Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

I totally agree, @Upstate. I’m still trying to find an explanation for mosquitoes and black widows though… :rofl:


That article makes me wonder if the THC has turned to CBD yet? lol (1)

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Those buds look amazing, bro


Here’s a shot of the AKBB Oaxacan (BOEL Oaxacan x Dwarf Oaxacan) x Vietnamese Black (billy goat repro/snow high version)

This is one of the fluffier/fuller phenos. Sun grown in north east USA(Maine) and still stronger than all of the commercial/medical (presumably indoor) offerings available in New England/NYC. I have tried multiple phenotypes from this line and the skinnier, more wispy, see through flower was definitely stronger. They all carried a particularly sharp lime scent/arma, with varying degrees of pine sol type aroma. Very creative or what I would call enterprising/entrepreneurial quality with a euphoric effect centered in the third eye and varying degrees of intensity depending on phenotype/your disposition, tolerance, etc. The denser phenos are still comprised of a dense bundle of calyxes, even though it may resemble a thicker line, there’s actually a decent amount of give/spongeyness when squeezed. (I believe these finished in November without light dep,in green house - gotta check my notes)

I found that it did have a ceiling, as I always test a line to see if it has that governor/regulating characteristic. I think there’s something to be said for tolerance, and the impact of the effect once a tolerance break has been taken - as well as being able to pick up on more nuanced aspects that seem to be blocked for those that are heavy smokers/dabbers. The wispiest phenotype I had gave me more energy behind the experience but not quadruple espresso, nitrous oxide. Conversely, the fluffier/fuller phenos had a slight touch of lethargy or relaxation, but that could also be a function of my not sleeping well?

This makes me want to experience the lines separately more now that iv’e tried this cross, as i’ve been seeing so many lovely string of pearl pictures of this VB version and ofcourse the cryptic labs highland oaxacan gold will probably be the other one that I dig into since i suspect BOEL and/or Dwarf Oaxacan has some indica in there that I find detracts from the pure sativa experience/quality of effect/duration. This also gets me curious to experience the TLT Vietnamese and Snow’s Da Lat lines alongside the VB. If only there was a landrace institute/botanical garden where every landrace from around the world was growing and it was open to the public :face_with_monocle:


Were the seeds striped? I have some BOEL Oaxaca seed and see striped and non striped seed. I figured the seed was at least in part hybrid. Supposed to be really good though. What did you think of it?
Bud looks nice and crusty.


I didn’t grow the phenos that I tried so can’t speak for the seeds but the above description gives my perspective on this particular line. Definitely head and shoulders above the commercial/medical market but leaves something to be desired on the pure sativa front. Knowing the lineage and the relatively fast flowering characteristic @ 12 ish weeks, resinous, slightly dank quality gave me an idea that the indica influence was present and when I experienced it - basically confirmed my suspicions.

Put it this way, if you gave me a choice of Cannabiogen Punto Rojo, or some other wispy 16 weeker, i’d reach for that instead; but, this is way better than anything the market is offering.


@US3RNAM3 I will be pollinating my favorite out of 7 Vietnamese TLT females with Upstates selection of Cryptic labs Oaxacan. Pollen is collected, first pistils are showing. Also pollinating Punto Rojo.

Thanks again for trusting me with those Upstate! Got 5 females, 1 weird short, quick and squat one, 1 that seems like a faster pearl, 1 later pearl and two ‘normal’ ones. Pics later.


Very excited to see them flower!


One of the Gilgit Purple is a boy, the other one isn’t showing yet. Both Family Heirloom also aren’t showing.


Here is a picture of my Widow Bomb Landrace a member grew.


I have some Veracruz seeds that a friend from a forum sourced during a trip… maybe I send them to our friend in case he wants to pop them.


Whats that one? White Widow? Lots of quarter nuggies on that one. Like a ball of buds.

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What’s the wierd short one and the quick squat one looking like? How old, container size etc.

those colors are awesome!

Absolutely beautiful, man


That will be a great idea
Yesterday i was talking with another friend here in México and he also got a interesting seeds from Veracruz.


Widow Bomb Landrace

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I think he was asking what it was :joy: is it not a white widow cross? What country is it a landrace of it not? If it is, what landrace was the white widow crossed with?


Wrong thread I guess … :sweat_smile:


Never heard of it.
I’ve heard of the polyhybrid Widow Bomb from bomb seeds.