Larger than normal ovules on feminized plants

Okay, so I was checking trichomes today with a scope and pulled an older calyx off to get a better look. After getting a good look, I gave it a squeeze, and opened it up. To my horror I found what looked like an small, green, immature seed. I then cut a lower flower and and nearly every calyx, even the ones with white pistils had them. I got thinking there is no way these are this seeded when I could not find a hermie nanner anywhere. I then got permission to take a small sample flower from two different friends I gave plants to this spring. Same exact thing! The plants are also fems from the same breeder, same line, different crosses. Pic is taken next to stick pin for size referance.


Wait till harvest they’ll look like micro seeds, and they still pop when smoked.

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F’me. Now I will need saftey goggles to smoke.

Crackle may be a better description, they don’t explode like a seed just little pops.

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some plants do that, they just create the micro seeds and usually genetic related i find


Not necessarily the end of the world but if it really bothers you you can always turn it into hash :+1:


They are putting out a carpet of big heads. A good amount would have gone into hash anyway. It’s just a bummer when you put in the effort to grow a couple plants to their full potential and they fall short.

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