Kush’s mushroom madness

That’s reasonable.


So far it looks like my 2 LC’s are dead :slightly_frowning_face: both tidal wave 4 and tidal wave enigma have no growth on the grain, it’s been about 8 days. I will give it a little longer just to make sure. My golden emperor is starting so that’s good. i made some pf tek jars for testing my blue meanies and some no pour agar. I have slants of tidal wave to see if those are still good.
By the time I get all this situated I will have to go back to work but when I get back start fresh with some john Allen’s.

Here’s the golden emperor starting to spread

Here’s the pf tek blue meanies I just innocked


The fungus is among us.

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The blue meanies are starting!

And a grain bag of golden mammoth


Spawned the golden emperor to bulk, had to chuck a couple brf jar’s because of green stuff, still have 3 jars of blue meanies doing good. I also put a piece of grain to agar from the tidal wave enigma to try and rescue it. Not ideal but last resort, it’s growing super slow and that grain bag was getting wet in spots so I had to do something. The tidal wave 4 is a bust. That LC is going in the trash.

The golden teacher is going slow but making progress. I have the temps a little lower to avoid mold issues


Those jars and cups are looking good getting ready to colonize nicely.


I know, I’m relieved to finally see some positive growth happening lol. The mycelium has grown through the dry Verm layer and it touching the lid. Not sure if that will become an issue. Hopefully I can get the tidal wave blob clone to come back around if I can’t I will have to get a fresh plate. My plan is to get prints of the golden emperor, golden mammoth, and blue meanies then try out the John Allen’s. I’m excited to try those, I never had.

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Nope not an issue. The inside of the lid was sterilized in the PC so anything touched before opened is sterile. It won’t slow growth either so you are rockin and rolling!

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So all the grain bags ended up with contam. All LC are officially junk. I only have one brf jar left with the blue meanie and it’s taking a it’s time colonizing… I think. It’s the first time Ive used spores.

I got some blue meanies on agar and it seams to be growing in all directions even up but it’s really hard to tell in these little plastic cups.
The monotub is still colonizing. It’s not super fast but it hasn’t contaimed yet.


Ya that’s bacterial looking that is toast. Go to spores and agar or spores to brf cakes. You’ll have better luck. Using agar once you have a clean culture and properly sterilized grains and you will be rocking.


@420noob That was spores to brf, I can’t seam to get this down. I think I’m gonna need to bleach bomb my room im running out of ideas. I don’t want to start the John Allen spores and have this keep happening.

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Ya go to agar that is your best way. Even if your culture contams mycelium usually runs faster than contam so transfer leading edge until you get a clean culture and you are golden.


Man you are not getting much luck with the shrooms I am sad to see buddy.

I hope you faired well with all the rain, I know you have that river close by. I ended up with a ft of water in the basement our small brook turned into the Nile delta, the water rose up a good 12ft, my neighbour’s garage and workshop was under 3ft of water.


Yes, we didn’t get any water damage. We have the river behind us but we are at the top of a hill so we lucked out. It was flowing pretty damn good though lol. I know there is lots of damage and missing people, I don’t think anyone expected that much rain and those crazy thunderstorms. We have had some pretty intense weather so far and it’s only early. Kinda worries me a bit.
I’m glad you guys made out ok. A soggy basement is no fun but at least no injuries. We have an older house and it has a sump pump. It got stuck on but was still working. If we lost power I would have been down there bailing.
I’m definitely not having luck with the shrooms lol I will get it figured some day… I hope


Hey, when you get it figured out, which I’m sure you will, then you can tell me! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m watching quietly from the sidelines. But, definitely learning from your trials. :+1:


@blowdout2269 Lol I will. So far up to this point this is an instructional thread of what not to do :crazy_face: