Landrace Expansion & Trade

Funnily those 3 Stories, yours, and mine two Stories, they all mention the exact same…
And funnily it is the only Time someone citates so exact what a Landrace is made of…
Have you ever heard such a description like … Oh we crossed a south African with a northern Indian to make Columbian red…

I dont wanna act like i know, but this Story that i heard myseleve i think doesent adress Vietnamese Weed. And doesent adress Tripweed…
The Line “Vietnamese Landrace was never a Landrace” came from you , right? So… im unshure. and totally open, but for me, it sounds as they only describe the Snowhighs Vietblack, or another Line that was once made somewehn somewhere

The final point i wanna make. I personally NEVER spoke about vietblack when i citated Vietnamese tripping-reports from Veterrans… None of the reports mentioned the color… They were all just mentioning vietnamese weed.

So, what you could do is go back to this Guy and ask him if he is actually talking about what the Soliders in the 70s smoked there, or if he just talks about a Creation that as made in Hawaii or Australia. Cause i personally care more about what the hell those Soliders smoked, and only that… Cause i suposedly smoked it too… And mine was limegreen.
I showed you pics of it in the “Genomics” thread of it… And this was certified vietnamese Tripweed. Green Vietnamese Tripweed

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In practical terms any strain untouched by humans would be landrace - once worked / selected more IBL.
I have some Wild Himalayan collected in the mountains - probably the only true landrace I have…


Being domesticated is part of the definition of landrace as far as I know.


yeah !!!

the long flowering phenos are special


@Worcestershire_Farms made a Laos cross highland x lowland ; I got a 14 week pheno that was electric


My point was to question IF vietnamese WAS outcrossed. It wasnt uninformed me that doesent understand the basics you informed me about… I actually promote the Idea that Landraces are selected… wich you pointed out, but this has nothing to do with outcrossing. Selection unequal to Outcrossing-- and outcrossing is not necessarly the definition how Landraces are made… you can read just one book that researchs heritage, and it will find outcrossing patterns, BUT that doesent describe it all. its just one book. if you want to know it all then ask me for an adaptation book (adaptation means whatever strain eneters say vietnam, and is reproduced in vietnam , will be vietnamese cause it adapts) . This is not prooven, but totally common suspected Theory…

Just plain and simple to summ it up:
There is a guy that seems to know the whole history of Vietnamese… I am sceptical.
A: cause he actually didnt mention if he spoke about the Landrace or just a Hawaaian Heirloom.
B: Cause its only one Guy.
C: cause how on earth can he even know a whole “Regions” history, no certification about how he gathered such a deep insight… Hearsay?

Im NOT saying he is wrong, he just offers very little transparency for supposedly knowing the whole History of what? of a Hawaiian Heirloom, or the whole Vietnamese Dalat Cannabis History? How did he gather such deep insight? no mentioning? hmm, well, i dunno

Reason for my Questioning: NONE of the Veterans ever mentioned Black, and those tripreports defined my Knowledge about Cannabis… They are true… So, there already some questionmarks…
Again and no validation for such a big claim. dunno

yeah its Snowhighs Vietblack (well, its the same Line) x Fets Vietnamese.
Fets Vietnamese is a newer collected one…
i mean somewhen in Year 2000 the cross of bouth was made…


Snowhigh has a Purple Dalat - which is vietnamese as well…

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The dalat is yet another Line. Its not the one that came from Fet. Collected in year 2000…

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Scythians migrated into Thailand long ago and most likely brought lines from the Hindu Kush region with them , there is a possibility that some hybrids have been in the area for a long time and occasionally a genetic throw back appears, although it’s most likely just modern hybridization occurring when you find super fast finishing lines in sativa territory.
Some even think that is when the Thais Cambodian and Vietnam strains started to form, the theory is wild Chinese hemp from the north was bred with Hindu lines creating 12-16 week strains. This was long enough ago that if true it would have given them plenty of time to acclimate to the area becoming the modern landraces we are familiar with today.
There is wild cannabis , feral domesticated cannabis ,landrace cannabis, and modern domesticated hybrid cannabis and often these are grown relatively close to each other. Some tribes let the wild and domestic mix occasionally some keep things isolated. With a area that is in between several other unique cannabis regions it’s hard to say what came from where and when.


Yep landraces are made by humans and nature.
@royal absolutely beautiful leaves on that plant

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I think the black color comes from the Indica side of the equation. I haven’t seen any purple Vietnamese either.

No I’m talking way before Snowhigh had anything to do with Vietnam Black. See if you can find any mention of Vietnam Black prior to the late 60s . You won’t be able to. It didn’t exist . Someone had to make it and I spoke with the guy who was and is friends with the person that did it. Like blueberry. DJ short is known for blueberry, but he is not the one that made it originally. It’s from the 70s i think.


Like this ?


yeah… he made it… again I dont allow myselve to listen to few people, you havent convinced me… About what anyway… is he talking about hawaaian heirlooms…

I heard from a Guy that the best Vietnamese came from Black Hmong… And from another Guy taht it came from Mountagnards… And from two other Guys that the best came from Dalat… THAT is what i call a slight evidence… That are four people… All pointing thowards Dalat, and Mountagnards (wich is the same as Black Hmong) . All pointing thowards the same.
There is this Copterpilot who particullarly spoke to the people who got the best weed … He visited them, and smoked with them, he got even stories what happens when you smoke too much of it…

Im not shure how im supposed to listen to two Anextotes, when i got 4 on my Side… They are even 100 percent more realistic than a Person spreading his Strain, and being aware of who smoked what, and everyone tripped on his weed…

Also… i have heard such type of stories couple Time… Black african … Was a strain that people spoke about… One said, yes its a African Strain directly from Africa… Another says yes it was Mexican x something else and was more of a Heirloom… Totally different Stories…

I know there are people 100 percent contradicting and sounding very firm.
I dont listen to firmness, i listen to multiple reports telling the same.

Further, here is a map of what was hybredized… Its based on actual Science, analysing Samples , and looking if there are genetical similarities…

Funnily South EAST Asian was showing relations straight thowards the Source… The source where everything derivered from… Himalaya marijuana-world-map

So, South East Asian couldnt have been less hybredized than here. it came straight from himalyay… in a straight line…

Many other Regions LAndrace came over multiple other Regions… Many passed The Afghani region, down to Africa… They certainly dint fly the Himalayan varity to Columbia in Jesus Times… No planes existed

So,is it astounding that i can basically find less Hybridisation EVIDENCE for SE Asia ?

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i grew wild Thailand by world of seed and my thought and option is it was cut with something; it wasn’t a skunk and it finished in 10-11 weeks. was a beautiful plant huge yield but i did learn it was a pure Thailand, they call it red thai. it was more like the weed they have growing there, easy to find stuff. the good stuff was the high land stuff, but they also feed the bulls with some of the verities there, so you got to watch it, wild Thailand though seemed like an ok strain, but ive had better


That is the most common theory but it has flaws, that’s why it is postulated and not documented as fact.
In reality most come to the conclusion that cannabis has been in the hands of man for so long that it becomes impossible to accurately determine were it originated before that.



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I think that map would be more accurate if it showed the giant mtn range and the arrows curving down and around it, also they need to add one from China up around them into Far East Russia. Also possibly include the Afghan Paki Hindu Kush region as a starting point for short fat fast plants and the Asian origin for the sativa long flowering plants. Everything in between seems to have a mix of the two to some degree. The mazar and Uzbekistan lines are nothing like the other afghans and paki plants from the Hindu Kush area , there much bigger , faster growing with more stretch and take closer to 11 weeks to finish proper. I feel we always had the two separate lines if not more and they have been interbreeding for thousands of years.


I have no Interest in Long Flowering Sativa unless just to keep the seeds in my Library. But Landrace Indica I have interest. And I would someday love to grow out a few Landrace Indica Strains.

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You’re missing out on some heavy yielders. Like this one…

All jokes aside, the long flowers are not for everyone, but they need our help the most so we don’t lose them. Some are quite magical. This Oaxaca is epic.