Landrace Expansion & Trade

i said 13 weeks… of corse some phenos are more on the 12 Side of things… Hoabac didnt vary so much, like you described it… its super uniform… shure it was probably stabilized and even selected… imho, i still have my picture as it was presented to me, and it looks more open i would say. imho, i CANT know what is what i stay neutral. nobody has presented me more evidence than i already did imho. I said evidence.

And 9 Weeks flowering Congolese are not equally to 14 weeks as some people think is the correct bottomline floweringtime for Tropicals, thats not close match

Actually the one gene that was eliminated has to do with leaf configuration. This in turn is the amount of solar energy to “push” it through flower. This is my theory anyways. But I separated the wild strain by leaf size. And in doing so I had two strains of the same chemotype. Very much the same Chemotype as I enjoyed as a teen in So Cal. They both worked great for my inflammation and had the same Spacey, Racey high. The weed was so good I traded over a 1000 seeds worldwide. I’ve bred it twice now for seeds and down to my last 100 seeds. BTW it’s has NO INTERSEX TRAITS, that’s equal to F8 or better. And yes Upstate 8.5 was accomplished by breeding “out” the long skinny selectively. I got lucky and I’ll take Lucky any day. Thanks for your logical comment.

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I’m understanding that Viet weed was acquired from Thai weed by drug trade workers. And as far as flower time I’ve gotten the same strain to flower faster by more light. I see this because I grow what I breed, and test what I breed, I’ve grown 100 test Thai plants for different tests. I’m a hobbyist, if I’m curious I’m going to check it out.

Of course it was a mixed strain of Thai and ?, just not Skunk. And the weed is pure fire Sativa that finishes in 8-9 week under strong lighting. I’m not stupid it was not Land Race before I selectively bred it. But it is extremely sexually stable, I’ve yet to get it to hermie and I stress my breeding lines to the max. It failed to grow balls when I tried to make feminized seeds and I pounded it with Gayspray. I started on the wrong foot by calling it landrace, it’s Thai Bag Seed. And WOS might be POS but 4 years ago when I paid $100 for a strain loaded with the THCV I needed I feel like I got a great deal. On the other hand I spent another $300 on seeds to breed with and only capture two good strains, the rest is the same junk everybody is flogging. I hope to listen in on Landrace conversations and learn and someday soon growing a landrace of true origins. Don’t shoot the Piano Player

Definitely a difference between Southern Vietnam - longer flowering and Northern Vietnam in the mountains … the wild trip weed was the longer flowering thinner leaves. There are mixes of Vietnamese Black which contains both varieties and every grow is a box of chocolates - you never know what you are going to get…

Here are my notes :


Southern Vietnamese Saigon x Northern Vietnamese/Chinese border

The Northern Vietnamese leaning pheno types run 9 to 10 weeks flowering and the South Vietnamese leaning run 12 to 16 weeks

Old school breeder Billygoat received this line directly from Fet of the Spice Brothers Seed Company around 2007

2015 Billygoat VB f3 from a landrace collector

An open pollination increase/preservation run 5 males 7 females was completed by AKbeanbrains in July 2021

Viet Combo Vietnamese x Vietanamese Black

Offspring of this cross has produced a range of outcomes from the trippiest to soaring highs while others can bring on paranoia, racing heart beat and hallucinations for those not used to it. Generally speaking Viet combo’s most early finishing phenos are around 10+ weeks, which is the fastest pheno. A large majority will finish around the 12 -14 weeks while the rare odd freak will try and push past the 15 week but what an awesome racing head high these have known to produce


@SativaKid World of Seeds Thai, someone that didnt just right away judge it, no , someone that sais he is an insider mentioned all of World of Seeds Strains are crossed to their Kush line (afghan Kush was the name?) .

Further, i personally imagine , also cause there was HUGE Variation 16 weekers , ive seen it, under Consideration of all Anektotes, and my Feelings, that the Thai is outcross.

I actually came to that conclusion as i saw the wellknown Koh Chan Breeding Line that Ace Seeds used in their Double Thai… As many Spanish lines often get shared wide around spain, it dawned on me… I saw a Koh Chang Thai fully flowered, and tadadada , it expressed multicolored Shades, mostly orange cyan, blue, yellow…
And those shades match very well with the wild Thailand line… It has the Multicolored thing too…

The Koh Chang from Ace Seeds was a skinny bamboo… So… i can of corse imagine you have an outcross…
Also, consider that Wild Thailand was sold already like 10 15 years ago. That times the people never mentioned if something was out-crossed… it was just a bit another Vibe back then.


Exactly. Some little Thai woman probably bred this famous strain up to what it is or was a hundred years ago. Who knows Landrace Thai may of been Aunty Anong and her magic garden playing Mendel.

Keep in mind I traded 1000 seeds in the last 4 years of my 9 week WOS inbred, maybe this called attention to the WOS Thai

haha, our Lineage-fights are hilarious. @upstate , @whoever . icluding @romanoweed

:grin: :smile: :smiley: :wink: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :grin: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You’ll have to blow this up a bit to read it ,It’s by someone going by thr handle Dr Evil that was reaching out to OT1 but if you go to and go through the BCGA forum archives you will have to sift through it mind you remember this is old school BBS style format but OT1 as well as a lot of really cool shit is on that site for you Sativa guys if you poke your nose around on that site.


Here are some eastern Manipur Burma from Indian landrace exchange going on week 10 impregnated by a paki chitral kush male :grin:


I love to argue with you buddy LOL. Perhaps someday the truth will be known and we can sit down and enjoy a good smoke together and discuss whether we had good theories or not.
@royal I met a guy that knew the veteran that made the original Vietnam Black after returning from a tour of Duty. Original is a indica sativa hybrid


Pretty cool!

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Viet combo× Viet Black? Is this the one you were talking about? Sounds awesome!


I’d like to try this with the Oaxacans and do a side by side with one done regular to see if there’s a difference this one really gives me a wierd gut feeling that these were on to something.I’m going to try and see if this and barley will speed things up a bit.


imho, wordings “the original vietblack” must be explained.

Imho,i never heared too much about Black colored Vietnmese Strains… But of corse they might have been there in Vietnam… But imho there is no attahement of “Black colored” vietnamese and strong Weed really…

Not long ago i read about people while the War differed between a “red” and a "blue " type. No mentioning of black

They called “the red” , Cambodian… (i dont know if factual beeing Cambodian, or just cause looking similar)
And they just differed between “the blue”… They preffered the “red” Type… lol

But i have to add my 5 cents here: well most people like Justin bieber and Madonna, doesent mean the rest isnt other . It was just commonly more loved…

So, i dont know how you can come forward with a theory about one man suddenly creating a whole Landrace? thats how you make it sound to the unexperienced… tass tas tas
I think you just speak about “Vietnam black” Cross made somewhere, somewhen, but actually vietnamese was good without that…

I heard the Story that “Junkies” made the Vietblack… but this has not to do with powerful effects coming from this Region i think. Everone tells something else… but what did the guy Say?

Fuck how am i supposed to stay on topic. hhaha

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I’m fairly certain this is from the 1940’s/1950s introduction of Indica genetics by the Dutch. I haven’t seen any that flower 9 weeks, but suspect Black African Magic could be close with some phenos and might be a remnant of this Indica introduction. Where did you find the nine weeker? Looked good? Phylos?

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What I’m saying is Vietnam Black is not a landrace. Never was. It’s a hybrid made by a Vietnam veteran according to a friend that lives in the Pacific in Australian territory. He claims to know the man that made this strain. I even know the ingredients but I am not at Liberty to discuss them.


but what were the soliders acording you smoking? black or red or blue, or black?
thats my point… “black” has also acording me PROBABLY not to do with the fabulos Vietnam weed that made people trip… probably it did that TOO, but Tripping nothing to do with black.

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Somehow im thinking you just citate a Lineage of a PARTICULLAR LINE… namely the one that Snowhigh offers. This is made by crossing a South Viet Sativa X North Vietnam Indica (similar to chinese)…

However, like said, i heard that SOME Junkies made SOMEWHERE, SOMEHERN a Vietblack – It was said to be South Viet x North Viet Lineage aswell…
But that must be any kind of Strain… That has nothing to do wih vietnamese AS I UNDERSTOOD IT. Thats just a cross… Not the Landrace