Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

Same, and most Mexicans are vigorous like nothing else so this one you just want to kick in the ass the whole grow ha ha.


Malawi gold TLT The one in the back, my biggest plant this year so far in 65 gallon the second pic is looking down from my porch


Looks well protected :sunglasses:


Wow! We have almost the same grow. You have Nanan going and I have Corinto. I also have Cryptic Oaxacan, Huixtepec and BSHW.


What area are you growing in if you don’t mind me asking? Don’t have to be specific meant like country or state. Those look wonderful and you’ll have a great yield this season if they’re all female. I wouldn’t hesitate to make a few more seeds of this one :laughing:. I can only imagine how those would do in my tropical climate.


In south OKC it’s over 100° for the past 2 weeks already, id bet they could handle tropics, the TLT Malawi gold is from Malawi farmers around a decade ago and it’s really hot there, those are very strong plants


That’s interesting! We may well be growing from the same sources in some instances. Gonna take a break from Corinto this season, still smoking on mine. I need to grow more Oaxacan thanks for reminding me! LOL


Curious if/how the Corinto evolved during cure regarding scents/aromas/effects?

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Killing it everyone damn! Makes me want to hang my head in shame seeing your plants then look at mine.:disappointed_relieved::wink:. Well done happy plants .

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Sorry so long replying!

They’ve just gotten better over time. The flavors went from good to delicious, the floral ones a little more towards acidic sweet fruit. Not exactly mango but in that family. The sharper ones more towards fuel but not diesel, like jp4. Where they used to be a luxurious feel good now they still feel good but the fuel ones have a definite up rush.

Normally a sativa like this I like to dry slowly so it has the consistency of tobacco and makes good joints. In this case I had so much of it I experimented and let some get to the break apart stage like you would to shuck for seed, roll the flower between your thumb and fingers and it falls apart into individual flowers, and fill a bowl.


These pictures are of the Honduras x Panama from Ace seeds. I harvested it this spring and it has revegetated. It looks like there are two plants in these pictures but I now think the tall thin one is a water sprout that has come off the roots of the original plant. I may dig it up and use it as a rootstock for grafting multiple strains onto.



Another Corinto Re-potted…week 10/11in veg all be flipped by the weekend 12 weeks

I’ve already flipped one…and others will follow after the re…pot…all should be done by the weekend.

I harden them off in the garden for a few hours each day…get used to rain etc…toughen them up before into the green house for the final phase.

Ps…got to say some smashing pics and some great plants getting shown on the thread…great work

Thanks to you all who contribute.



PJ, how long did you let them veg before you flipped them?

Update on the ZAM KALI CHINA PNG my best plant at the moment. The rest are bouncing back after some heat stress and neglect. She took it like a champ. I’m trying to get a nice clone but it’s between 90-100 in here with not the best air flow, so my smaller plants are just passing out and giving up but not this one. I’m waiting for some nitrogen in the mail. I gave some silica and cal mag so hopefully the freshen up. Trying the ac infinity self water pots with a bubbler inside but think it might throw off coco ph. I do like how the top of the pots are dry and the bottom wet.


12 weeks


Ye @Budderton

Thanks for the likes

Look what I got slithering around in my greenhouse (told u I’d do it again…nice plant around 7 weeks flora.




Right on PJ! I hope it gives you some foul Chemness that melts the negative away! Best of luck with it and please let me know how it turns our!


That’s what I missed last time. Ye will keep u posted.



Sorry i saw this so late. I’m hoping for some bell ringers too😁 I haven’t seen any Senegalese being sold by someone I’d recommend. Landrace Team has one.
@deeez99 nice lineup! :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
You’ll be in Sativa nug heaven this fall!
Update time again already isn’t it, lol? More pics please.


Some Turkish.
