Landrace Expansion & Trade

In my experience they are common with sativas from the tropics. So far I’ve had hermaphrodite plants from Kullu, India, Malawi gold, Thai, oaxacan, and Panama. Seen High numbers with Acapulco Gold and Shashamane Ethiopian here on OG recently. So far this is a hundred percent of what I would consider a tropical sativa grow showing at least one hermaphrodite… I have not found any in Himalayan , Moroccan, Lebanese, or anything further north . Back when you were collecting landraces, they were the only game in town and people took much better care of them, selecting against hermaphrodite plants. Many populations have increased hermie numbers due to poor or no breeding.
All of us are growing these sativas in small containers too.


Most likely is Jamaican. It looks to have that typical look . Ofcorse with retrieving seed from imported weed there is always the chance that it might not actually be what its claimed to be. But with that “long time weed” type im fairly confident it is Jamaican. Probably from the 90’s. Looks like something that has decended from the original lambs bread or something that has picked up lambsbread in its genetics. Looks fairly good for coming from a place were alot of things around it were getting heavily contaminated. Probably comes from a small farmer who has battled to keep what he had some what pure when everything around him was turning. Interesting thought to think about.


Hi all. I’ve got 9 seeds of Bodhi’s Acapulco. Ran a couple of them and found one that was kinda minty eucalyptus on top of the usual light turpentine smell that I worked with a bit. I don’t think I’ll be hunting through the rest of the pack so looking to trade them. I’m very interested in Thai, blue Burmese or Manipur, Yunan, Lebanese, Greek, or anything else that you find unique.
Not pure but I have some snow high crosses that I could maybe trade parts of as well.


I ended up with 3 hermies in about 100 plants this year and about 40 males. 2 of them were the Goruka/PNG Gold I have going, and one Thai leaning hermie. The Goruka threw balls mixed among the flowers, and the Thai threw one male branch. I reckon often you can see a hermie leaning plant by its growth and initial flowering habit. Unfortunate not always though lol

I also like what I have grown from ACE but I have had a average strike rate with hermies from ACE, I had a pack of GT a that had 3 hermies and 5 males that fkd me right up. yeah imho it’s annoying to grow a tree only for it to grow balls, but pollen is useful so long as you can keep them seperate. Worst thing is that for nearly 30 years every hermi seed I had I threw out, turns out they would almost certainly have all been fems! :crazy_face:

I’ve had surprisingly few hermies from the many hundreds of tropical Sativa I’ve grown, the local heirlooms here also seem to flower faster than the ACE varieties, I wonder if it’s because they have been grown in the area for 40 or more years and if they don’t finish by the winter drizzle, they don’t finish? so they are inadvertently selected for shorter flowering time… After many years of growing stumpy hydro green smack weed these big old girls are amazing to grow and I feel happy every time I see them.

I’m going to work out a foolproof method of getting beans out of fortress oz so I can get this stuff out there, I want to see others grow it in other places :slight_smile:

At some point I wouldn’t mind tracking down some good Nepalese hash type plant, as well as some purple Afghan so if anyone has any of that kind of stuff and would like to trade, hit me up.


The difference between growing tropical plants in the tropics or in a grow room in small containers. I’m sure I would have had far less hermaphrodite plants growing them properly. I’m averaging somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% hermaphrodites from the long flowers

I’m your Huckleberry😁


What do you look for?


Well for the ones I have hermies seem to be thinner and more sparse and weedy looking and with less general vigour, sometimes they bolt all gangly like and just look out of place, like their hormones are all fucked up, not to discriminate against non gender binary plants of course😝

Their shape is reminiscent of the landrace/wild types I have seen, so perhaps it’s a reversion to type of some kind?
Hermies make sense in a wild population I guess, and even or especially when you have a bunch of females screaming out to be fertilised :laughing:


Post withdrawn. Repeat post.

Makes sense that plants that are closer to the Wild Side are more prone to show intersex traits. I’m trying to figure out why they do this to begin with. I suppose, like you said, it’s ensures the next generation of plants. What I want to know is if humidity plays a role. So far, the most sexually unstable plants ive found come from wet and humid tropical areas where the conditions for pollen survival are poor. When Farmers continually select plants, as far as I understand it they generally try to Harvest during the dry season, and perhaps for this reason, along with selecting the most stable plants plants, they begin to have less hermaphrodite traits. Thanks for the tips. I’ll keep an eye out for that wild looking growth. Have you noticed a different high with these? Or weren’t you able to let any finish?
As anyone experienced rates dry region tropicals?


That’s a great point I hadn’t thought of, if the conditions are continually wet then pollen would struggle to travel, I’ve noticed that here when I’ve had a seed patch running over the wet winter months, it’s possible to have males and females a lot closer without cross contamination, and I’ve left males in full spoof mode right near females and got very little seed set. In those tropical mountain environments which are probably in cloud a lot, being able to self fertilise would be a big benefit…

I have to admit, due to an excess of consumption over way too long, my awareness of some of the subtlety of pure Sativa is a bit muddy… the last thai hermie that I let finish was or so I thought completely male until it threw on female branch right at the end, it was intensely trippy, racy smoke.

It’s hard to know also how much seed set would effect the canabinoids present🤷‍♂️


It was real wet here last summer. Rain every other day, fog, clouds, heavy dew. I pollinated numerous times and had complete fails. Not one seed. I finally did make seed, but it took 4 tries in one case and the seed count was still really low. Had maybe 30-50 and should have had 500 or more.

I’ve heard male hermies can be the trippiest. Interesting. That’s why I don’t cull hermies during a seed run. Separate, yes. Culled, no, not usually. Maybe someday there will be a way to keep them one sex or the other. You never know.
New “Hermaway”. A spray a day keeps the hermies at bay​:rofl::sweat_smile::joy:


Does anybody here have the riff mtn or sheberghan from the real seed company , that riff mtn would be neat to see grown out.
Anybody else grab some of the Afghan selections offerings ?


I have some Landrace Thai I worked to separate out the wider leaf pheno that finishes in 8.5 week in adequate conditions. The lanky Sativa looking pheno finishes in 11-14 weeks was weaker but has been eliminated. It’s has NO INTESEX TRAITS and refuses to Hermie. It smokes around 22% Total THC but a lot is THCV. I have not paid to get it tested but don’t need to as everybody loves it. Even hard core Indica people have given it the thumbs up as they find all their old projects and finish them in one day. But will not like it for more than a test because it’s speedy weed. It also has that colorful psychedelic edge I’m told that rookie’s get if they smoke it. A friend of mines 40 year old Son came over and smoked some, being a only a light smoker and claimed to be seeing colors for hours. Anyways I have Regular seeds and would be interested in trading for other Landrace.


looks like a nice thai-line… when was it collected? oldish?


I started with a 12 pack of Wild Thailand seeds from World of Seeds. I grew all the seeds and cloned and then bred my choice two plants and I got very lucky. I eliminated the other gagnly long flowering pheno. I’ve grow over 50 plants and it locked into two close pheno’s. Both 8.5 weeks flowering and amazing smoke. I’ve been claiming to have the best strain of Sativa in the World and nobody has called me on it yet. But I’m sure it’s not the best Sativa in the World because their is always something better.


I’m just going by what I have heard about WOS… I hear they mix their landraces with Skunk, but don’t admit it…
Makes perfect sense as Thai landraces are not bulky dense buds and are wispy and tend to flower for around 16-20+ weeks, not near 8-10 weeks… Just saying… Not saying it’s not good, just that it’s not a true landrace… :slightly_smiling_face:


It would make sense and be sad to hear but I was going to say those would definitely be the fattest and fastest finishing Thai plants I’ve ever seen. It’s also possible that they collected Thai genetics that have already been contaminated at the source. Dutch genetics have managed to make there way all over and are slowly destroying the landrace gene pools.
Sad to see as I have some of there gear and probably won’t be running it based on what I see. It looks like great herb but not what I would be looking for in a Thai plant. It def looks much more like a hybrid plant, thankfully I don’t have to many of there lines, mostly freebies. They claim it’s the result of breeding and is pure Thai strain but most modern Thai being grown for sales is hybridized and that’s also where they say it comes from is farms grown for sale.
Then again there are 6-8 week Kashmir land races and everything else around them is a long flowering sativa , maybe they found a rare fast flowering Thai line but I think we would have heard of it before and I have also heard of people getting fat leaves bushy plants from a few of there other pure sativa lines.


I agree, but with Kashmir, it is also bordered by Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan, all of which produce chunky short flowering Indica’s… Thai is a tropical sativa landrace… I have just heard bad things about WOS One Spanish guy that used to be here on OG , told me that a lot of guys over there called them World OF Sh@t … If I remember right they are out of Spain…


Yeah looking threw what pictures I can find I’m noticing a lot of strains share a similar look.

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Seeing is believing. “I hear” well first off I bred out the long characteristic by selecting and Natural Breeding. Not mixing with other strains. And if you knew your breeding you would know SKUNK COMES FROM THAI like a lot of other top breeds. My finished regular seeds finish in 8.5 weeks because the “Long” was bred out, it’s only a gene. And the chemotype remained the same but a tad stronger. I’ve cross bred it about 5 times and only when I bred it to a Sativa did it produce bad results. It went back to gangly. If the skinny leaf gene is turned off then the plant absorbs much more light and this finishes flower early. This was done by selection. I have traded hundreds of my improved Genetics Thai regular seeds that have zero intersex traits and I’ve tested my plant to the max. Nobody I know has claimed to have their 12-16 week Sativa compete with my strain. There I said it again. The WOS product was not a perfectly selected Thai but a Thai bagseed. That’s why the 3 pheno’s. At the time of buying the seeds I had a good budget to spend on Genetics to get started with. And I learned a lot about the popular breeders, except ethos(friends swear by them).

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