Kraken's Grow

Day 36 - found my light on when they were ment to be off. This is not the first time this wifi timer has done this to me. I hope all will be well.

Seeds are also starting to show. Didn’t have the close up camera on hand but I’m super excited to pop my first cross. :relaxed:


Day 38 of flower.

I’ve got the next plants ready for the run started. I think I many run the super boof this next run and see how she flowers as well as running the donna again. I had a few issues this grow with my light from power outages and timer issue. Definitely over drove her with light. She is beginning to foxtail. And I want to see if it’s in her or if its the issues I’ve had.

Nothing left to do but see how she finishes. Just a few more weeks left.

The seeds are tarting to show.

Here some picts of the foxtailing buds.


Well lesson learned. Pollen is hard to control. I didn’t pollinate this bud :laughing: I’m okay with it though we are learning.


Love is in the air … frech|nullxnull


Everywhere :laughing:


Day 40 I think :thinking: ill get back on track lol

She may be a 9-10 weeker I’m not seeing any signs of getting close. She’s a little fluffier than I’m use to but she’s going to yeild great.


Day 42- start of week 7

Seeds are forming nice. Can’t wait to get this girl out of the tent and drying.


Nice. Looks like youre going to have plenty of seed to keep ot going. Have a few going now from pollen chucks. Hope you create something unique and find what you’re looking for.

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thank you. That is my hope

Well I have learned a valuable lessons this. Pollen doesn’t care what your plans are. This plant has seeds where ever it feels like having them. Seed was the goal and seeds we have, just more than I was planing. :sweat_smile:

Also many hick-ups with my lighting. I defiantly over lit this plant in the beginning of the grow. While fox tailing is in her genetics, I think I made the problem worse running 200 watts at 100% in a 2x2 for a little to long.

The power went out once and interrupted the light cycle, as well as a timer fail causing my lights to stay on for a 24 hour period in the middle of flower.

All and all I got lucky to be this close to the finish. A few more weeks when the seeds and the trichomes tell me shes ready and we will chop. I’m thinking first week of august but we will see.

Just a little week by week gif I was playing with. Can’t wait when the day comes we can share videos on here.


Super fun grow though. Ive learned a lot in the process and makes me have much more respect for the guys that breed. I would love to call myself a breeder someday and be able to give back. This plant has given me so much joy and help me in so many ways.

I’ll update you when harvest time comes.


Day 48 - Just a small

The flowers are getting larger than expected. How do you guys handle the drying of large flowers. Cut and hang like normal or separate in to smaller buds and dry on a rack? Or should these be OK?

Starting to show just a little purple. Very unique bud structure.

Also we have had alot of rain and our humidity has climbed a bit here. And sometime I saw the tent hit 60% rh should I be concerned about mold at this humidity?


Cut and dry like normal.

I wouldn’t worry about 60%


Good to know. I not very seasoned at drying and curing, I still feel novice at it.

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60% is the red line for mold :see_no_evil:, try to lower it, I avoid big columnar buds, lost some Hibernate with mold coming from the inside of the bud, here’s one sliced:

I would separate them in smaller nugs and dry in racks or wet trim and hang them with just a breeze coming from a fan to avoid stagnant air. Don’t take any risks after this good. harvest, humidity is our enemy at this late stage … beer3|nullxnull


I think I will do both. Only really concerned about a few of these getting super thick. Time to bring out the de-humidifier. I was trying to be lazy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Just upload it to Youtube and share the link …


I never thought of that. That a great Idea. Thanks @George

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Day 52. She’s a beefy girl. Colors are slowly showing a few purples on the crowns but she’s very green.

She’s beautiful in her own way.

The seeds are coming along very nice starting to see those tiger stripes.


Well I decided to chop a little early. I need the space, the seeds were ready anyways. I would say it was a over all successful seedrun with a minor huckup.

I know now that pollen doesn’t care where it goes. This whole plant has seeds here and there but thats okay. Just through trimming thus one branch and looking the plant over I will never be able to grow them all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

I wet trimmed the smaller branch to get a look at the structure. A little leafy but she will do just fine. Smell is sweet berry’s to me with a earthy spice, everyone I asked says something different lol. Some said lemon grass. I don’t get that personally but is is a lemon skunk cross so 🤷. Is so personal to the individuals pallet.

These were almost falling out so I scouped em up. Many more on the plant.

I took some pictures before I chopped out sided on the Mrs. Phone. When she sends them I’ll post them as well.


Just some last picture before harvest and after.

Alot learned on this run. Lots of dos and don’ts.

I’m sure there are better ways to do this to get less contamination but this plant has small seed pockets from head to toe. Next time I try and make seeds it will be more focused on seeds only and not smoke. Pollen does what it wants and I did a piss poor job at keeping it in one location. Lesson learned.

But the good news is we have some decent smoke and enough seeds that I think I’ll be able to give some out on here. I’ll post more about that matter I do some germination tests.