Let em grow gallery, outdoor '24

Looking back, I think your soil is well fed. It’s likely moisture fluctuations due to heat or extra rain? Those old shaded fans are the first to get used up . I’m seeing a few of those as well. You mentioned your holes and the clay “well” you have made. I’m marking your pictures if where to look for real deficiencies.

Imo, you are doing fine, it rare to have N deficiency in veg on plants in ground. Next year expand and deepen your holes and you will see less of this.


Ok , yeah I’m sure you are right we did have some very high Temps and idk what is going on down there . Thanks I was kinda freaking out when I seen some leaves yellowing. Maybe some dry spots throughout the holes but we had a good rain last night so thanks again.

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Just keep an eye on the newer fan leaf edges above the middle line. If they start to yellow from the outside in , then you have a nutrient imbalance, although it may not be Nitrogen. That said , I didn’t uncover my bed at all this season. I have fed twice on top of the fabric cover and water it in. Masterblend 4-19 - 36 and Epsom. And just last week I added a teaspoon for each plant of Jack’s Orchid food 30-10-10. I’m very unscientific, just doing what I did last season. Good luck , hang in there and trust the soil.

These haven’t been feed at all and are in strait soil.


Hey Folks,

It’s a good time of the season… pollen collection starts soon… not much to do beside being patient and not overcare everything :crazy_face:

M39 greener line, UEL & Friends

M39 red line

@FieldEffect @PsillyRabbit @MissinBissin

Maybe you guys want also share some pics and invite other OD‘s ?


Did someone say show off my garden and this summers grow ;0)

@Pawsfodocaws Thanks again fro the freakshow beans. What are you working on this summer?


No problem bud. I am running a led just flipped a few days ago.

and then my fritter and mac1 in the other tent and maintaining ma moms. Also keeping the orchard going. Growing peppers. And tomato’s…grilling almost every few days summer is awesome friend, good to see you are doing well man.


You grew a HANGING pot plant!?
I would have never thought of that–Fecking ingenious!!


hehe it was just to entertain you all. Way more work than it needs to be but i had never seen a good topsy turvey example and wanted to give it a shot. :smiley:


Things are coming along :green_heart:

M39 F3


This past winter, we had a couple grows inside, and just kind of tossed the used soil over the deck rail after because the snow was too deep to get out back to the compost pile.
NOW we have 4 ‘‘Volunteers’’… the one all the way to the left was cloned then chopped yesterday-since it’s a boy- but pretty certain the other two and the ‘mini me’’ you can’t see behind them (3’’ and scrawny because it gets so little light) are Girls. Draig and our Son Check them regularly, because they are so danged healthy- with very little help from us…the tallest one measured 7ft 2’’ Yesterday 8/2/24.
Pretty sure we know what they are, since we only did 2 breeding projects around that time, and they do not resemble the plant we first thought they were.


PH issues.


Tangie GAK in a 5 gallon


Bro that’s looking great.

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Hated to have to do it, but took out the ‘‘mini-me’’ behind these big girls and the one closest to the deck, as they were both male-- but cloned them 1st! We also cloned these girls to keep as indoor Mom’s…
We will be breeding with these this fall.


But I wish it would rain :cloud_with_rain:


Trimmed them out today–not that you can tell…


My untamed wild bush(es)

Federation Hawaiian sativa with GDP and Lemon Tree maybe…they got mixed at some point so it’s either 2 GDP 1 GDP and one lemon tree or 2 lemon trees…clear as mud ya?

5 are Federation Hawaiian…look for the butterfly…upper left



Untamed Hawaiian bush pt 2


Tornadoes and clones does not work… no tap root to hold them upright. Ugh at least they got some water smh