Lactic acid bacteria serum! Aka LABS

Wow, I havent seen anyone reference my buddy Antonio in years.
I used to distribute his inoculation product

Anyone heard from him?
I lost his phone number when my old phone died

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Is this that fermented milk you can buy at the grocery store?

Do you just mix it with your nutrient solution before feeding? Like a tablespoon per gallon of water?

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Just finished another batch of lentil labs,
2 jars, one for the fridge and one for long term.

I added brown sugar, once it takes 10 seconds to absorb into the Labs then itā€™s practical done and you should have a thin line of sediment on bottom. That means your labs canā€™t absorb anymore brown sugar.

I use a napkin on top to vent during storage. :dove:


Hey yall I know Iā€™m way late but we can make labs from any complex carb. So oat meal corn popcorn barley wheat. KNF uses rice cause it Asian recipes so rice is the easiest available complex carb. In summer I make labs by fermenting comfrey,mugwort, dandelions,nettles all from my property. Itā€™s amazing just add water some molasses or brown sugar and cover with lid and let it rot Open and stir it daily. Amazing stuff and If make labs from milk u can add together and soil drench and foliage spray. In my opinion my best lab and fattest batches were with corn and barley. Iā€™d put em in magic bull make powder add water and soak. Later strain real good with coffe filters. So easy and fun


Yes, you can use any carb source.

The ferment your describing would be considered more a JLF than LAB. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s prob LAB in it but I wouldnt confuse the 2.

Good Vibes :sunglasses:


Yes u are correct that it isnā€™t labs and JLF FFJ FPJ. But all of them will separate and they lactic acid from the plant matter but your are correct I do add them together. My main point was that you can make labs from any complex carb not just rice, and that my best batches were from a combo of rice barley and corn,wash.


Sorry if this is off topic, but has anyone experimented with adding Kombucha to their teas when watering? I make and drink komucha regularly and have been doing some reading on labs and it seems as it would work as there is tons of probiotics and beneficial bacteria in Kombucha as well. I might give it a shot this next round.

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I am not sure if this was good or not. I washed rice and added an equal amount of milk immediately and let it sit. 2 days later

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The reason you anoculate the rice wash first is because rice wash has very low food in it and of all the bacteria , lab is the only one that thrives in it
Once the rice wash is fully anoculated ( 9 plus days ) then we add the food to it ( milk ) , this multiplies / insures lots of lab and nothing else @Emeraldgreen

: )


So I made a low potency labs at best

No , Itā€™s what else is in there is the question , a bloom of a different bacteria maybe ( bad ) or a big mix of all different ie good and bad bacteria
: )

You did not let the lab get established in the rice water first befor you added the food

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How do I know the labs are established?

Smell , when your face scrunches up when you remove kitchen roll lid and sniff , saying to yourself thatā€™s bad I deffo wouldnā€™t what to drink that


Dude that rice wash smells sooooo bad after sitting for a few days.

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RoomTemp is the key to how quick it happens

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looks like it did something, but not sure what it is haā€¦ How does it smell @Emeraldgreen ?

i think this is kinda flipped @ifish ā€¦

from how I understand it, the rice wash or carb source will collect whatever is around in the area, the LAB will thrive and outcompete in the lactose rich milk, this is where the LAB thrive and the purification comes?
I also never let my wash sit nearly that long, 2 days at the max


I threw out the first bad smelling rice wash :disappointed:

The one I did that mixed immediately smelled sweet once the curd formed.

Off to make a new rice wash

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mine always smells of cheese.
This the last shot glass of my previous batch of LABā€™s, turning the milk.


I have let it go longer and it turns from bad to fishy smell
I donā€™t know if fishy is good tho as that might be sign of them dying and other bacteria takin over ? Anyone know ??? Can the rice wash sit toooooo long befor adding the milk ???


i just edited my above postā€¦ i never let my wash sit that longā€¦ 2 days is the max ill go
Yes, the fishy smell is a sign it is going downhill