Leaf Pressing Pics

I believe white rhino is a Canadian maple cross.


Ahh thank you. Ive been waiting for the rhino. Ive some DP ww. Maybe I’ll grab a little pack of white rhino. Then another white strain. Have a good one MB. Later

Here are a few nice ones I’ve recently had


Love it dude I’ll have some loaded with trichs soon.

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Bump this thread. Can I get some of thhee skinniest sativa leaves. I’m talking stilletos. I have a love for sativas. I just can’t smoke them. My anxiety is already like, 12 is down the block! I heard 2 kids walking down the street they were like “smells like a dead body”. Standing by the window all day hehe. Jk.:blush:

SATIVA! Por favor.

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I had pressed some when I was 14, probably still in the book…omg must find this book. I had grown some Vancouver Island outdoor blend from van seeds I think. They had two small leaflets in the middle instead of a big one, looked like butterflies


Awesome dude. When I get more room I’m gonna scrap book some grows. My girl loves the idea. I’d love to have a picture leafs pressed and seeds in a book of strains. It’s the preserving the seeds that’s the test of time. Deffinitely gonna log some leaves and grows like that.

That’s amazing you still have it. My buddies father put pressed leaves, coasters from around the world, caps and pictures. One of the most beautiful and creative bartop ideas. Poured the laquer over it. It was amazing. :call_me_hand:

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These mutations occurred on two fans on the same node. Amazing. From Red Poison


That is way cool. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to do this?


I use a waxy magazine then sleep on it. Now I throw a small boveda for pliability. Some do it different.






I wish I had some pressings, or even the clone still, of the plant I had that grew like twenty tops from every other petiole, cloned that plant from a fan leaf. Grew so many tops til I got caught and had to kill it


Thats what I’m talking bout… fff fuck the police! Be safe bud. That’s the only way I’ll stop. :metal::v:

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Was the landlord lol

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Ahhh fuck. He deserves a beatdown.

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Lol yea dude hahahahaa that thing would’ve been a grandmother over and over, I think it was big bud


What’s the potency like on Big Bud? Ive wondered about classics ive never grown/smoked.

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it didn’t finish outside and mold and mildew seemed to be an issue, so it’s definitely indoor weed, i remember the bud, my indoor buddy called it MILF to sell it faster lol but it was pretty good, nothing special for flavour tho.

It was probably BC big bud, as I live on the island, if that helps.