Lefthand's Synthetics from Scratch

Haha yea I know how you feel. That’s why I ended up just going full custom. It’s actually easier than fighting against one thing or another in the end. There’s only so much you can do with a premixed formula before you’re mixing the same number of nutrients that you would use from scratch.

And the main area of inflexibility I think is that you have to use approximately the amount of base nutrient they recommend, because it contains all of your micros and you can’t skimp on those.


Have you ever ran your 2/2/2 mix? Thinking of giving it a try. Was also thinking of making a mix that’s 1:1 equal N to K to compensate for the K the coco releases. Thought maybe that could be an issue as well.
Definitely spending to much time on the forums this weekend. Jumping down every rabbit hole related to nutrients and coco getting nowhere fast. :crazy_face:


I haven’t tried it yet. I think it would generally work pretty well. I’ve been trying a 3-stage coco recipe for this run that seems to be going pretty well. For the first time since I can remember, my plants don’t have any little tip burns. I’ve wondered if that’s related to lower S, higher B or higher Zn…


I used to use a an organic mix from a company that came in a bag and you just combined with earthworm castings into promix. Then you’d let it sit for a month and it was so simplistic and effective.

I don’t think it’s available anymore but do you have any recommendations for a similar product?


Maybe you’re not pushing them as hard?

I hate burned tips, well, I hate trimming plants with burned tips. I’ve dropped the ec, and voilà, lol!

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I just made up a mix on paper using the new salts I got and I came up with
P- 64
K- 159
Ca- 199
Mg- 64
S- 85
Si- 15.2
I went full bore on the Ca and P. I figured kick up the things that help with transpiration. I also figured start low on K and work my way up. We’ll see how it goes.


Feel free to critique as you see fit lol!


Yeah that could be. At least part of that is because with my own formulas I don’t have to use as high EC. I’ve dropped down my sulfur from the 5/11/26 formulas that it naturally knocks off a few EC points. But on the other hand, there’s half a dozen deficiencies or excesses that can cause it too, so who knows…


Looks like a reasonable experiment to me. N at 150-160 is always a good number for me through stretch, or even up to 170. I’ve never tried that much more Ca than K, but I don’t think it’s gonna be an issue in veg. If anything, I’d drop Ca a little and raise K a little, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just fine.


I was looking at the Ec some people push with the newer nute brands like Athena and HGV. They seem to be formulated for coco under led lights. I think the HGV was pushing like 220 ppm of Ca and like 300 something of K if I’m not mistaken. That’s what inspired me to max out the Ca.


I’m the only deficiency or excess that can cause my troubles, lol!

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One thing I’m doing with this current coco formula is zero ammonia. Nitrate has a much longer uptake, which I think is nice. It sustains better and doesn’t swing the pH as quickly. You have to use a calcium nitrate like purecal or calprime, because normal calcium nitrate has some “CAN” calcium ammonium nitrate. They purify out the ammonia in purecal and prime.

But ammonia also helps keep pH from rising, so I start with a lower pH like hydroponics (5.6-5.8 instead of 6.0-6.2).


Yeah i dunno, but I’ve heard build a soil has some stuff like what you’re looking for. Maybe also the down to earth brand might have a mix you could use like that too. I’ve just been out of the loop on organics for a couple years. Mostly what I know about at the moment is synthetics and coco.



I was going to get the Cal-Prime when I ordered the Grow Clean. It seems to me the Ca is to high maybe? If you were trying to hit say 150 N it’s like 223 Ca or something like that. I guess you could hit your Ca numbers with it and then target the rest of your N with Mg- nite or, K - nite I suppose?

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Yea that’s exactly what I do. You can use potassium nitrate and/or magnesium nitrate to fill your nitrogen budget, which also helps to lower your sulfate because you can drop a bit of epsom or potassium sulfate.


Hydroponics Greens Formula


10 gallons, EC ~2.0

Here is a recipe I’ve been refining for hydroponic greens that works very well. I developed it to use up some 5-11-26. For using Jacks 5-12-26 (or other 6% Mg 5-XX-26 formulas), you do not need to add the Epsom salt, but everything else is the same. Greens are great to grow at home hydroponically, because their nutrition rapidly degrades after harvest.

Edit: Ammonium sulfate is optional


Excuse me mr lefthand I’ve read the entire thread and somehow you make it easier to understand the entire concept of nutrients and how the plant uses them .

Right now im growing organic so I do not mix my own salts, but I get the idea and have used potassium sulfate towards the end of a run with obvious benefits .

I’ve had this laying around forever

Any idea if its one of the micro nutrient mixes you mentioned earlier in the thread.

Any idea of a safe foliar concentration? I’ve used a pinch in a gallon but don’t remember seeing results .

Thanks for your time and sharing your knowledge

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Hey thanks for stopping in. Yes that is the same as plant prod chelated micros. I would bet it is just repackaged from bulk quantities. It’s probably one of the best off the shelf mixes I know of.


You rock !!! I was close with a pinch per gallon or was that liter haha

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