Leaf Septoria?

I’ve been removing them as I see them, and hoping this one makes it till first week of October

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Got some of this and gave it a good spray. Added mulch as well, and just water the pot

Believe my problem is taken care of. Sprayed with above spray. Have only been watering the pot itself to make the area less humid, and mulched them. Already noticing a difference, and with the temps being mid 70s and 80s the next 10 days, these girls will be fine. I think with the amount of defoliating I did on the Trainwreck, she will produce nicely


Don’t count your eggs just yet. Keep on that ritual. Rooting for you!


I’m keeping a close eye on them. These are my biggest yet, and my last outside for a long while

I’m starting to think it’s Calcium, sectorial doesn’t affect borders or tips … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

🤷🏻 I just know it’s looking better now.