Large 46 bails of ProMix

This totally sucks and the punks that did it are scum. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. But at least nobody got hurt or worse here. Take solace in the fact you and your wife are safe.

I’ve always had a dog, and I’m a firm believer losers that do shit like that will go to an easier target than deal with a dog, even if it only barks.


If your looking for cheap IBC totes, dairy farms usually just give them away, another place to look is beverage warehouses. I buy my 300 gal IBC totes for 20 a piece with cage at a local dairy farm. And 55 gal food grade for 5 a piece from a local soda maker. Just some thoughts for folks.

This is looking like it’s gonna be close to what I’m doing this year. Ill be watching along. May you have a blessed season :pray:

Also that sucks about everything. Def not a fun way to start a journey in a new house.


I told my sister not to bring her sons friends because last time she did that my jars had about an ounce missing from them and we all know what we have and this kid 17 18ish from Ecuador didn’t look to healthy but in god’s eyes I can’t judge.

Wholly crap @HashstasH my :heart: to yours :sob:

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Thank You All so much , here is where I kind of feel safe sitting here like a recluse now that we feel so violated, nothing seems untouchable. fucking ADT still won’t be here until next week…
I know some local people come here and know whats growing and believe me it is possible to do what was done to me and my wife within just 3 days of trying to move in and get these needed plants outside but now thank god I have my BOG LSD’s and 4 A-11’s and the fog dog grow and my prize fucking sky walker kush and big Buddha blue cheese clones were beautiful and everything else I had… clones of ssh, GG, etc all gone … but today is a new day :crossed_fingers: :green_heart:


Sorry to hear this @HashstasH, I hate thieves. Especially when they steal your life enabling medicine. How dare someone enter your property and steal your plants. Wtf is wrong with people?

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I had to get a copy of the police report and send it to my primary for every dr, so I could get my meds refilled and syringes for my b12 again, why not just take stuff why destroy everything in sight… god forgive me but if I could I would take off a few fingers and sew them across their fucking faces…

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Freaking terrible man. Sorry for all of your losses. I know you will keep on keeping on, and thankfully this is a great community that will support you if you need.

The violated feeling is much worse to me than anything. Hope the universe pays you back tenfold :peace_symbol:

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@HashstasH , I know we had a bad start. But man I really feel for you. Our house was robbed when I was young. And it was devastating. Everything was gone. I hope justice comes to the people whom committed this act of fuckery. Stealing your medication is messed up, it probably is and can cause big problems. I’m sorry you had all this happen to your family. Hope everything gets better. They didn’t take the pro mix did they!!! Also I didn’t see where, but did they take your plants too??? Fuck me. That sucks hard.



@Pawsfodocaws I am so very glad you apologized that shows the person you are and humble to be among friends here, Ok ready lol

when we were last talking we mentioned the NRA , I use to be a firearms dealer at NRA shows and have many extra things so I had these for you but I never had the chance to show you lol

NO SEEDS Just my heart to give,…


That’s a whole lot of Promix :open_mouth: I hope they discount at that quantity.

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Woohoo ready for some friggin grows!!

@HashstasH that’s some real neat stuff! Message me whenever you feel like it. :+1: also thanks for the kind words. :smiley: :blush: edit… im glad we were able to resolve things, it’s something that doesn’t happen much. It also shows your character, hats off to you.


I can’t say it enough , I had a huge Amazon box with my 50 - 50 gallon bags and what they didn’t take the soils filled bags were cut with a razor or sharp knife, my huge water tank had a fucking hole burned right at the bottom now worth shit , just very hateful people and who takes syringes , druggies and meth addicts …

I’m never posing anything outdoors again seems Ive had people locally ask me for certain strain seeds when I asked how they knew that , a laugh and we visit og etc hum… stealth is wealth … must keep that in mind. lol

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Dude, that fucking blows. I’m sorry to hear this happened. I hope your recovery is as swift and smooth as possible.