Landrace Expansion & Trade

sensi seeds, 2013 or 14 stock. purchased from the vault uk.

edit- an old couple had been buying a pack of sensi seeds maple leaf indica regs for their medical grow every year since 97 or 98. they said the line stayed exactly the same as it was when they first bought it in the late 90s, so I picked up up a pack.


Thanks for the insight. I’ll drop a line to let you know how things go, and maybe touch base for pointers along the way.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.


Yeah all these old fuckers I’m old I’m old …

Well buddy hang this fourteen on stilts and tell me you feel old stand these 35 ft 14 gauge studs up :crazy_face:they know I carry em lol

I love it for now …but deff feeling OLD


The more you cough the more you get off!! Lmfao! :laughing:


I just germed them all, solid 14 popped and waiting for one more so maybe 15 of 16.


Sweet! Excellent germination!


i may have hermed it unintentional by messing with my timer, but who knows, ill run it again when time permits, but i did collect some of that pollen and hit it with a new york diesel i had going at the time, and got some beans that ill pop and pass some on when i can. i had a lambs bread along with it that hermed but not as bad and i picked them off. i wanted to see if it was the lambs bread, i do like lambs bread i think im a fan


very nice. please keep us updated @District_Flora


Oooo that Sashamane x Diesel will probably be crazy. I’ll def sit in if you do a thread on it!

Yeah, shit happens. May have been you, may not have been. Either way, might as well try the rest out but I’d say wait until I get through them in case it is because of the genetics. Fingers crossed they aren’t highly prone to hermie or anything like that. Next landraces I move onto will be the Ukhrul, Iranians, and Afghans I have. I know they’ll be more stable at least.


we’re working on a maple leaf community preservation project for the community co-op giveaways, but it may be a while before that comes to fruition.


Anyone familiar with Tiger berry? Got gifted some recently and was told that it’s a Chinese landrace, hard to find info on it. Thanks!


Sounds interesting. Keep us posted when you find out, if you don’t find out here


For sure. All I’ve found so far is that it seems to be from the namgerville jungle in China, and an old Reddit thread about its rarity. I’ll keep digging. Either way, sounds like a preservation run is in order


yeah like i said there is that possibility it was an easy to herm
next landrace im running is Columbian gold 73 in hopes for seed
but ill put in one of the beans to see how it goes.
the diesel was a nice strong plant, so ill see


I got some more details on these “Tiger berry” beans from the gifter. An old head from California brought these back from China himself (as well as Kush strains from Afghanistan), and subsequently gave some to the person that gifted them to me. The name was given because the gorge the seeds are harvested from has a large population of tigers.

Apparently quite easy to grow, light feeder.

Would anyone be interested in some of these if I reproduce them? I’ve got 12 to work with & make selections.


brother do they really come from china? in any case i would be very interested brother :heart:would you swap them?

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I mean I can’t personally confirm that these came from China. The gifter is an accomplished grower & breeder and I have every reason to believe they are legitimate.


I’m for it BB, let me know.


I think I’ll move this up on my project list and get started on a reproduction run when my photo tent finishes up.

It will be a while, but I’ll have a bunch of these beans (and interesting crosses of it) next year.


I was gonna suggest a cross with White Rhino, but it looks like Hazeman is already using White Tiger. :frowning: For a cross of White Shark with… Aloha White? Dunno where the tiger comes from, but I guess it’s a cool name and that’s all he needed.