Landrace Expansion & Trade

Nice. It seems like the clay would give it a more earthy smell/taste. It would also let it breathe a little. Plus, cannabinoids are usually oil-based (hydrocarbons) and can dissolve plastic. Most people prefer glass jars, but terra cotta would work and even be more aesthetic.


my longtime mexicanhunter colleague also says: that he thinks acapulco wasnt the best ever, and it was more about Michoacan, and highland Guerro.
I think Oaxacan rows into it, because those are probably al highland regions?

(acapulco is in Guerro but rather lowland and as i recall main export region.)


Im not shure if i interpreted my collegues Sentence right, but yeah, those regions he points too have high elevations, aswell as your mentioned Oaxaca…


Yes it is a highland variety and I wouldn’t doubt if the columbian gold, Acapulco gold, and oaxacan were related, they all have a similar appearance. Same thing with the red hair strains like panama red , punto rojo, red hair sensi, and Jamaican red hair. Pharmaceutical company planted varieties they imported all three out those area a long time ago to test various expressions of the same plants , those varieties probably adapted over time and became noticeable different but similar.


run a fan over them without blowing them away off the table.

Yes. Old school genetics. I smoked Colombian ,Acapulco gold in the seventies powerful herbs, smell comes right thru plastic bags…Id be proud to grow some gold old genetics ,@heritagefarms. Can you put me on a list. Thankyouverymuch,Og…HappyHolidaysYawl…


The SW Mexi and Lumbo seem similar because they came from Western South Africa (Liamba)
Angola has green, red, purple, and gold phenotypes.
Same with Jamaican - also from the same regions of Africa - Jamican herb would throw green, red, and purples.


Id love to work that Oaxacan into my Hawaiian
The Hawaiian mostly throws Oaxacan like morphology

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In order of my planned grows I’m going to attempt some Kona gold kept pure sense the late seventies, then some red hair sensi followed by either the oaxacan or some Kandahar . I tend to go back and forth between sativa, indica and landrace hunts.
The Kona gold would probably be a interesting match to your Hawaiian line.
The Kona were preserved in Northern California by Lawrence Ringo the same guy responsible for the majority of original stable cbd lines. Rip king of cbd.
I figure once I find a keeper from the Kona, oaxacan, and red hair it’s time to start popping some pure Afghan/paki lines and making some old style pairings occur. Everybody wants skunk to show back up , well it’s going to take starting over. What was had was lost and what Sam has flooded peoples minds and the market with is not skunk weed , it’s the first hype bs rip off if you ask me.
Tora bora , Kandahar and there counterparts , nl1 and and the skelly hash plant lines mixed with South American/Mexican is where it is at. The South American and Mexican lines being very rare these days with the cartels pretty much switching everything to more modern faster varieties long ago.


Yeah, Kona would be excellent
I worked on a farm next to where Ringo used to be by Holmes Flat. Some people there had/have planes that take off from the eel river - cant get pulled over by cops on I-5 if you’re in the air, lol.

Kandahar is better than Mazar in my experience. Some plants had that sativa spice thing going on. So that sounds like a good project too.


As soon as I make room to move the sfv og kush project forward I’ll be looking at getting the Kona going. Having limited room and a bean popping addiction can be a problem :rofl: couple of these sfv og kush from Cali connection look super aggressive so making cuts before flowering them just in case something spectacular shows up.


Late to this thread, but now depressed after reading the most of you think about WOS.
I have buy many of their “pure origins” … and now feeling fooled.

Well… that’s the way bussiness are nowadays…


I noticed that the flowering times on those were way shorter than they talk about on this thread.

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We’ve all been there. The longer you are into landraces the more you realize that perhaps the earlier purchases were not what you are looking for. They are good for a taste only


Except me, because I found Overgrow before I got interested in landrace and heirloom genetics! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::bear::grin:


Has anyone grown the khoresan Iran drop from Kwik/RSC ? I’ve got seeds popped :slight_smile: I’m snooping around for any extra details about em :slight_smile: ps sorry I didn’t want to read all 2000+ post’s


Uncle Bob lives in Rio Del right by the Eel lol it’s a small world :slight_smile: lol


Hey @drgreensleeves I don’t know if it would be from the same accession, but the Freakers did a run of TRSC Iranian Khorasan line.
Check this out, and maybe you can see everything you need to!


Wooowhoo! Yeah! Thank you @headybearadventures greatly appreciated bro , I searched first too thanks bro for real


No worries my guy! Happy to provide the assist, and can’t wait to see some pics!
Edit: damn I only looked at the title, but it looks like it was an unfinished run.
Maybe @Comacus @Upstate @District_Flora can provide some info on the Iranian Khorasan accession from RSC