Lambchopedds clusterfuck of pollen plants n seeds

I feel ya man. I used to grow bushes. But that’s ultimately what started the seed collection — because I’d have x100 half packs that I probably would’t pop again :tipping_hand_man:

Nowadays I buy duplicates & pop double-digits of everything, and can pull a pretty decent yield overall — SOG style. I don’t waste an inch of my square footage (usually)

Plus, this ”many small plants” style allows for bettering phenohunting through stuff. I’m pretty sure Nspecta (& Notsodog) touched on the benefits of this style on somebodys podcast some time ago — I was tickled; made me feel like less of an idiot.



Sometimes the expeditions don’t go as planned. Just get back in the saddle and give it another go! Shame about the purple afpaks though, they sounded nice. Stoked to see the next phase!

This seems like a good way to go to raise overall quality. Plus it avoids a huge plant of weed that disappoints. I’m working towards this at the moment.

My vote would be for these as well!


Man sounds like it was frustrating run, the blows just kept coming. Hope your vacation soothed the frustration!


Haha, we still haven’t gone. Probably will next week. We had to put one of our dogs down last week, fucking horrible, literally just went to a breeder an hour ago to put a deposit down on a little boxer puppy, gonna get her in a month. I told my girl,”If we’re gonna go on a vacation, we gotta do it now, cuz we ain’t gonna be able to do it once we get that puppy…” haha.

And anybody who wants to give me shit for not adopting a rescue, we’ve adopted a bunch of rescues, but after dealing with Siouxsie, I want a puppy. I don’t wanna have to deal with what we just had to deal with for as long as possible. Our baby was super-sick; we’d have to get up four times a night just to lift her up and let her go out to pee the last few months. She was vomiting on her bed and just laying in it. It was super-depressing. We’re probably assholes for waiting as long as we did to put her down, probably shoulda put her down like two months ago, but it was fucking HARD, ya know? She was a sweet, sweet girl.

Anyway, sorry, @lambchopedd haha. Let’s grow weed!


Well you definitely need it now.

Thats brutal, sad to say I’ve experienced this and its really hard. We have cats as well and we lost one in the summer because we couldn’t afford 12000$ surgery. We already adopted a young cat last week as well lol Dont let it weigh on and celebrate the good memories!

Breeder or adopt i wouldnt worry as long as its healthy. Its people who buy dogs as an accessory that get me steamed.

When are you starting your next run?


Genuity on riu is Chucker’s Paradise. I thought you were running his Honey Sundae awhile back on there.


Ahh, no not me. If someone borrowed my forum name, I can’t blame em — I just hope it’s because they’re a fan of Ed, Edd, n Eddy too

(Did anybody ever get that reference or no?)


Yeah, we actually spent exactly that much for our boy Bowie, when he got cancer a couple years ago. Twelve grand. That’s a lot haha… But he’s doing great now. We wanna get him a new sister ASAP, just because he’s definitely missing Siouxsie. I don’t like him not having a playmate.

October 1.


I did not get that reference haha. For some reason, I thought it was some sort of Rat Pack reference. Just googled it, though. I don’t watch cartoons. Except for “Metalocalypse.”


Here’s my fasciation Hunza Valley f2 @ 62 days.

For anyone wondering, no I’m not making f3s. The f2s were alllll over the fucking place! Plus my population was small.

I feel like I pissed SkunkVA off when I originally posted these/this :sweat_smile:
He used to like my pics on IG, especially when I was growing his beans, but when I tag him on these I feel like he couldn’t care less


Great thread title


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This is essentially a dead thread, but there’s still hope for it yet:

Come Christmas, there’s going to be some changes….

  • First one being, that I’m no longer going to make seeds from from-seed-plants, only clones — there’s a loooong winded reason for this, that I dont care to elaborate on. Long story short, listen to any podcast with CSI humbolt Nspecta, because he details why he thinks that’s a must, at every opportunity; I’m just gonna follow suit and decide for myself.

  • Cataloging large grows for me of one specific strand is hard — some of my crops are merely for sinsemilla. I try to post what I can here, because you guys are like me and grow things that you like, so I figure it’s worth a share. But it’s hard to be super detailed whenever I just care about the yield/quality at the end of it. It ‘tis still a thriving blackmarket around my way :money_mouth_face::man_shrugging:t4:

  • More MDS — you can ask me why I decided to work this one, I won’t have an answer for you… At least not a good one. But I’m still working this line, for better or for worse. And with that being said, I need to find the absolute best fucking females I can, as well as the better/best males that I can, before I take it each generation, and that’s going to be a process. So you’re either in or out on watching me fumble around. Either way, this project will have an ending/goal met one day. One fucking day (but I’m in no rush).

  • Accidental seeds/intentional hybrids… I can promise you that there will be plenty of these. Sometimes I move pollinated girls to the main flower tent(s), and sometimes they are not completely devoid of stray pollen on their leaves — leading to accidental hybrids. As far as intentional ones go, I’ll be very transparent about those. I’ll give away accidental seeds, and I’ll give away the intentional seeds as “testers“, but one day I’m going to be stingy with those, so if you’re interested… Speak up. I still believe in overgrowing the world, so you’re in luck.

  • I guess the last thing to say, is that I intend to sift through more landrace/heirloom stock. What exactly… that’s either a secret or idk yet


Just post whenever and whatever you want, dude haha. I flipped the current grow last week, been taking pictures here and there, I’ll start a log at some point. But I’m not in a rush or anything. I’m always interested in what you’re doing, but I don’t think anybody’s sitting around going,”MAN, what’s lambchopedd been up to??? What the fuck is his problem, not updating on a regular basis?!?” haha.

Maybe I was wondering that. A little bit… haha.

Anyway, sounds like you’re up to something haha. But there’s no need to feel compelled to update all the time and shit. I used to feel that way, documenting and posting everything from, like, the second week of veg all the way through to chop, but now I don’t. Like I said, I’m taking pictures, I’ll post them at some point.


Gotta love that black market, though… haha!


I figured it was just because you were interested in it haha! I know I am. I really love the Mexican Melon that I grew last round, been smoking that pretty much exclusively for months now. Seems like the MDS is worth working for sure.


You’ve got to take the path that’s right for you. If you feel compelled to share your progress, I’ll surely be interested in updates on how things are going.


I remember them mentioning colchicine in a 1996 internet printout of the Anarchist Cookbook.Says that the first generation of seeds was supposed to be non smokable and you had to grow F2s to be able to toke them.Wonder if there was any truth to any of that? considering like half that stuff in that manual was fabricated.


This is something I can actually comment on! Idr it mentioned in The Anarchist Cookbook (it’s been like a decade since I read anything in that book) BUTTTTT I remember reading semi-recently that colchicine caused fasciation mutation in plants/cannabis.

I had that happen naturally. And I smoked it — didn’t noticed much difference in potency nor taste. Maybe arguably so, but nothing significant. So I’d file that under ”fabricated” too.

But I’m just a guy, I don’t fucking know.


It’s been at least 20 years for me brother what a peice of literature haha


Too much to quote that I made heart-eyes at haha… I still appreciate you man @minitiger


Yeah, dude, posting the logs and all that shit is just for fun. Or that’s why I do it, anyway. It’s fun! I just like sharing information. You don’t owe us anything. I did forget to comment on this, though:

Alllllll of my crops are just for sinsemilla (except when my plants herm and everything gets seeded haha). I’m not trying to be some Seed-Making Breeder Gawd or anything. If anybody has a problem with that, they can quit reading my logs. I’ll make some seeds and share them at some point, but I’m not trying to be the #1 OG seed-maker/distributor or whatever haha…