Landrace Expansion & Trade

Well, you’re gonna need some CBD after that!!
:laughing: :+1:
(i swear I can feel a ‘crunch’ of vertebrae when he does that ‘head snap’ at the end…)



Cavemen didn’t use gifs. And neither do I haha! Any time I see y’all posting gifs, I’m always like,”How do they do that…?” I could probably ask my girl, she’s a computer genius haha. She showed me how to set a recurring alarm on my phone the other night haha!!

For real, though, my smoke reports are always either,”Yeah, this weed got me baked,” or,”No, this weed isn’t any good.” A gif would be an improvement.


I have 4 seeds that I “tactically acquired” while I was deployed to Afghanistan. In a field in Northern Tarin Kowt, there was a massive cannabis field we walked though, I snagged a bud and picked a couple seeds from it, took the best looking ones and kept em.

Tirin Kut

I’m thinking of doing a open pol of them to get some beans to ship out.

I’ve been kinda hesitant due to the fact these beans are almost 10 years old and I only have 4. It’s a one and done if it fails.


I hope you go for it. If a few of them fail to germinate, don’t feel bad about it (I know, easy for me to say). Just remember that you gave them a shot to grow and reproduce, and if nature says no, that’s ok.

this is my method for landraces. I recommend a short soak ~12 hours in a shot glass with water and just a drop of hydrogen peroxide. plant them in a solo cup with clean well aerated potting soil, and a sprinkling of high quality vermicompost at the surface. plant them very shallowly, like only halfway. You want the top half of the seed above the soil line so it can get airflow. monitor them closely, and make certain it stays consistently moist until they sprout. be careful not to overwater. I water them by misting lightly, or using a pipette (eye dropper / turkey baster). you will probably need to really baby them. You may need to remove the seed shells by hand.


That sounds hella dope. I hope you do it!


If you wait longer, they will be 11 years old!
Do it now! (if you want to)


First the seeds get a nice scratch with some sandpaper.
Then they get dropped in hydrogen peroxide for 15 secs.
Than get a soak until they sink in distilled water.
Than once they drop, in paper towel they go until I see a leg.
Than it goes into rapid rooter plugs until there’s roots showing.

No joke


Popped seeds from Paws he collected from a Washington farm 40 years ago and we got around 80% using same method. Lots of old affys with a few narrow leaf hybrid Phenos.


nice I grew some some of those as well. I’m not sure if the seeds were that old, I got the impression it was just a line that they have been growing at that farm for years.

I’m in the PNW so I’m always looking for outdoor lines adapted to this tough outdoor grow environment. they were very hardy outdoor, extremely resistant to bud rot. the high is definitely the old black market “roller coaster” hybrid indica recreational effect. it’s not a functional high at all, it fucks you up. reminds me of the unnamed west coast outdoor greenbud I used to get on the street in SF about 10-15 years ago.

I crossed it to a landrace chinese sativa for an even more resilient line with strong mold and pest resistance for PNW outdoor conditions. should give me larger taller plants with looser buds and a more nuanced medicinal and psychedelic high.


awesome. use whatever method you are most comfortable with. keep in mind that rapid rooters contain rooting hormones and nutrients. some landrace lines that have never been grown with modern cultivation techniques cannot tolerate salt based nutrients or hormone treatments because they have no adaptation for it. just something to be aware of.


how was the chinese smoke?

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I haven’t smoked the Cangshan yet, but I sampled a few batches of concentrate that I made with the fresh trim, and a small batch of concentrate made from dried buds.

The batches made with a blend of all 3 phenos are much stronger than a single pheno batch.

Pheno #1 is giving me a nice sativa head rush / body rush after each hit. for a moment it feels like I’m jittery from too much coffee. then it fades into cbd medicinal effects and altered perspective.

the blended batches made from all 3 phenos are stronger. each hit gives you a moment of very intense physical euphoria, which quickly subsides into a giddy sensation, and then fades into cbd medicinal effects and altered perspective.

I’m still trying to pin it down, I feel like I haven’t experienced everything that this high has to offer. I’ll follow up with a more thorough smoke report once I am more familiar with the effects of this line.

the concentrate has a light flavor like milk chocolate and berries. the smell of the buds is more exotic with hints of dried seaweed, tea, chocolate, and red berries.


do they now, ive been soaking them in a small nute solution before putting the seedlings in. Surprised i haven’t burned it yet.

I did not know that, so maybe a 20-20-20 on a 1/3rd feed to keep it alive would work.

(I grow octopot hydro)


that sounds perfect. landraces pretty much always do best with lower nutrient applications because they are more sensitive to nitrogen burn than hybrids. reducing your application rate to one third sounds perfect. I bet they will do great in your octopots.


@blendmedmedman @Upstate

Caught one hermie so far, let’s see how many others will reveal themselves. This is the Shashamene


very nice, i think you pick those off if you can Youd be in business
are yours outside or indoors?


Naww, it’s got the clusters coming directly out of the nodes too. Not just the balls on the side unfortunately. At least we know you were right about the genetics! Dude did an open pollination outside in a covert grow so I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised. I’m growing them Inside, you’ll be one of the first to get some seeds when these are done since those others didn’t fare to well for you.


now id appreciate that. yeah i know the strain itself herms by the slightest.
i had a labs bread side by sde with it that also hermed but i was able to save some of the plant. not the shashamane. i did do a cross of the shashamane pollen with amherst sour diesel that i have going at 3 weeks now, but ill see what happens when i flip.
i was hoping i stressed out the shashamane andwas thinking the seed would all be fems but i dont think that is the case now. could be regs with that herm trait?
i hope you getting seed will help stabilizing the strain, i would love some seed though if you get them


If it’s a stress hermaphrodite the seeds will be regular @blendmedmedman


Hope you find some stable plants. I hear Lambs bread can be a b**** too. It’s possible these plants have to be growing in a large container. You would grow them until they are too big for your space and then you would clone them all, keeping the flower cycle x 12 12 while rooting. At this point the stretch would be halfway through and you would again put the cuttings in a large container where they would quickly get big enough for some nuggage. I’m going to try Lambsbread this way. I’m not going to restrict these plants in any manner. We’ll see what happens!