Legalization and price stabilization

Politicians like nothing more than free money (sin tax, wanna dance-then pay the fiddler). We line up and give up money quickly for something that is “bad” for us. However raise they toll on the bridge to you favorite beach and everyone is up in arms. It was like the lottery, at least here, when it started ('70’s) the money was suppose to support education. What they didn’t talk about was that it in lieu of what they were receiving not in addition to. I don’t know where lottery money goes now adays especially with multistate game. I suspect it will take approx 10 yrs for supply and demand to balance out. Everyone who jumped on early is going to lose a lot of money, but if they can weather the storm they will eventually break even. Latest govt reports that juvenile use is down since legalization, so does not mean the future market will shrink as us old home growers move on to other pastures (dimensions, heaven, nirvana, what ever your personal beliefs aspire to).

Remember we are in charge of who represents us in our legislatures (state and federal), if they aint acting right it is the peoples responsibility to invoke term limits (vote em out)


They call them B buds here. 50.00 zip Pineapple Express (Oz Special)

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The Best Dispensary weed I ever got here in NY wasn’t even from here it was a 50$ eighth of White Runtz in the Silver blue and white Zip pouch.Perfect hand trimmed not machine buds of thick chunky proportions that were almost solid white packed with tricomes nice 3 hour high of fruity gassiness said sun grown from California on the pack.Never seen that weed here ever again


$5 a gram on the reserves in Canada where I live,cookie cutter wide blade sleeper weed. People are only loyal to their wallets and quality doesn’t seem to matter much since it’s mostly newbies who don’t know any better. You can’t give it away,in Quebec and Manitoba you can’t grow it because the gov wants the monopoly so there is still a market there,I expect,in time, some other provinces will follow.If it isn’t exceptional,it’s compost.

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Wasn’t a legal dispensary with California grown. Only 9 legal ones open last I checked

This came off of a reservation dispensary thier a sovereign nation they play by thier own rules

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I’m familiar with the Indian sovereignty. I tried talking to them a couple of years ago about growing on the rez. Most of the nation had been contacted by the big corporate guys

I could like every post here and might
Insightful, I have to re read everything.
Well all good things I guess…
Perhaps I finally try my hand
At fungus

In Ontario the OCS stuff is mostly garbage and is like 65$ an eighth for anything decent. Outside of the legal market TOP SHELF is going for 220-250$ if you have an audience but the underground delivery services are taking over here 100%

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That’s exactly why we grow our own, to not get gouged by the man :man::joy::facepunch::+1::clap::sunglasses:


The only reason we use the OCS is for vape carts because I don’t have the infrastructure to make them myself. Mrs Foreigner will sometimes piggyback some hash onto the order for me and it ranges from good (but not great) to meh.


I miss that 70s and 80s real hash :+1::peace_symbol:

Forget making any funds. I stopped and grow for my self, any extra goes to the compost pile and or worms.
Crack pots tried to name their price with me and it was double digits thus I told them to fuck themselves.


Same here i tell em …then goto the didspo if its cheaper…i dont sell myself short