Legends never die

Yea can’t imagine why, broken back and shit ton of seeds to go through! Well I look forward to your next adventure @Mithridate :gorilla: I might get my Guerilla grow badge but fuck what a lot of work!


yay, thanks for the feedback!


I’m fine, very stressed but fine. I’m not eating out of a tray, so that’s good :wink:

I do not wish to talk about specifics publicly

I “lost” all my cuts, moms etc I did grab snips from the important ones and packed 2 freezer bags full in the hopes some will root in the near future.

A couple people have my melon lifesaver and sour strawberry cuts, so if I can get those back or manage to root the snips, my next projects would be to self those and hunt through the skunks to make a melon skunk, and of course line breed my skunk…


Well all of us here a rooting for you (no pun intended) and knowing you, you have a good bunch of friends that have your back like us on OG. I am looking forward to what you are going to with the Skunk seeds and your Melon Lifesaver and Sour Strawberry. You will be back with new stuff to show and enlighten us. I am wishing much luck and positive Vibes Big Man!


Sending good vibes your way. May all your snips root!


I’ve still got some Sour Strawberry seeds of yours, say the word and they’re on the way


Thank you for offering man, appreciate it.

My seed stash is safe :slightly_smiling_face:
I was taught by an oldtimer, so use old time methods.

Every seed run I complete, I break into multiple portions and stash back ups all over the province. It would take something of biblical proportion for me to lose a line 🫡


Hee hee , great minds my brotha! Great minds! Hell they are all over the US too now :wink:


Ok, well sorry about whatever happened to ya…think I have an idea and it sucks.
Good to know you’re ok. Take care. It will pass.


You have value in this community


There is some other products that work the same way that is a little cheaper.


Damn. Good luck to you. 'tis but a flesh wound. It’ll pass but sucks. Thanks for the ride along on this thread though.


Sounds like a break is definitely needed! Glad you are safe and looking forward to your return

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Hot damn what a cluster fuck! Nature’s gonna nature with regards to the fella who passed. On the latter; god damn the tweakers and their antics. I for one hope you’re okay with all this stress and loss and scary shit jammed in such a short period. A rest definitely is in order! Gonna go out and check the Eclipse here in a few and I’ll try to bounce some of that positive energy off my thick skull and your way. Deep breaths, Brother.

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Eclipse is happening today?


Damn, it’s over now. Ring of Fire one that’s annular. Was a sweet show if in the sight path!

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Cloudy here in NY, so not visible even if it was in the path

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I don’t think so. I think this is just an excuse, not by you but by others, to try and justify the continued use of intersex genetics… bEcAuSe ItS FiRe


I know what you mean :wink:

Some people throw the word “elite/elite cut” around like it means nothing. Still I think the shaky sexuality make it easier to lock traits down.

Does it mean we can let our guards down? Well. No. That said does systematically culling anything with intersex tendencies guarantee a better outcome, again no.

I haven’t found a plant I couldn’t reverse, even without chemicals


I’ve found two plants I can’t reverse and get viable pollen from, even using CS or STS. I picked up some Cobalt Chloride Hexahydrate to try again later.