Landrace Expansion & Trade

Posted a message in the wrong place. How do I withdraw a message anyway?

Super cool! What’s his handle?

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Can anybody confirm how long pollen stays viable at ambient temps ?

According to > Phalaenopsis pollinia storage at sub-zero temperature and its pollen viability assessment - PMC

Pollen stored at all temperatures for 4 weeks remained viable and capable of successful pollination. Pollen lost its viability after 4 weeks at room temperature. Pollen remains viable after 40 weeks at 4 °C, and after 96 weeks at both − 20 and − 80 °C of storage.Jan 3, 2018

Had a malana (old world organics) male that was cut but not composted a few weeks ago - have been out of commission lately but wanted to check in to see if anybody needs some. May have some of those seeds at the end of the season as well for anybody interested.


Good article. :+1:

In normal situations, humidity is the pollen killer.
You need to dry pollen out after it is collected and then fridge or freezer.



I have a question about that when you pull it out how do you keep it from sweating? I had that issue before there might have been some other factors like I was in south Mississippi and as soon as I pulled it out the freezer instant sweat so I haven’t put nothing back in just cool dark dry place I figured I might not have the shelf life but I don’t know I’ve dusted some last week if it took I’ll let you know that’s 2year old pollen


Yup, I thought about that for a while and came up with the idea of using those vacuum sealer bags.

Here’s a piece I did on that.



If you want to delete it, first click on the three points menu below the post:


then you can just trash it … beer3|nullxnull



Thanks for the input, I will check out the info you put together as well.

To prevent sweating, store the pollen in a plastic bag. When you remove the bag from the freezer, allow it to come to room temperature before opening the bag and removing the pollen.


I have a cross of blue hemp lebby x RSC lebby that a former OG member gave me about 3 years ago, He said that it was his favorite smoke and had a great high unlike what I hear about a lot of Lebanese being very low THC high CBD, Really been interested in running them, simply because he said it was his favorite, If I remember right he said it grew like a sativa…


Anyone have any Colombian Gold pollen to trade?

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I’ve just harvested Crippler/Outback Haze x 1979 Maui

I’m looking for Acapulco Gold that’s not Barney’s AG.

Red Murif, Cambodian, Guerrero, something that is super stoney, long lasting and gives you uncontrollable laughter :dove:



iirc @lefthandseeds did a lot of playing around with Lebanese and found some really sticky, sappy plants out of the blue hemp line. I’ve wanted to see em crossed with a dragonsblood ever since :eyes:


What’s the smell and taste like in that beauty?


I will check what I got tomorrow in the vault

It’s very unique. Most the season it seems it had that minty Haze smell. At the end the Maui kicks in, ibwas told to let the pistils all turn brown, in this case i didnt her brown, Very rich aroma and maybe a coffee expression, it’s still curing up. There’s nothing like it in colors after drying and it’s old school smell I’ve grown our so far. (Pic) is just before I transplanted planted it outdoors.

You walk by that colorful pistil one and it made you well aware of its scent. Most had White pistils, of the 5 I grew, so 1 out 5 could be the norm for that smell and color in the strain. F1 seeds, so the ones I have now I could find a lot of phenotypes to IBL.

It’s definitely a great strain to use in breeding, it put out long spears and did great health wise. Hard to call this year on taste and aroma when severe heat and droughts really did major damage to plants in 2022, with all the water usage to keep them from dying, it made all the strains I grew smooth like a flush would.

Worse year i ever grew in, it wasn’t just Cannabis that suffered growing outdoors, my vegetable garden died and what remained my tomatoes didnt finish.

Now that more are growing outdoors there is a overwintering issue of pest and fungus spores creeping up on outdoor growers fast.

Can’t burn because it adds to the carbon effect, I think throwing it in a bucket with a lid will help, just something for the problem leaves throughout the year.

Then maybe hit the plant material with boiling water and burying it in the ground somewhere later.

Rust fungus, aphids are spreading, just waiting for new crops to be planted. Hopefully a better outdoor season next year. :100::dove:


@GregOG Sorry to hear you had such a bad garden this summer. I take it the MDS and Mulanje didn’t fare well either. That breaks my heart. I can’t recall where you live, but I live in the desert and the heat can get brutal here in the summer time. Besides using dripper hoses that water every 12 hours, i also tried using a cover crop this year and turning it into mulch as it progressed. I’m 100% sold on the cover cropping/mulching. As for tomatoes, if you pick them green in the fall before it freezes outside, and place them on the kitchen counter, they will slowly ripen and taste just as good as if they were ripened on the vine. I often have tomatoes up until Thanksgiving that way.


I do have one good thing, I got 2 Gold one male and female and a female MDS to make it.

It was practically dead when I got them, luckily I got 3 to make it.

I live in the Ozarks, wish I had a male MDS. I may be getting MDS seeds , I’ll definitely send you seeds.


I’m actually planning a lot of donations here before they plant me in the ground :dove: . I’m living proof you can start at age 5 smoking and enjoy life like this in your late 50s. The talk of psychosis and harm from smoking it, is a mass psychosis formation.

I’m living proof of how Cannabis keeps you strong in body and mind. I’ve smoked for half a century and I’m super healthy for my age and the smoking routine I use. :100::dove:341b0ac1b7a484f8ea34a207e7cd5a735beb8c04_2_363x500