Landrace Expansion & Trade

I started with 16. One seed didn’t pop and 4 seedlings couldn’t handle the soil I put them in so I lost 5 total which is unfortunate, especially for the ones that were burned alive by the soil RIP.

Yeah I’m hoping the last females will be good, they seem healthy so far, I’m optimistic. I’ll have to start an official Freakers thread soon


Last time I talked to him he said he gathered more seeds, this was after hitting me up about the Congo and he was asking if I grew his gear yet so I decided to run the Shashamane now. That was a few months ago.
I don’t doubt you, I have faith in the females I do have left and am excited to see how they turn out. I’ll start a thread but they have a bunch of under growth that’s uniform amongst most of the plants, like nodes cluster up around the base. These are some weirdos


i read what you said about him sending the emails, asked me the same.
if i wanted the congo, how was the seeds i ran, ect. im sure it was the exact words sent to all.
so how many altogether have you got going like 7 or??
i have my fingers crossed on those females working out


@Upstate I got my hands on some Greek Kalamata Red, after my current breeding project that and Pakistani Chitral Kush are next on my list to open pollinate for everyone. If you’re bored do you happen to have any knowledge on the strain? Supposed to be many generations of growers old from Greece is what I’ve gathered


I would be interested in the Greek strain. I will keep up with you.

Ace sells it I believe. A few families were growing it in the same little area, but some police raids pretty much stopped that. Around the same time the seeds ended up in the hands of a few different breeders. It’s an old family heirloom strain, and that is exactly the kind of stuff I like to grow.


I got six females and two males

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Fantastic… I used to work with Greeks for about 5 yrs, it was an amazing experience.


Real seed co (kwikseeds) had the Greek kalamat seeds and I bought some.


Nice grab. I picked up some of those too.
There is no definite info on this one. Some say its a more modern heirloom from the 70’s, but Phylos( again, no one else to use) data suggests its a landrace, and since its an unfamiliar landrace to everyone ( many opinions, but it doesn’t “look” like any known landrace in particular. Always " reminds" someone of a certain landrace, or “kinda looks like” another one. ) and Phylos shows no relatives, I think it is in fact a Greek landrace. So what is it? GREECE was the main hash producing country in the Mediterranean until the 1890s, when production was moved to Lebanon and i want to say Egypt ( maybe egypt, then Lebanon. Foggy memory here .) The resin coverage says there is some hashplant ancestry in there. However, Hashplants are rarely selected for potency in hash producing countries because the whole field of plants is made into hash. Its the potency of the final product from the whole field of plants that matters, not individual plants. Greece was an exception and was the country that did breeding for the Eastern Mediterranean countries. (Also, it’s too tall for a Mediterranean Hashplant. They are short. )
The potency of Kalamata suggests it’s a ganja landrace rather than a hash landrace. but with definite hemp genetics making up over a third of the dna, contamination coming from hemp farming. Certainly Mediterranean hashplant genetics must be in there somewhere, but Phylos shows no connection.
The Greeks have always been a sailing culture, visiting many places, including Africa and much of South and Southeast Asia. I’ve always thought a possibility was that genetics were grabbed during Alexander the Great’s campaign against the Persian Empire. The Ultimate Prize of war is the other kings headstash LOL. That, and the fact that there are no Iranian entries into phylos makes me think it could be from this country. Every landrace is related to some other landrace, so Kalamata must be related to something that has not been tested yet
Since Kalamata is a red variety, there is a distinct possibility that it is distantly related to other red varieties.


Afghani is veeery potent i thought…

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I grabbed some Leb27 which is Lebanese Red. I’ve loosely thought about running these two together to make my own “red” hybrid.

My reservation is I would like to preserve both pure too so that would make the run more challenging, or turn it into a two step process preserving both lines first, and then making the red hybrid.


I got one of my landrace team freebies to sprout so I have a male, popped some of my ACE leb Hermie’s seeds and found one of five that was strong and didn’t Hermie, she is with him now. I popped my RSC lebanese yesterday and all five have tailed. Once I get then up and running I will try to do preservation in them and hope have success. My other line is blonde leb from an overgrower will remain nameless and I plant to run them last.
Three lines of lebsians…will.combine eventually


Wow…I counted again and Angus sent me six for the price a five and all six popped…what a great deal.


Landrace team sent out freebies? Lol that’s news, with the money I pay for their seeds I’d expect some myself but never got any


I think I overpaid a couple of dollars!!
So…they felt guilty? and…their packaging was pretty ghetto to coin a phrase. I was not impressed. Even Angus has beeter packaging and his seeds are uber cheap


I ordered five Lebanese from Kwikseeds(realseedco)
I got six and all popped, he also sent 14 urkhul and five afghan mix freebies!


Tlt has used some classy packaging in the past. Sorry to hear they didn’t continue to do things the same way.
But what!? A freebie seed from TLT?! They must have miscounted lol!
@romanoweed I want to find an Old Afghan Sativa. I hear they are special. Next time i run my old afghan i will be more knowledgeable about what I am seeing. I do believe i have the old sativa pheno in there, though its not very common. Real loose buds, soaked in resin, with resin on the stalk. Poor yield, but destined for a hook up with crusty Old Silversides at some point.
I spent 2 decades growing and breeding with it, isolating phenotypes I thought were different strains at the time. I haven’t grown it since 2017, and have learned so much about landraces these past 5 years. Looking forward to another run with them.


Angus at The Real Seed co is good peeps. Tag me if you ever grow the 5 Afghan strain mix. I also got those 5 Afghan seeds.


Do you think longtime weed is Jamaican? I’m growing it now.


Not really. Hermies are common in some Colombian and most all SE Asian strains that I have grown from bag weed seeds from the 1970s and on. But not in others. Herms are not common at all in Mexican landraces, ZA (South African) landraces, Himalayan landraces, Lebanese, Hawaiian, or Afghani strains that I have grown. Actually in all my growing years, herms are extremely rare, and I have grown many landrace and early heirloom strains.

In those Colombian and SE Asian strains that commonly herm, the herms only appear really really late in blooming, and only as these weird ass yellow tongues. Full herms where small clusters to full branches of males blooms appear on otherwise female plants for me have mainly occurred in early hybrids from NorCal. Similarly full male phenos from female plants that completely flip to males occur far more often in modern hybrids than the landraces or heirlooms. In most of my landrace grows I get an average of 50/50 male to female ratios.

This year none of my Colombian Golds hermed. I had not thought of that until now. I still have two of them in back re-vegging after blooming under lights (and growing in GH last summer). No male naners. Last time I grew this strain two threw out tongues, out of maybe 12. These plants are from a pound of 'lombo weed that I bought in the 1970s. No BS, and no indica in them.