Lactic acid bacteria serum! Aka LABS

yes they love it


Does this play into the terpenes in the end product you think?

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Microbes have a huge impact on everything including terpenes😁


Thank you. I will be implementing this in my grows. How often do you apply into waterings?

You can use it every watering if youd like. I personally add a touch to the water every month or so. If you got soil life that life includes tons of bacteria including lab already

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Hmm… Trying to decide how to make me a batch of LABS heh.

Just follow the book for your first time


I’m making my first LAB now. Started yesterday. FPJ has been underway since Sunday but its at the grow and I won’t get back to it untill friday.
I have some complications with time and travel as work requires three days and 200 miles away from planty things.
I gotta work this out…I’m anxious to get this going.


Did strain this out too early? It kinda looks a little yellow to me after straining


Looks good to me. What’s the smell like?


Like some funky milk. I’ve made it a few years ago and it smelled the same as this batch except I thought last time it was less yellow. Either way I had to be sure before I used it didn’t want to take the chance and kill my plant in the last few weeks of flower. Thanks @CrunchBerries


Concur, looks fine to me.


Anyone ever try making Bokashi with newspaper instead of bran? I’ve been reading a few articles and it seems like an interesting CHEAPER alternative.

Looks fine to me as well. There are a wide variety of lactic acid loving bacteria, so cultures won’t always look consistent.


Cool, I tried looking up anything about color but only thing I came across was with the video from Chris trump and says something about it being clear. I’ve always been a “better safe then sorry” kinda guy so I appreciate those who’ve posted assuring me it’s fine. Thanks everyone


I can totally believe that. They use newspaper in winogradsky columns to feed PNSB so I imagine it works fine

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Howdy youall ,how about fresh scratch debris, sawdust ,and yogurt ,bokashi, KNF Hawaii, tropical …basically any media witch is organic rubbage want do ask for it ,the golden rules , so asmuch happy organic gardening…thanks Og ,calman…

I’ve been keeping a jar of milk kefir for about 4 years now. I strain some “elixir” (gold clear whey) from the batch that I was about to strain and drink, and I add a few ml directly into the feed water. No 1000:1 dilution which is only sensible for foliar apps, and no sugar (because the microbes are always fresh). My plants and I both drink kefir and we both seem happier for it!


Anyone try lentil beans?
I made some after a 40 minute soak.

You can use lentil beans right away. Even after 20 minutes soaking.
Saves you waiting on rice wash 3 days. :dove:


I wanted to add for posterity that I do indeed use sulfured molasses along side my kefir serum/LAB. It’s just that I don’t “need” the molasses for the purpose of stabilizing the serum.

I have a little jug of kefir serum + molasses at 1:1 ratio that I keep in the fridge and use after stretch (promix, DTW). I have literally zero clue if it benefits or harms or does anything special. I use it in additional to that Recharge product. I do it in hopes that maybe this guy is on to something:

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