Lambchopedds clusterfuck of pollen plants n seeds

Yeah, @MantisTobogganMD, whirled phyllotaxy is three branches at one node. Trifoliate is three-bladed leaves. Weird that we’re talking about this, because I was just talking about those two things on another thread. Some dude (who turned out to be a sock puppet account? Don’t know what that’s about) was talking about the whirled phyllotaxy thing on my grow log. And I was talking about trifoliates on somebody’s grow log. Can’t remember what it is they’re growing, though haha.

Greenhighlander is growing a Wolfpack (Geisel x Appalachia) f2 and it was throwing a lot of trifoliates a few weeks ago. Trifoliates are supposed to be one of the defining characteristics of Skywalker OG, specifically, and maybe other OG’s, as well. Can’t remember haha. Sorry, just woke up, my brain’s moving slow right now.


So here’s an update in celebration of the full moon.

So thanks to @Kyumonryu I finally have a second pack of Acapulco Gold! Literally found it in my PO box today hidden behind some junk mail (really usps?! Wtf). Kinda thinking about holding off on those for a month or two… but hear me out on why.

I was thinking about popping the MDS seeds I selected from 2 of my favorite females :thinking: The goal here would be to filial breed the line this time, get some sinsemilla, and hopefully select some keepers for future potential chucks — specifically a solid male! Idk, I’m kind of torn…

If I do decide on that, the upcoming list would be:

  1. “Pissy pheno”MDS
  2. “Favorite/prettiest pheno” MDS
  3. Choc covered Strawberries f2 x Blk Afghani/Skunky Brewster, by Schwaggy P
  4. Blk Afghani x Skunky Brewster [again] by Schwaggy P
  5. Sour D “51” x 1979 Christmas Tree Bud [only 5 beans] by Respect Genetics
  6. Vietnam Black 164 s1s by Doc D [3 beans]

I kept two cuts of the blk afghani/SB, and smoke tests are coming back positive. Figured since Schwaggy sent me the beans, might as well run em. PLUS…. even though the choc covered strawberries is merely for headstash, best case scenario I do a mock-backcross with it and give myself some more beans to play with.

I have until my bedtime to decide whether I go through with the MDS, or dedicate the next 6 months to Acapulco gold :sweat_smile: :rofl:

I’m gonna go ahead and do the MDS. That way I have a male to keep around (hopefully) And can continue the line as well is do some chucks that I’ve been daydreaming about. AG will come next.


Well, I was gonna chime in, but I guess you already made up your mind haha. I woulda said,””Do the MDS,” as well, although I’d be down to watch that Vietnam Black grow, too…


Awesome, I’m stoked those arrived! Hopefully should give some fun. I’ll second mini tiger, MDS is a good choice as you’re already balls deep haha. Save the AG for the next cycle and you can plan out what you want to do!

The afpaks are looking awesome, really intrigued to see what you think of them in the end.


So as I clean house…

Hunza Valley f2

The Hunza Valley project is a bust. None of the females resembled the moms, and the males failed all the stress tests and looked nothing like their fathers/moms. At best I’ll get some decent smoke out of this project.

Purple Pakistani x Afkansastan/X18

The next “bust“ is the purple pakistani x afkansastan/x18 project. This one wasnt a complete failure — I had one really purple male, two other purple males, and three green ones… Mind you one was a mutant; but it did smell the absolute rankest! The females have some redeeming qualities, so I’m hoping to reveg at least one of them down the line. Long story short, I’ve been pretty neglectful over the last few weeks, and most were beyond saving — so I collected my yellow bounty and composted them.

The purplest male didn’t yield much pollen so I mixed the pollen of the three purple males together…. Split that in half, then collected pollen from the green ones to mix together. F2s might come one day. But even if they do, I doubt I’m going to do much with this project. Maybe I’ll give those to friends, i.e. any of y’all Doc D fans that are interested. I’m pretty sure Doc moved on from this line as well.

Found a few thrips eating my pollen LOL I have a love/hate relationship with these bastards — They are the only pests I ever encounter anymore. I also suspect that there are the cause of the ”Stray pollen” and random seeds I sometimes find on the females.

Black Afghani x Skunky Brewster by Schwaggy Seeds

So I popped a second pack. Still can’t forgive myself for passing on the first round of males. I’ve been thinking long and hard on this one, because I wanna move AWAY from the modern polyhybrids….
And yeah, I think I’m only gonna sift through the females again. So far I have two keepers from the first run (aptly named X & II) — my growmie likes #II, I prefer #X — so lets run em again, add some new options, and see if our opinions change.

Schwaggy generously gave me a Black Afghani bx pack, and a Skunky Brewsters bx pack too. What I’m thinking about doing now is sifting through the second back to find ”keepers”, then MAYBE just maybe popping both of the backcross packs for a male… hit my keeper cut with that/them, then growing out that progeny out find something to hit the keeper cut again — would that still be considered a backcross (?)

But I’m gonna take my time with that. There’s so many seed increase projects that I’d rather get on top off first.


So I finally chopped the males down to size, started feeding them veg nutrients to set the precedent, and changed the light schedule. Lost two males that seemed past saving — the only regrets there was that one had a “chonk” styled flower, like one of the sisters.

Next up…

Acapulco Gold (1 Nierika pack via @Kyumonryu & 1 pack via @WoodstockFarmacy).

Because I have a sixth tent up that’s currently unused, I have room for a bumper sinsemilla crop. And because I love growing Bodhi AND overgrow, I’m thinking about popping a bodhi f2 pack that was gifted to me. I haven’t decided on what; and I don’t wanna shout anyone out yet, but my options are:

• Strawberry Headband f2
• Wolfpack f2
• Pura Vida f2
• Black Triangle f2
• Super Silver Hashplant f2


Sorry for the bad luck. Here’s some good vibes to get you through.
Hope you have better luck on the next round of projects

I’m down for a few of PPxA/x18.

Schwaggy has some killer crosses I have yet to grow any, but they are on the top of my list.

I vote Wolfpack or a hard push for Strawberry Headband :v:


That’s interesting about the Hunza Valley and the Purple Pak things being busts. Sometimes f1 is as far as any cross needs to go, I think. No need to always be f2’ing shit, I guess.

How the fuck do you have SIX tents? Haha. Did you re-wire your circuit board or whatever? Or do you just have a lot of spare bedrooms? Gawd, I wish I could set up six tents…

Those’d be my two choices, with the Black Triangles being a distant third. I just trimmed and jarred the two Black Triangle f1’s I grew a couple days ago and found a shit-ton of seeds in one of them. It was the same one that was most overrun by aphids. I dunno what happened, but I’m not happy about it at all haha. Fuck Black Triangle haha.

Just kidding. They both smell great, very “coffee and onion.” Looking forward to blazing them in a week or two. But man, I dunno what happened with the seeds thing. I think something in there must have hermed, but I couldn’t find any male parts. Found seeds in every plant, though, some more than others. The BT#2 was the worst, must’ve found at least fifty seeds in it.


wtf am i reading

These plants never fail to surprise…


I love growing cannabis haha. The “onion” thing in the Black Triangle doesn’t surprise me, just because almost every GHash cross I’ve ever grown has a little (or a lot) of “onion/garlic/BO/savory” thing going on, but the coffee thing is a pleasant surprise. It really, really reminds me of Bubba, actually. Very nice.


Electric company loves me, landlord hates me :upside_down_face:


Seriously, though, how do you do that? All of my circuit breakers are 20 amps, except for the garage (two 30 amp breakers, but we’ve got the washer and dryer in there; plus, it’s just way too hot in there to set up a grow). Did you change out your breakers? Re-wire the house? I talked to a couple of electricians about re-wiring our house so that we could install some higher-amperage breakers, but it just seemed like such a fucking huge deal, re-wiring the entire house, so I didn’t do it. Yet.


Tldr — low wattage LEDs. I grow many small plants for a reason

I’d have to check the boxes in the closet to check the amperage. But —

  1. 95w in male tent #1
  2. 65w in male tent #2
  3. 225w in veg tent (two hlg 65s, one hlg 100)
  4. 450w (I think) in 4x4 tent
  5. 330w max in the sixth tent (hlg diablo 350r)

Plus, one ac infinity T6 (4x4), one ac infinity T4 (male tent), a few overworked dehumidifiers, and a few fans — idk the wattage off the top of my head

The sixth tent is typically relished for clones when I take em (xtra 60w) or as a drying box — in which case it only runs a cloudline s4 & a small fan; idk the wattage

It sounds like a lot, but my air-fryer consumes more electricity than most of that put together. And don’t even get me started on the AC unit I used to have to run in my last apartment :sweat:

Perhaps I should stop saying “sixth tent” because really only five are in full usage. Sorry if I was being misleading.


Sorry, forget to hit reply @minitiger


Weren’t you running a bunch of chucker’s paradise gear before? On the other forum?


Ahhh, okay, so just a lot of low-wattage lights. But they seem to perform okay, yeah? Decent yields and all that?

Haha, so true. One side of our kitchen is on the same breaker as part of the grow room. My girl was air-frying some shit a few weeks back and tripping the circuit. I had to be like,”Plug it in on the OTHER side of the kitchen!” haha.


Dino Party Chucks? If so, yes… I should comment on how that grow went but eh, there’s some good and bad that happened there. AND I like the guy. So I’ve been trying to figure out how to say what I want to say without offending anybody/looking like a hater.

If that’s not who you meant, then no.


Hahahahahaha (no). At least not to anybody elses standards. The average yield for my untrained, flipped at 4-6wks (after true leaves) plants is about 7g dry. The best was Lucky Dogs Schism, all between 12-14g dry. The worst yields were 5g. Which is why I grow so many.

But whenever I do find a “keeper“, I typically reveg, veg out the cuttings longer or top them like crazy, and then reap better yields. Other than that, there’s so many non-keepers whenever you pop so many seeds that I just don’t see the use of growing every seed out to be as big as possible — some stuff has been total garbage; not to mention when something herms from genetics (or grower error).

I’m not a scientist by any means. So I don’t quite understand the differences of phenotypical expression between LED and HID. HOWEVER I have noticed that when running multiple different lines over the last year or two, there are some “typical“ smell profiles that come from a range of different strains, under led. Ex. Some stuff smells like this when it shouldnt, this doesnt smell like this other persons outdoor, &/or these don’t fade like all the pretty IG pictures of the same line. And that’s kind of bothersome.

My way isn’t for everybody! But it works for me. It’s all about the thrill of the hunt. Plus I have a whole fridge worth of genetics I need to grow through.


Dino Party? Chucker’s Paradise? That’s CAP, right? I went to his dispensary a few years ago, when a buddy of mine was like,”MAC! You gotta try it!” and got some of that Dino stuff, along with some of the MAC. I really liked that Dino, much more than the MAC. I don’t remember if it was called “Dino Party,” though. Maybe Dino Food? Something like that. In any event, the MAC crosses were much better than straight MAC, IMO.

Dino Party is a dude who chucks pollen. He hangs out on IG and a different forum . He used to go by reallybigjesusfreak on RIU.


Oh, yeah! I love that screen name. Don’t know anything about him, though. Never actually seen any of his grows, just seen some of his comments on different sites here and there.

The “Dino” thing is definitely a strain that they were selling at Cap’s dispensary, though.

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Shit… Okay. I didn’t realize it was like that haha.

I get that. Me, too. Still, if I’m gonna be growing some stuff, I wanna get at least a little more than a quarter-ounce haha. But I totally know where you’re coming from. That’s why I’d love to be able to set up six fucking tents haha.