Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

The Sinai cultivars are very interesting, being quantumly entangled with Annunaki tampering and other Sumerian etheric background noise. It’s bound to have unique psychosomatic effects. I’m looking for the one that reeks of a marketplace merchants’ travel satchel, with effects that have longer legs than the tallest camel in the kingdom. :genie: :milky_way:


I know these are words in a sequence but I can’t make any sense of them, can you translate for me?


Sorry, the Annunaki pheno was culled. :rofl:


It’s a gestalt thing… :laughing: :+1:



Sure, no problem. The plant kingdom occupies a different experience than man does. Yet, they experience pain and communicate with each other when predators are around. They record experiences genetically and pass them on. Atmospherically, topographically and emotionally.

The Annunaki were the deities of the Sumerian/Babylonian culture, many understand them to be a “different” form of intelligent life forms that bred humans the way we are breeding ganja now with specific results in mind. They are also the reason why you would see bizarre human chimera statues(human head/gryphon body) in Iraq when the U.S. invaded in 2003.

Notice how the trippiest weed comes from the areas that are jungle-like or have had a crazy history-Sinai in this instance. Environments where extreme living is on all the time. Civilized or not, that is life. Part of that is epigenetic, and the “vibes” of the land, animals, insects, creatures and humans are recorded by the plant life. Africa, for example has some ganja with strange cultivars terpenes like burnt hair blended with mangoes. A wild ass environment with death only a blink a way, in an almost feudal Japan budo type quality. You are tasting the blood, decomposed life and reliving the memories of the land(to borrow and ancient Germanic pagan concept).

There is much more to plant absorption than just nutrients and a microbiome. I was simply speaking in wisecracking short hand, but by no means talking out of my ass.


Ahhh you’re into vitalism, that’s fun… with whatever respect I can muster: none of that is real, none of that has anything to do with the discussion at hand about cannabis. Zecharia Sitchin was a lunatic, and his work has been thoroughly disproven by specialists in every field he addressed, starting with his butchering of the Sumerian translations he based those ancient aliens theories on.

That’s borderline Nazi folk vitalism of the Rudolf Steiner/biodynamics school, get the fuck out of here with that.


That’s cool, man. So we disagree on a few things. All good. I do enjoy talking about cannabis, and I enjoy watching you grow cannabis cultivars that you have chosen. At the end of the day, that’s what I’m here for. Peace.


It’s a little deeper than that, what’s unfortunate is that now I can never put weight on your observations about cannabis because you’ve demonstrated a lack of critical thinking skills that lets me know that we aren’t sharing the same consensus reality. A person who believes in what you just described is not a reliable narrator, even about unrelated subjects, and you’ve specifically tied the two together. I’m glad you like my grows, and that you’re getting what you’re here for. I wish you and other conspiracists on here would get some help, though. I’m here to learn and share verifiable information about cannabis and the modern to ancient cultures that have used it, and this kind of thing is just noise that gets in the way of actual adult discussion based on the scientific method and peer review.


Not sure but I bet the answer is somewhere in this 38 pages of posts, I’ll let you know if I find anything longer than 10-12 weeks:


Look at this brother! Fiber-types from Egypt and Kyrgyzstan with THC as the primary cannabinoid, you were right:


Love all the data and informative posts! @Dirt_Wizard

Cool to see studies and science agree with upstate and his experiences/observations, I’ve learned so much from you brother @Upstate I wouldn’t know half of what I do about landraces if it wasn’t for reading through your posts in the landrace threads.

I am so excited to run some landraces this year, maybe ill run the Peshawar, some Oaxaca, the FBSC Lambsbread, Jalisco and other landrace sativa lines I have that I am forgetting, I also have some of the Cryptic Labs Guerrero repro that @Cbizzle so generously shared, but I heard those had broader leaves than some other Mexican and /or South American varieties.

I want to try a lot of them side by side and see which I prefer most, but due to space restraints and living in a state that doesn’t allow growing, I may pop just 1-2 seeds of each for a total of 4-6 plants but all landraces from preservations and folks here on OG. 2024 will be awesome if I am able to work will all these gems and still have just a plant or two of something broadleaf to cover pain and insomnia. I love Sativa effects as I do have Asperger’s syndrome and they seem to help me with social anxiety and communicating with people more easily…

I hope everyone has a goodnight and doesn’t have insomnia as bad as I do lol :sweat_smile:


What’s wrong with somebody not sharing consensus reality, not sure that demonstrates his lack of critical thinking skills. Personally, I love the fact that we have a diverse group of landracers here from around the world and the fact that they may have perspectives that do not align with mine. I agree it’s always great to have data and a scientific approach, but if you cannot measure something, does that mean it doesn’t matter?


That seems to be a reoccurring issue with @upstate he researches a lot and generally only speaks of what he is sure of. @Dirt_Wizard dig the info you share. You find some interesting things with these plants.

Edit: lol I need to learn to read whole thread before I post. Just saw someone posted almost same thing I did. @Weednerd.Anthony much better at putting into words what I was trying to say!:rofl:


The koh gold x Malawi has landed along with the (mallumbimby madness x nevilles haze) x Malawi gold. Ooh I’m psyched.

Thank you @Budderton for your kindness. Big sativa smiles here, you made my day. Will pop a few and post updates as they grow.


Shout out to @deeez99 thanks man!


The word “Annunaki” means “Those who from heaven to Earth came.” They were giants who taught humanity about science and astronomy. In some stories, they even interbred with humans (Nephalim in the Bible). What’s interesting is the Sumerians weren’t the only civilization to have stories about giants who came to Earth and taught, ruled and even destroyed humanity (the Flood).


glad they made it safely :upside_down_face:


According to the Bible, the flood was brought about to rid the Earth of the Giants because they were destroying humanity. The Giants themselves came about when the Watchers, those sent by God to keep an eye on humanity, went against God’s law and slept with human women and corrupted humanity. The resulting offspring were Giants, imo a product of hybrid vigor. These Giants forced humans to care for them and feed them, and when the food ran.out, they became cannibals, eating humans. A partial " Book of Giants" was found among the Dead Sea scrolls.


Sounds like a great hybrid
What Malawi?

Hybrid vigor, indeed. I’ve read the hypothesis that those of us with RH-negative blood types are descended from the Annunaki. We’ll probably never know the truth.