Laos Highland Tribe

Hi again everybody!

Indoor season time for me! In this case this thread will be dedicated to the Laos Highland Tribe from Khalifa genetics.

First impressions, the seeds are BIG, they look like tiny chickpeas. From the first day of germination, they were the quickest, and they seem to be as advertised, one of the most vigorous strains ive seen! They were germinated around the 17th.

Laos seeds along kullu and ruderalis, in that order:

Laos along kullu seedling(bottom left), they were germ at the same time:


should be amazing !!!


Damn those seed are huge!!! I’m going to find me a stump somewhere by this fire. What kind of flowering time on the Laos?


13-15 weeks on these ones! Should be a fun ride! Some wheat phenos seem to pop up, along to some purples.


Bottom right or top left???

:green_heart: :seedling:


Got you a better pic, these are today. The Kullu and OTs Haze you see are some of the most vigorous pf the whole lot besides the Laos.

Though from the pic you were saying that is the Kullu, everything else is Laos.

So far they are taking off like rockets! I wonder how much chinese genetics it has and how it expresses it.


Good luck on this grow!
I will be (mostly) silently following along from the back row of seats.



Wheat pheno ? Please explain I want to say I heard bout it once before and was like “interesting?!” Lol now I gotta see this !, so I’ll just sit on the milk crate in the front so I got a good view :slight_smile:

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Very nice little seedling.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Oh, now I see, lol it’s a discription of how the caylxes stack up, I think :slight_smile: lol


That is how it looks on the Laos. Pics are by Khalifa team. We’ll see if we get something similar!


Wow, that’s killer lookin , yup definitely more unique than I had envisioned in my mind thanks for the pic @ras


Aww man, just look at those foxtails! What a beautiful plant.

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I was wondering the same


Hoping to get some of those foxtails for sure! Also the aromas sound like a beautiful combo.

So far they are going like beasts, I see some mutations on some leafs, joined leaflets, but its just 1-2 leafs and not in the same plant.

The 4 surrounding the 2 kullu are Laos. All germinated at the same time. Also the kullu on top is the most vigorous one(you see the difference with the bottom one, and the one alone), one of the most from all the strains, so you see the difference. I wonder how they’ll do outdoors, I guess if you let her some veg time you’ll get real monsters…


So far I see 3 males, these ones are going like a rocket! Tbh, idk what to expect! But well, the goal is a seed run, but I will try to explore this line in the future to see all the possibilities in terms of phenotypes.


the plant shouts potency !!!

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3 males identified already and one female!! Waiting to see how they do on the new setup!


I’m crossing my fingers you get some of those foxtail phenos; looking great!

How are these doing?
Have you made any more pictures? :smile: