Landrace Expansion & Trade

Yep this is my problem as well. I just want to know what I’m growing.

I grew their Thai as well. I’ve grown Thai and theirs wasn’t a pure Thai sativa. Maybe it’s some modern hybrid someone somewhere in Thailand is growing, but it’s not a Thai landrace.

The only other thing I’ve grown from them is their Afghan Kush and that one seemed like it could be a pure Kush. But even still it’s a matter of trust in the business they’re trying to be in.


This is becoming more and more of a problem , there is a Kandahar and tora bora strain out now that are hybrid crosses and not pure varieties. How many people will buy and breed with them confusing things even more. The majority of people in the seed game don’t care about authenticity as much as they do making sales.
Columbian drug runners pretty much killed the production of Thai weed in Thailand by bringing in thousands of pounds at a time, this moved landrace crops up into Laos were they would often find there way into Vietnamese markets.


I was in the market to get Tora Bora in a couple of weeks and didn’t know there was a hybrid to look out for. Good heads up. Maybe I’ll just stick to RSC on that.

@ArkansasTraveler that would be a good source that’s where I got mine. DNA genetics sells a tora bora that is Tom hills x18 crossed to la confidential, I don’t why they would do that and not give it a unique name seems like intentional bs to me.
In regards to Kandahar the ministry of seeds has a line that is Kandahar crossed to a Afghan /skunk1 but they just call it Kandahar , again seems obvious that would cause confusion and is just bad practice as a breeder. Things like this make me instantly lose all respect and faith in a breeder.


Yup. There are no Thai landraces that finish in 8.5 weeks, even with good breeding practices. A great indicator of a hybridized line is a wildly varied flowering time with short flowering plants and longer flowering plants. A true tropical landrace can also have a largely varied flowering time, but when this occurs it’s always 18-26 weeks flower, 16-20 weeks+. You wouldn’t see 8-16 weeks for instance, especially with Thai. Maybe a 4 week spread, such as 12-16 for Highland Thai…but more typically with shorter flowering lines, its a 2 week spread, such as 12-14 weeks, 10-12 weeks etc.
There is an expression Landrace lovers use for contaminated lines. We say they have been “Dutched”. The Dutch have a “bad memory” when it comes to adding Indicas lol. They ALWAYS “forget”. WOS has a reputation for doing this.
@SativaKid no one is saying you aren’t a good breeder, or that you haven’t found a great representation of Thai. Only that its not pure Thai. You can ignore that, or you can ask more knowledgeable people for help in finding true Landrace Thai if that’s your passion. . Many of us have been in your shoes. I’ve been in your shoes. When entering the Landrace world we all use stepping stones due to lack of good information.
For instance, you want to grow a Thai, but 20+ weeks flowering is quite the jump from the 8-10 weeks most are used to when gaining interest in sativas. It’s intimidating and its a large time/ space commitment, and yields can be( not always) poor too Then, while researching, you find a fast flowering “Thai” done in just 12 weeks with heavy yields. You think to yourself…hey i can do this! This flowering time is a poor example because some Northern Highland Thai can flower in 14 weeks, but WOS says theirs is from Southern Ko Chang, an area known for hybrids due to heavy tourism and also an area that should have a Minimum flowering time of 16 weeks with heavy breeding. The point is, we want to believe because our hearts want to grow a landrace, making us fall victim to false advertising.
You can choose to learn or choose to ignore. Up to you. There’s plenty of people here searching for high thcv plants, so you won’t have a problem making some trades if you wish. There’s some good companies offering legit Thai lines too. Check out Kwik seeds ( real seed company)and Zomia cannabis collective on the web and IG and Preservation Exchange on IG for some true Landrace Thai. Some of them are surprisingly good yielding.


Hey there peeps, i got some tirah valley, quetta city and dasht hashplant seeds, is there anyone who can guide me to grow these beans indoors?


All of these 3 are hierloom landraces cultivated for hash making purposes


Who knows what it has in it. I’ll even take world of seeds at their word and assume that they did not hybridize this Thai. Farmers in Ko Chang have been hybridizing for years and they are some of the best breeders on Earth. The bagseed that was picked up was most likely local commercial Thai.


WOW !! great information - can tell by your conversation that you are really involved with “pure” landrances I agree how can pure landrances come from hybrids strains Ever here of the Real Seed Company ? all ladrance strains no fems just reg (worth a look-see !!) ther is another one India Landrance strains and then their is Authenic (true lance strains)


I won’t dispute with Landrace Purist as I selectively bred within the WOS breed to come up with the same chemotype in a Hybrid Body. And sounds like WOS is suspect at best but the WOS Wild Thai had the THCV as promised and the weed was bragged about. But being a hobby breeder I can say that this strain did not come from Skunk, but has some mixed genetics and was bagseed from Viet Nam probably. And the Commercial Viet folks had started with Thai seed as legend has it. If it’s mixed it’s not skunk as I know both genetics.


I would say AG is more Heirloom and IBL. Not sure they sell any full landrace. Their seeds came from the early era of people trying to breed to shorten long flowering sativas. Lots of Haze, so pretty close but most have some hybridization, I believe.


Imho, there is no proove for what you are saying, that a Thai must flower a certain Amount of time.
So, imho, @sativakid isnt ignoring anything…

Floweringtimes from Vietnam in the 70s (doesent mean they are pure, but i would say better than 2000s)
were actually often shorter than today. Atleast pot looked thinner… So, im just strictly following my Findings when saying people were like “if it thinleafed its hybredized, when its short its hybredized”, but my findings just show a pretty consistent 13 weeks floeringtime as bottomline in Vietnam…

This consistency makes me wonder if they are pure… Like Hoabac - Reeferman. 13 Weeks vietnamese…

So, you may be right in saying 8,5 floering may be hybredized, atleast its out of the “13-Weeker-SE Asian-Floweringtime” . But to call this “common Apperance” a Fact and a proove, and a law is not the Step im going to make…

So, again, tropical highland gflowering-times were down to 13 Weeks in Mexico, In Vietnam, and in Congo Highland low as 10 Weeks. Can you take such a line and make it 8,5 Weeks with breeding? probably.


What short flowering Thai or any other SE Asian have you found?

  • Hoabac 13 Weeks
  • another Vietnamese Line from Mel Frank (or atleast i assume, the story goes that it was a professor collecting them in the 70s) 13 Weeks
  • Yet another line that i dont know floweringtime, but he showed at bushes, said it was growing unlike any Sativa. SO i just assume this musta been also shortflowering… he even started appologizing cause his fat 70s vietnamese doesent look like what people expect… UNknown flowering, but fat bitch

So, 3 Lines in my hunting-carrer of like 10 Vietlines that ive seen from the 70s were actually THICKLEAVED and Short


There was also a Genetical analysis wich also classificated Lines… Shortflowering SE Asain did show under DRUGCULTIVARS, not as hemp, you said it was chineese genetics infused into Vietnam.

Well, taxonomy can only decide for one or the other, probably the Drug-percentage was just a tad higher… (51 percent)
But still…

(dont ask me for the link im to tired now. somehere on icmag)

Do you ever apply a 660nm red light to the beginning of your lightcycle and put your plants to sleep with it?I was going through some of OT1 writings on and they talk about using a 660nm light first when lights come on and then your primary light when the Light cycle is time for lights out shut off the main light and leave red light on for 15 min.Something to do with plants producing a hormone called phytochromes sensitive to red light that hasten flower production in cannabis.This is supposed to theoretically speed up flowertime long flower varieties.Might be some help


@romanoweed, I have no idea if military guys were bringing seeds to VN, but there were a lot of soldiers in VN in the 60’s and early 70’s.

I have no idea if anyone has ever discussed the idea of someone bringing different genetics into VN during the war. It wouldn’t seem like it to me, because recreational weed wasn’t raging in the mid 60’s, like it was in the 70’s, but who knows. Maybe there were trades taking place even way back then.

It’s all just speculation on my part, but they are questions to be asked.

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When I first moved to Colo 6 years ago, I asked about something like that to industry reps at a grow industry fair put on by Grow Generation.

She said they were working on producing something that allows for a slow/red start to the lights on, and a slow/red at the beginning of lights out, but I really haven’t seen anything specifically for that.

My theory was that it would mimic real life and not shock the plants with a hard on/off. And, it would be a chance to mimic the extreme red light experienced in sunrise/sunset.

I’d still like to know if that would make any difference. Do you remember the date or link to those writings? I know there’s a lot of archived articles by Ot1.


13.5 weeks is a long way from 8.5 and matches exactly with the flowering times i listed on the shorter flowering spectrum Southeast Asians from highland regions of Thailand at similar latitude.
A Shorter flowering Vietnamese long ago suggests to me ( speculation)that it came from a region with shorter flowering times ( most likely China)and has continued to acclimate and flower for a longer duration as time goes on.

I never said it was hemp but I do believe it may in part have descended from a THC producing phenotype of Chinese broadleaf hemp( 25% of chinese Hemp is thc dominant).


try the Hoabac @Gman . Its cleaner than the Vieblack - snowhigh- (wich is Vietnamese x Chinese). it does alot psychedelic effects, and its very landracy… but thats purely subjective… most others find this Rushy (Hybrid) kinda quality in the VB Snowhighs aswell… wich hoabac relatively is free of…
(it may be cause individual effects, but i really thought “clean” when smoking and trying to describe the effect of Hoabac)
Highly subjective post