Lambchopedds clusterfuck of pollen plants n seeds

TLDR — this post ain’t worth your time.

I’m gonna jot this down here like a diary entry… because with my bad memory, I forget shit:

  1. Yes yes I know, I’m slow af shucking the AG seeds. But they’re coming! I’m just one person (with occasionally my ONE growmie coming over to help out) — I basically live a double-life, I’m overworked, and have been transitioning the garden to 100% organic.

Plus I’m too cheap to spend $1k on a seed-seperating machine :upside_down_face:

  1. i’ve had a couple flub-ups in the grow. Nothing major, just negligent mistakes that really only affect my headstash.

But with that being said, I need to get back to basics and make sure I’m growing to the best of my ability. If anyone has any book recommendations on soil biology, plants in general, cannabis/cannabis-growing, or something off-topic that you’re passionate about — send the title my way

  1. I have 1-2 preservations that are still in the early stages, but coming…. I’m gonna keep the lineages hush-hush for now, because I’ve counted my chickens before they hatched before, and that was a mistake.

  2. Since switching to soil, I love it so much more than coco! Don’t get me wrong, some coco growers grow some stellar weed! But with my neglectful style as of lately, growing in coco hasn’t served me well.

  3. I need to smoke.


I appreciate your hard effort and I enjoy your grows.Between you @Guitarzan and @Upstate your the only guys I see on here that dig into those real Sativas like that.I learn a lot of cool shit thank you brochacho


I do appreciate that, really (!)… but both of those guys have put in way more work than me… I’m just trying to catch up :wink:


Not directly gardening related but useful in the sense that gardening and farming both require constant problem solving and can benefit from thinking about things differently. I just recommended this in another thread (which contains another worthwhile read) but : “Thinking In Systems, A Primer” by Donella H. Meadows would be highly recommended and useful for thinking about plant, soil, and microbial / rhizosphere relationships.

Others may be worth checking out :
Elaine R. Ingham - Soil Biology Primer
Jeff Lowenfels - Teaming With Microbes
Jeff Lowenfels - Teaming With Nutrients
Jeff Lowenfels - Teaming With Fungi
Steve Solomon - The Intelligent Gardener
OSU - Understanding Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling : Understanding Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling | Ohioline
Xerces Society - Farming with Native Beneficial Insects
Sepp Holzer - Permaculture
Masanobu Fukuoka - One Straw Revolution
Masanobu Fukuoka - Natural Way Of Farming

Tim Wilson aka MicrobeMan’s website : Microbe Organics – Note : Does not support HTTPS


Hopefully more people take the Sativa challenge! Its a lot of fun😁


We are getting there slowly but surely.I procrastinate till the last min and times running out I have to have some depped and ready for June or I’ll get hosed on those Oaxacans


@CapnCannabis As long as you start them growing by may 1, you have 4 months (17 + weeks )to light dep and be done by end September. (4 week veg)


I don’t even remember last time I properly watered my plants… 2 weeks… 3 weeks?
Once you have a whole galaxy of life in there it takes care of itself.


@DougDawson posted a bunch of pdf links in his BOG grow diary. Here’s one from @syzygy 's list, and there’s more in the thread.
Edit: I just now found your thread, but I’ll follow along now, regardless of how you choose to use it. I dig your style, and I bless your grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


So what did the Acapulco look like near the end? Got any pics. I cloned 2 Acapulco’s to run the clones n see differences is growth from the viney seed plants. I put em under 1000w hps in a 4x4. They are like different plants. They like hot like 80-85 and dry I think. They droop I bury em w water. I’ve still got em going I think the herm in first batch destroyed the end product of last run on em. I did get about 500 fem/herm daddy seeds though and hit southern black banana female with the pollen too.


Yeah this is gonna suck — but nope, not really any pics @rooted

My job from late Nov to mid-Jan is what we call “peak season”, and I was working 13hr days 7days a week (we’re granted 1 off-day every 10-14days straight) — hence when/why I’ve kinda fell off on posting much anywhere online.

I was fucking beat man. My priority was simply to water to keep these alive, and nothing else.

TLDR — the buds were mostly spindly; not quite the “pearl pheno”, but similar. The AG of the 60s-70s is before my time… so if you remember big fat colitas, idk what to tell you :man_shrugging:t4:

Two yielded better than the others but were leafy, in my opinion.

I pulled one @ 5wks after pollination (experimentation — I talked about why somewhere in one of these threads)… but let the rest go closer to 7wks, then let them die on the branch.

Smell is hard to pinpoint because I had other (modern) varieties in the tent. Resin was negligible. Overall, I wasnt too impressed… plus my opinion isn’t clouded by nostalgia.

IMO these AGs are something “fun” to grow that’s different than the rest of the stuff in our gardens. Maybe a good “building block” if hybridizing is your thing.

My experience was similar to yours — they seemed to prefer dryer, hotter conditions and HATED have wet-feet. Strange enough, the males had the strongest upright stems, while the females flopped all on top one another. I’m actually about to grow a bunch of B-grade seeds from my OP to get a better representation overall.


I was gifted some African Swazi I’m waiting on I was going to do an all sativa with the Oaxacan on the side run one of these days.Building up my surplus to weather the wait for those flower times


I’ve had a few fasciated plants over the years and I wasn’t impressed. The yield is usually better, but ime the leaf mass doubles with the bud mass.
@CapnCannabis i remember reading that you can’t smoke the treated plants but thought the offspring were ok… some nasty stuff if you can’t smoke til f2…
Make sure to post pics of oaxaca in my thread😁
Swazi red, gold or skunk?


I think you should. I promise you there are keeper plants to be found. Hope you get lucky!


Rhino Buddy gave me a pack of that Swazi but I didn’t get the full layout on that I don’t think he said it was Swazi gold or skunk but I’ll see if I can find out.I’ll definitely drop Progress on that Oaxacan on your page when I do.I’m hoping it’s the same Swazi Hamilton Morris smokes I’m Africa on pharmacopeia.6 months from seed to jar from what I hear he says all I can say is you weren’t lying when you no one has this and you have to grow it to have it.

its gold. wide leaf pheno. He wrote it out on my coin flip


A couple of Haunza valley 91 Males, collecting pollen together and seperate.


I still miss & love this strain :heart_eyes:

Oh man, if you make more seeds, please keep me in mind! @Hapi


will do, just dusted a branch on x 1.Ghost dawg (shabud 707): 2.x Good shit (20yr Dogbud x chem 91, CSI) 3. Supafly (Crossroad Chem x Fugure four, Dominion, Skunk va collab) 4. Margy Dog (frozen Marg x Chem D, Cannarado) 5. Chemmy Fkn sours (Dog Patch x Sour Larry Bx2, Thunderfudge skun va collab).
wait and see now
got pollen from Ghost dog too


Dear Diary…. lol

Ughhh I might start using this thread again to shoot the shit with folks, because DMs are cumbersome, and I like organization.

Still battling spidermites :roll_eyes: I thought I defeated those bastards… but last night, I found more in one of the tents. So there’s that.

A new round of MDS is slowing making it’s way into flower — I’ll have to post up some new pics because goddamn are they pretty :heart_eyes:

Looking ahead…
I still like the Freakers group, and have some seeds to disperse there, and hope to continue doing so into 2023. Most ppl probably lost interest though (& I can’t blame you) because those longer flowering strains really slow life down :turtle:

I’m not gonna give away all my future plans because shit can always change. Been thinking about how/if I’d even want to enter the seed market though… and the answer is: NO. Nah no nope nope not interested. I like the little niche parts of the community, and I like sharing seeds with folks just for the fun of it.I do however hate dealing with a public that has some high expectation, hair-trigger attitudes, and being a slave to public opinion (all hail the almighty dollar dollar bill yall)

With that being said, I might make some interesting hybrids in the future. I like to focus of traits when “breeding”…. And as I quietly sift through lines/reproduction seeds, I’m finding some cool things and learning a lot. I should probably start posting random write-ups & pics of my selections here too, as I play around with plants.

That’s my pointless contribution to OG for the day. I’m on the clock — so back to it.
Maybe as I have more to show, the conversations will pick up :slightly_smiling_face: Peace yall