still throwing white pistols.


they’ve got more time to swell up Happy growing!

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My favorite time of the grow for sure.