Lambchopedds clusterfuck of pollen plants n seeds

You might try adding good doses of Silicate. It strengthens cell walls and makes for a stronger plant. I think it really makes a difference for weak plants. Potassium Silicate. You should be able to find a pound for around $16. MB Ferts is one place, but google it. It’s called AgSil 16H.

You can find articles about the benefits when using it growing cannabis. It’s especially helpful when you use a base like ProMix and add your organic nutes and microbes. Silica is mostly missing. Sunshine 4 has it in the mix they say but I didn’t like that product.

Best vibes on getting her some muscles!


Thanks, dude. I actually already have that, just mixed up a new bottle about a month ago, although I usually only use K silicate three or four times a grow. I really like to try to stick to water-only as much as I can. But yeah, I was definitely planning on watering with some tomorrow.


I put a teaspoon in my liquid mix every other week, and I add it as a top dressing at potting. I found that it stiffened up some weaker plants I had.

I’m in Promix for my base, so if I want it in the mix I have to add it in. And, if I get a weak plant I up it a little. peace

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Forgot to post these. Probably gonna pop the Bananastans next full moon — to select for the best banana-terp expression, and maybe torture a male or two to make some seeds. Should’ve bought more but my wallet thought otherwise. But who knows what riches the future will bring me (hopefully Doc has more!)

The 164 s1s are probably gonna get popped today for headstash. Should’ve done those Saturday when the package arrived, but got side tracked. Alternatively, might do a chuck onto them once I sift through my MDS beans for a future project…. But eh, 3 beans is such a small selection, so who knows. Might do it for fun, definitely gonna do it if I find gold.

Still getting ready for the Woodstock Farmacy AG preservation run, but there’s no question that I’m on the fence about it. @Kyumonryu said he’ll bless me with his pack of Bodhis AG (Thanks man) and if that reaches me in time, odds are I’m gonna go through with this project forsure! It pains me to keep rarer seeds in the fridge.

Last pleasant surprise is some of Snowhighs Fujian (hemp) seeds. He was sold out by the time I asked about them, but he said he’d dig a pack out his personal stash for me — so those will be coming eventually. It’s more of a one-off project, but I’d be doing a disservice if I don’t seed increase those. Even if cannabinoids are low, those would be some interesting genetics to pass out or pump into another line.

Anyways, peace yall


Are you gonna log that Vietnam Black? I definitely wanna watch that if you do. I’ve got those seeds in the fridge, but I’m kinda scared of them haha! I sometimes have panic attacks, no idea why, and from everything I’ve read about that Vietnam Black, it’s not something a panic attack-prone person should be smoking. I still wanna grow them at some point, though.

Aren’t you supposed to plant seeds during the new moon? That’s what I’ve always read, anyway. I’ve been curious to try planting according to the moon cycles, but I’m on such a regimented schedule re: planting seeds that it never works out.


You mean somebody actually appreciates my useless drivel :rofl: Yeah I’m gonna log it; probably just here though. If I had some regular seeds of it, or more than 3, I’d do a separate thread for it.

I was growing Docs Zang (VB 164 x a5 haze/thai bx) x afpak but had to trash two of the best representations…… Because I had a couple herms from another line that fucked up my tent. I think I still have one or two left that aren’t totally seeded… but yeah. So these VB seeds mean a lot to me because of that. Panic attacks or not, they’re getting grown to their fullest potential to avenge their fallen polyhyb cousins!

Ugh, I thought I was the only one. They used to plague every so often as kid — haven’t had one OUTWARDLY in the last decade… but man does this plant I love so much fuck with my brain sometimes.

Someone told me a while ago that it was “marijuana-induced psychosis”.

Eh. I’ve heard both sides of the argument on full Moon cycles. Some people think it’s complete horseshit, other people live by it. I’m not even sure what I believe personally. But because I pop seeds once a month, and the first of the month is usually busy as hell for me, it’s just easier to do it on the full moon because I know that “event“ happens every month.


Hopefully they’ll arrive soon soon!

Jealous on the doc d gear. Hopefully he’ll start shipping up to Canada soon. I’ve been wanting to try some of his gear soon.

I get that kind of reaction from strong sativas as well, It’s like a super aggressive and unrelenting self analysis that kind of disconnects from being rational. Not fun, but I’ve really found its tied to how much stress from life’s bullshit I’ve going on. If I’m happy and into something productive I can really enjoy that kind of high. It’s made me want to experiment and just experience them. Actually I threw some DoubleJam f4s into that envelope as well :slight_smile: and they have a crazy high. Thought you might get a kick out of them. Jamaican blue mountain x lambs bread. Flowering is 15-18 weeks.


Are we fishing for compliments now? Haha! I mean, yeah, any time I come across a grow log where the sentences are written correctly and punctuated properly and shit, I’m interested haha. But especially yours… I really, really like your grow log.

Happy now, motherfucker? Haha!

I don’t think I’ve seen anybody log that Vietnam Black (I haven’t really been looking, though), so yeah, I’m interested. I’m actually more interested in a decent smoke report on it, because I’m fairly certain I have a good idea of how they’re gonna grow. I’ve never really seen a thorough smoke report.

Dude, seriously. I have to be really careful with everything I harvest at the beginning and take it slow, until I have a handle on whatever cross it is I’m smoking. Certain strains can really fuck with me if I’m not careful. Usually Chems and Chem crosses (he says as he has three Chem crosses flowering in the tent haha!). If I’m eating healthy and working out regularly, it’s generally fine.

I don’t even know why I have them. The first time was when I was 32, when I’d actually been completely sober for four years and lifted weights five or six times a week and ate super-healthy and shit. Then I just woke up at like 3am one night thinking I was dying, heart racing, couldn’t breathe. I actually called 911 because I thought I was having a heart attack. Sometimes I’ll have them every day; sometimes I won’t have them for a year or two or three. I dunno. They’re annoying as fuck, though.

That’s not a thing haha. You should slap that person.


Is that from Underground Seed Collective (USC)? I never had it but I know he had one that was popular. I was on Opengrow a lot and Cristalin sold in Sannies Shop. Lots of good reviews on his but I never had it. I have some Jamaican stuff from @Instg8ter. I think his Jamaican Bobsled is 2 or 3 jamaican strains. I may have my first panic attack in decades, lol.


It is the one from underground collective, it was taken to F4 by whish seeds. They are up on hemp depot or kwik seeds. There are a few grow reports on icmag as well I think.

I haven’t run many somy experience is super limited as I had one wispy blue mountain leaner and it was definitely an edgy electric high. I’m anxious easily, so it was a cool experience but not for the regular haha. I’d be really curious to try it crossed. It also made me want to try some of ACE’s gear.


It never fails. Everytime I grow a Chem hybrid (in this case, f2s) I find an exaggerated amount of mutants! In this batch alone, there was one runt, TWO trifoliates (please correct me if I’m wrong; three branches at each node), and now this (fasciation) —

In other news, I got talked into expanding. So now I have a sixth tent (2x4), With a new heavy shiny piece of equipment to play with — HLG 350r

I may or may not have one “keeper“ out of my Dino party chucks, fake shake. This one always caught my eye, looked to be the biggest yielder, looks the best, and smells fucking amazing (fruity). I’m thinking only two more weeks, give or take… But she may get selected for reveg, so I gotta supplement some nitrogen ASAP. The pics I took suck; they don’t do her justice.

The Kashmirs are really making me excited! Aside from the MDS, these are probably the most NLD plants that I’ve come across this past year. No intersex parts so far. And nothing about the males stand out as being impressive just yet. I’m hoping to find something great out of these though.

Last but not least are the Doc D Purple Pakistani x Afkansastan/X18. My numbers were lower than I’d prefer… but I have four girls, and the males look so good with their broad leaves. All the males are taking their good ol’ time flowering (no pollen dropped yet). Here’s the boys just because they make me so happy!


Hell of an update!! Nice work and congrats on the new tent and light. Wish someone would talk me into expanding, all I usually hear is “You grow too much weed!” Never thought I would hear those words…:joy:


I don’t understand what the problem is haha. Sorry. I’m looking at those pics and I’m like,”Okay, looks like weed growing to me…” What’s going on with them?

I didn’t realize you had already planted those seeds, I don’t think. Did you mention that already? Glad they’re turning out good for you, though. I’m stoked to see them finish up.

They really do. Gorgeous.


It’s a polyploid fasciation!
I was trying to show off the flattened upper-stem, and the weird flowering starting to develop.



I’m not 100% on this, but I believe the 3 branches per node is whorled phyllotaxy, I believe trifoliate refers to plan that have three leaflets per leaf(or possibly petiole?) like clover or oxalis.

Others on here would know better than me.


On your variegated Kashmirs, as they aged were the variegated leaves further away from the light or getting less light?

With some of the variegated non cannabis plants I’ve had, the variegation will fade or disappear depending on light conditions. If it is something genetic whose expression is at least partially triggered by environmental conditions(like Anthocyanin production), that could be a step towards trying to prove/disprove the virus/viroid hypothesis.


Yeah, it seems to be on just the lower branches now. One small branch a lot on it.

Isn’t the 3 branch thing called a triploid? I’m kind of light on my science knowledge.


Again, not 100% on any of this but I think that Triploid refers to a plant with 3 sets of chromosomes. I am not sure if triploid plants all have 3 branches per node, but having 3 branches per node does not make a plant triploid.

I think(very far from sure on this) that the only way to produce a triploid plant it to cross a diploid (2 chromosomes/standard) with a tetraploid(4 chromosomes). I believe sterility is a I’m on trait among triploid plants, and this is a fairly common technique in creating agricultural varieties such as the seedless watermelon.

Maybe @Worcestershire_Farms @vernal or @Sebring could help us out with some clarification on this. Or anyone else with the knowledge please chime in to correct/clarify the following

Whorled phyllotaxy


I think you are correct! Thank you.

I’m curious about @GMan variegated Kashmirs as well. The one pictured is fairly close to the center of the tent, thus getting a decent bit of light. It’s variegation is the most apparent, and it’s developing on new leaves.

I have 2-3 others that have some variegation, usually developing on leaflets — all of them are getting less light &/or their leaves are shaded, and the variegation is less noticeable.

These are just my observations.


Just saw @ReikoX pop in here, he might be able to drop some knowledge and clarify as well


Yep, and that flat stem is often referred to as fasciation.

Somebody has been paying attention. :star:

Polyploidy in crop plants is most commonly induced by treating seeds with the chemical colchicine.