Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

UV radiation increases resin production at elavation of 2000 mtrs and above…so yes at yr height you should be getting that benefit :slightly_smiling_face:


I assure you that you find yourself in a special part of Jamaica if you are finding sativas. You are in that area where the 5% survives. Many people have looked for pure Jamaican and come up empty handed. Sativas are only pure once, and all it takes is being outcrossed once to change that. Sativa dominant is a hybrid. The goal of big pharma in my and others opinion is to trademark cannabis by claiming ownership of “skunk” genetics, similar to what Monsanto is doing with their GMO crops. If their GMO pollen hits a neighboring Farmers heirloom field, they have rights to his next crop and they can either make him pay them for planting it or they can take it outright…and this has already been done and they have already won the battle in court. Skunk is in almost everything already. Landraces cannot be patented and are owned by the people. When it comes to the future of commercial cannabis growing, this matters. We don’t want the whole world smoking gmo weed someday.


I read 1,800 feet + gives 25% more resin. I’d imagine you are right as well, and that higher cannabinoid concentrations are found in increments of increased elevation.


Dose anyone have any info on this one, Canshang is all that’s written on it, supposed to be a landrace sativa I think, I got it from a trade here on og, the guy never grew it and knows nothing about


As the altitude increases the air becomes rarer allowing higher doses of light :slightly_smiling_face:
After 3500 mtrs is no good for resin production …it gets too cold and the thc glands freeze and fall off.


A Chinese land race grown by zephyr search zephyr grows for more info


If you live in Jamaica
Then check this out
This farm got a pure old Jamaican strain
I would recomend you to go get seeds of that old Jamaican variety
and become a hero of this forum :cowboy_hat_face:


you could throw a hypoxic generator in a room that is at lower elevation to emulate the higher elevation, but this another input cost in equipment, floor space, and electricity


UV index increases with altitude. And some areas have a very high UV index even at sea level.


Full Resolution


Real Jamaican sativa is still around, rare, almost always hybridized (with indica, but also with colombian and mexican) but still alive…
PS it’s right to try to preserve old varieties, but it’s also hypocritical to pretend that Jamaicans don’t want modern varieties…


@Willydread . I have thought about that predicament for a long time. Certainly I want to preserve these pure landraces but I also think it is wrong to tell other people that they can not have faster flowering better yeilding hybrids. Things WILL CHANGE everywhere. All we can do is collect and preserve these pure landraces in personal collections. Peace :rainbow:



Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the indica high, it makes me paranoid (weird, huh?), and anyone who knows me knows how much I love the old stuff, but in reality most want hybrids…

Also, a question: what is the difference between growing a hybrid field and an original haze field?


Hi man,

could be the one Bodhi collected while hiking through Cangshan Mountains in Yunnan! It’s the southern end of the Himalayan range and you can experience a rich flora and fauna while hiking. You can walk up Cangshan Mountain from Dali pretty easily and also hike up to some peaks. In Yunnan you can find many wild growing cannabis when going in the right time. I was there in April but they had a unusually long drought period this year so nothing to see back in April. Autumn is the best time to collect fresh seeds. I was hoping to find some dried plants from the last year but found nothing unfortunately.


Ha ha ha, dude that video posted above is from Phylos and Greenhouse was there years ago so it’s not looking good for us.


I second that emotion. :joy:


I think that this variety is still intact bro clearly the man in the video was looking for that type of pure seed for a long time I didn’t believe that he had let himself be influenced by someone to hybridize it. here in my country many growers for generations do not mix landraces because they really know the value of a plant that is easy to grow, resistant to the environment and pests and above all that has the spark that is needed to get high


Jamaican Lambsbread


That’s what I’m talking about!

Beautiful plant! 🪴