Landrace Expansion & Trade

where did you find the lambs breath? regs? the one i grew was female, hermmed some but the smoke was really nice, addictive. was hoping for the side by side with shashamne to see the differences but you know what happen to the one i grew, didnt make it.


@blendmedmedman Got it in a trade. Its real 1960 Lambsbread from the vibes collective. Flowers very long.
The Landrace Team has Jamaican Longtime weed. Its Lambsbread too I’d bet. Have to sell yr car to afford it though. Over $20/ seed


yeah i think i seen the one lambs bread from the landrace folks, i def. woild love to grow some of those seed you got though, betting its real nice


Waiting to hear how fresh the seeds are. If they are fresh I’ll germ them soon. If not. Next full moon


i thought the lambsbred by vibes collective was collected way later, but was held in a local garden probably since 1960… still possible it was crosspolinated with modern Lambsbread. sorry to interrupt, and merry cristmas!


You might be right. I have 68’ in my head, so maybe thats when it was passed around. Loooong flowering so I’m hoping its pure. Pretty cool its still around. Merry Christmas to you too buddy.


Yeah, I didn’t stress them out or expose them so it’s just the genetics. I’ll chop any herm I find this round so hopefully it won’t be too much an issue in the next generation


I think being container grown in any manner stresses these. They are purely outdoor, in the ground grown plants and seem to express their hermaphrodite tendencies very easy in a container. You are a good, experienced grower, so if you are finding hermies, we all will. We do what we must do regarding containers. I hope Mike didn’t use all hermaphrodites for making seed. That would suck. How many stable plants do you have left and how many hermed?


JGL’s jamacian lambsbread


A different pheno


Tlrt’s longtime weed is something else. Sourced from uk import by someone an kept an then sold through tlrt. The same person gave them double thai wich sells for quite abit wich ace originally sold for as little as $30.


that lambs bread looks really good
i had some this last grow and i loved it. smoked it so fast then it was gone.
thanks for sharing @NIGHTMARE


How’s she smoke?

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Yeah, I’m hoping he didn’t as well. I’m going to let him know to be more mindful in the future if he’s serious about getting these seeds out and becoming a business. So far, just the one hermied but I’ll keep an eye out as the grow continues. So far it seems like I got mostly females, there’s a couple that haven’t shown sex yet so hopefully they’re males


They also just came out with an Iraqi that is a bit pricey but I bought it anyway to compare to the significantly cheaper Iraqi from Derg Corra Collective that I copped. Wanna see if TLT got it from them and just gave it a different story or if it’s just a coincidence. They both came out recently so it is curious. If someone wants to grow one while I grow the other (I’ll aim to grow these at the end of this year (2022) or top of next (2023), holla at me.


Sory minitiger, those pictures are actually JGL’s . Thats one of the main people to preserve an give some out. Ive only tried the 70’s lambsbread x the blue mountain . You can find really good ones in those too.


@blendmedmedman Just checked, 2 more Hermies, 2 (what looks like) males, and 5 females. Wanna hear something weird? I had six tall plants and five short ones. I put the shorts in 2 gallons and talls in 1 assuming they would be males, complete opposite. All the tall ones turned out to be females and the shorter ones have been the herms and the two males with one possible female. Didn’t see that coming


Looks like some sort of creature from the green lagoon


very interesting, yeah, the one i had stayed short and not much stretch if any.
i wonder if the shorter ones are mutant in a sense.
you have some good females going and that right there makes me happy.
my hats off to you for sure on the outcome being good for you
how many of the seed did you pop?


Gotta expect hermies with landrace sativas. If you don’t get any its not a good sign if they are straight from country. They probably grow just fine over there. I tried him( east africa genes, mike) again.No response yet.
Interesting about the tall and short plants related to sex. Heard of that only once before.