Landrace Expansion & Trade

Man the more I get into strains and genetics the more I am blasted away by some of the quality coming out of Oregon


The longer I’m here the more it blows my mind dude. Cannabis culture has deep roots here (pun semi-intended), there’s more folks than you’d think who have been up here for decades keeping old lines around. Also lots of people who just do their thing locally and don’t really go online. Grateful for the generations of folks who’ve paving the way up here for decades


Cannabiogen has Chapita de Michoacan. I am pretty sure it is a hybrid though.

3 Likes is from cannbiogen.

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I have AKBB’s Boel Oaxacan x Dwarf Oaxacan.


I think the copalita Mexican is one of the boel lines. It seems to be old and very narow leaf and long flowering still. If its the right one


Yeah they intrigued me! I have the pure line of the mum in the cross. I need to repro it sometime soon


Oh okay. Cuz the “red michoacan” that RC colas had is also called boel oaxacan. Thats the one i was talking about.

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The one rc has im sure they got themselves sometime in the last 10-12 years. But there is another line goes around know as boel oaxaca or copalita oaxaca wich I thought was different to rc’s. I will see if I can find out the exact details. May be they are one and the same like you said.

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The boel oax and the copalita are 2 different lines. Rc had/has them both.

The boel oaxacan is what rccolas wrongly called red michoacan for a part of a thread because someone misinformed him, he then cleared up and stated was the boel oaxacan. It came from olifant.

The copalita was a line that rc collected himself.

All the info can be found in RCs icmag thread.


Thanks katana, that makes sense now

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Those are from Sinaloa. He posts on ic. He posted pretty recently, but not often anymore. He has a few REALLY cool threads. He documented multiple major grows in the practically lawless mountains of Sinaloa. Choppers came and fumigated one of his farms, the army came and cut another one. He does some real interesting things. I always grew up smoking that stuff and wondering what it was like there. It is another world alright.


Cool pics…first batch of Mexicans, 2 - Zac tribute, see above (breeding pair?), 2 Michoacán (CB), 1 Purple Hair Sensi Heirloom

And batch 2 praying hard to the light.


Hey now you are rocking those sativa’s! How did you germinate? Was it the typical paper towel method?


I’ll tell you the secret that my guy at the grow shop told me for germinating old seeds if you promise not to pass it on…



Had a bitch of a time on the Chocolate thai seed run …he told me this under his breath …”put them in a moist towel and open zip lock then insert them into your sock drawer.”…:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling:



magic socks?, outa likes again lol but that deserves one


Nice things about using cloth instead of paper towels is that they stay damp much longer. When I was out in Washington I used my cousin’s used socks LOL. Poor little sprouts🤮

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I do a soak in shot glass or pill bottle with cap, 10% HP to 90% tap water. Every night give a swirl or shake until I see a 1/4” tail. Put in damp paper towel folded until tails crack shell and start stretching. And I do fold baggie in half and blow in it every night in the bottom of sock drawer. Plant them in K cup with only co-co…sometimes KISS is best is what he reminded me.