Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

Here’s the answer


Here is actually a really good explanation and how I was saying we can literally trace back everything, as long as we can get a sample with viable DNA.


That’s a neat read about Egypt, and the date matches what i read about king Solomon possibly gifting the Berbers cannabis around that same exact time. …


I swear they change shit faster than I can learn it!


Now…If they could only find an ancient Angolan bong🤣 to go along with that pollen sample


I found this particularly interesting

Unfortunately, the reefer madness of 20th century US policy has been influential in even other countries research and views on Cannabis. Combine a shift in worldwide viewpoints on cannabis with the exponentially increasing rate of technological growth due to factors like genetic mechanisms, transistor capability and AI.

All this previously inaccessible information is able to be discovered through modern labs and forensic science. This is only a small fraction of what will soon be available once it is federally legalized.

It will be a golden age of knowledge soon.


Sounds like it would make a heavy beer😁
Yep, those Barbary Pirates were giving us headaches until Old Jefferson sent in the Marines to put a stop to it over there in todays Libya. I always figured Pirates must have been loaded down with good cannabis too :+1:

Let’s hope they share that knowledge with us plain folk


We’ll, let’s see… China has been sending vessels to EAST Africa to trade since 138 B.C. Hemp is the 2nd most used material in shipmaking and maintenance. The sails of ships were changed frequently. It takes A LOT of hemp to supply that.

Zhang Xiang, an author who has written about several ancient Chinese-African relations research issues, has also noted that the country called “Dou Le” mentioned in the classical Chinese text, Hou Han Shu Xi Yu Zhuan was the famous Adulis harbour in ancient Aksum, Ethiopia. Its envoy arrived at Luo Yang in 100 AD, which was an important milestone in the history of Chinese-African relations.

China’s relationship with Africa stretches back centuries – as far back as 138 BC says historian Li Anshan, who researches Sino-African relations. Anshan and Park are among very few in this emerging field, disabusing us of notions of China’s supposed ancient isolation. Anshan writes that indirect knowledge of Africa and trade with Egypt began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD). Trade between China and parts of Africa developed from then and intensified during the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907 AD.

Naturally the supplies had to be ready on hand, so seeds were sown in many ports-of-call to have it on hand when needed. Here is a bit of info about the practice Europeans employed when broadcasting hemp seeds around the world 1400 years later:

"The hunger for the commodity was great. In 16th Century UK, Henry VIII passed an act compelling all landowners to sow 1/4 of an acre, or be fined. Ship captains were ordered to disseminate hemp seed widely to provide fibre wherever repairs might be needed in distant lands. Hemp seed was supplied to the First Fleet in Australia, and free seed was given to settlers to encourage cultivation.

Throughout history and across the world, hemp was grown extensively to provide materials for the naval fleets. Hemp played a crucial role in exploration and expansion across the globe.

Cannabis has been in Ethiopia for a long time. One of the few African countries never to be colonized, due to it’s terrain that resembles Afghanistan in some areas. It is not a huge mental leap to see them trading the Chinese cannabis seeds for khat in ancient Axum.


I believe hops is also native to the Americas.

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I dont have access to the in-depth information that you fellows have but I know they have found ancient mummies in Siberia - Mongolia that are thousands of years old. And get this ! They have white skin and red hair ! Obviously humans have been moving around the planet and trading for a lot longer than was previously thought.


The part about the delta being a well known trade area … where did you read that ? Be interesting to read up , as it’s swampy and probably was swampier back then
Also Angola is a Central African country not west African….


Cannabis has ritualistic, religiuos shamanic use …at least in India it has been documented in the Vedas.

In Egypt, cannabis pollen was recovered from the tomb of Ramesses II, who governed for sixty‐seven years during the 19th dynasty, and several mummies contain trace cannabinoids. Cannabis, as an incense, was used in the temples of Assyria and Babylon because “its aroma was pleasing to the Gods.”

Entheogenic use of cannabis - Wikipedia.


It was my understanding that while forbidden, at least by the British Navy, smoking rope was something that often occurred. While it was “hemp,” it wasn’t necessarily hemp according to our legal standards today. And growing was less sophisticated. Almost certainly, some ropes were “better” than others.

Where’s my bong…


Time to get “roped”.


I think dual use was the norm before American anti-nature laws started getting passed.


Some of these people’s also had elongated skulls. I just found out America had some of these elongated skull peoples as well, and they were known as the Flathead Indians.( the skull shape in this case from manipulation after birth) I had heard the name but never even thought about how they got it. History is so cool. Great post @RoryBorealis. The Forgotten Chinese. Also I looked a little bit into the olmecs and came across some information that Austro-Nesian Dna has been found in Amazon tribes at the foot of the Andes. Those Olmec statues in Mexico may have been depicting similar people and not Africans at all, according to Graham

Hancock… although those faces to me really look West African. Incredible carvings. check out these photos…


I watched Ancient Apocalypse (I know, I know - and I watched the series three times). - They showed a lot of statuary and relief of people of many different races. There are things we still don’t know about human history, but somehow “those people” were talking to each other.



Getting us back on track…
Michoacan first 2, Peshawar Jo bx, Turkish f3 last 3 @GregOG


Thanks. I get real tired of the slave narrative with cannabis and Africa. There are many clues pointing to trade with the Chinese, loooong before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

I am currently researching Abubakari II, the brother of Mansa Musa. Abubakari II, travelled to South America with several ships from the coast of West Africa. Some think there might be a link to the Olmec heads. So much info to sift through. :grinning:

Those Michoacan and Peshawar look great. You have the gift.


I agree 100%