Landrace Expansion & Trade

Yes, I was surprised. Most of them were looking like they were going to die and then one night they started to get greener instead of yellower :man_shrugging:t4:. I guess that goes to show they can adjust but just be prepared to lose a few in the process


I use roots organics and it is IMHO too hot for seedlings. I am growing an heirloom Indica and it burned almost all of them even after two weeks of growth in seed starter soil. I definitely would expect them to burn almost any seedling. It is not as hot as ocean forest, but it is still too hot for seedlings IMHO.

I start with seed starting soil, and I have never looked back. Ten days after coming above ground you can stick them in new soil. Seedlings really love that seed starter soil.


Noted, thank you for the input. I’m only in year two of going organic and it’s clear I have a lot to learn/consider. I’m a learn from experience kind of guy but that’s not very convenient for the organic grows lol I need to read up more and save myself some trouble


Did I read correctly that someone else is running Ukhrul? I may run it after the Shashamane but there’s a bunch of other stuff I kinda wanna run instead now. I’ll do it if not though

Has anyone tried the Landrace strains from Anesia? If so are they legit landrace strains? Ive have grown and am growing non-landrace hybrid strains from them and the quality is the best of anything I have every grown. Im just curious if anyone has any experience with them, thanks.

Landraces - tropical strains Archives - Anesia Seeds


What soil mix are you using? I’ve been using Coot’s for years, always planted seeds directly into that mix and never had an issue. Matter of fact, I started six Bandaid Hazes, three Colombian Gold xDragon Energy and three Colombian Red x OMG in that mix on October 1 and they’re thriving. Coot’s mix doesn’t contain any guanos and I know Fox Farm does, which is probably the issue. No idea if Roots Organic contains any guano.


Sorry buddy but those are not landraces. Buds are too dense for sure (with the exception of Hindu Kush.) And the flowering times are way off. What they offer looks similar to Ace seeds. Landrace hybrids. I bet they are good though.


Anesia Seeds
I neither found them super interesting looking.
Ive seen this Anesia Seeds long ago, not thaat impressed, but not thaaat bad looking, but nothing goes over a smokereport, wich ive not heard yet

ask Snowhigh seeds at instagram is the short advice


Seedsman has a cool looking “Diet Durban” Landrace


Thanks for the information and opinions guys, just curious. Im growing Bola Mintz, Slurricane, Hyper Glue, Yuhbary and Blackberry Moonrocks by Anesia now and was just planning out my next seed drop in about 30 days and thought if their landraces were as vigorous as these. It might be worth a try. I might grab one of them like the Panama Red when I make my next order with them. I ran some Maui, Thai and Durban (the seeds were gifted so breeder unknown) on my last grow and they took forever. I don’t know how pure they were but they were magnificent to look at and we’ve enjoyed them as a daytime smoke especially the Durban. Im on Instagram so I will look up Snowhigh and ask his advice. Again thanks for the replies!


They all look really good, no doubt. If the rest of their gear is special, their landracy stuff will be too. I’m partial to energetic type smoke. Which was your summer favorite @Ayastigi-advsga ?

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@Upstate Im in the middle of growing the Anesia strains I mentioned above right now so I haven’t had a chance to try those. But of the Maui, Thai and Durban I did on the last grow the Durban was my favorite daytime smoke. I know this is the Landrace section but this is my present (non-landrace) Anesia grow at 30 days.(Photo) I still have photos of the Maui,Thai and Durban on my phone from the seeds that were gifted to me late last year. If the Anesia “Landrace” Strains grow as good as these strains, pure or not they might be worth trying because the Anesia genetics seem to be outstanding.


I was using roots organic Lush. I’m aware of coots, I think build a soil has the mix on their site. I probably should look back into it

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Im using Roots Organics original with RO Grow, RO Trinity, and RO Bloom nutes. Girls seem to love them, simple to use and seem to be good products. I used a mix of Original and Lush last grow but my local grow supply didn’t have any Lush this time around. They (may) have said it was discontinued but I see it all over the web at various outlets.

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As soon as the male Tuna Kushs’ are spent, I’ll chop them so that I can throw these in the tent with everything else that is flowering. So a Sashamane Freakers run coming up in 3-4 weeks


Is that 3 packs of Five Seeds…lol

How would you describe the effects of Pakistani Chitral landrace?

**strong Couch Lock=10; no couch lock=1
**strong Giggly euphoria 10; no giggly euphoria=1
**strong head stone 10; no head stone=1
**strong calming sedative 10; no calming sedative=1
**strong body buzz 10; no body buzz=1
**strong cerebral buzz=10; no cerebral buzz=1
**strong creative high=10; no creative high=1


This is a really good reference guide to quantifying a high. I think I’m usually too high to understand the way I’m high though :smiley::+1:


That is a very good starting point for metrics. :+1:

I can see some room for incremental improvements but they are totally minor.
In truth, I’m going to swipe that list to incorporate into my personal smoke-test score card.

{edit} Logged into my big red book (yes I really have one :laughing:) & accredited to you.



Now I feel like a pot smoking caveman over here using emoticons and gifs to describe my highs.

If after 2 puffs I start doing this (5)
That means it’s good shit!
