[Let It Rain! Chocolate Rain!] Chocolate Rain fem by Eskobar

Grow Report: Chocolate Rain fem

possible pedigree:

Chocolope 60%/Cocoa Kush 40% x Chocolate Rain F4, Raspberry reversed


Wed 12:00 14.03 2018 -germination start (24/0)

Mon 18:00 19.03 2018 -seedling stage (20/4)

Sun 18:00 25.03 2018 -vegetative stage (18/6)

Wed 18:00 18.04 2018 -flowering stage (11/13)

Wed 00:00 18.06 2018 -pre-curing stage (0/24)


15.03 ~ 24.03 germination/seedling (24/0, 20/4) 150w CFL Blue

25.03 ~ 17.04 vegetative stage (18/6) 150w CFL Blue

18.04 ~ 17.06 flowering stage (11/13) 150w CFL Blue -> 250w HPS

18.06 ~ 20.06 pre-curing stage (0/24) 24~72 hours of total darkness


Germination: sponge pot with bacto

Temperature (celsius)

  • germination: 28

  • seedlings: 28

  • vegetative: 26~28

  • blooming: 26

  • flushing: 26

Relative Humidity

  • germination: 80%

  • seedlings: 70%

  • vegetative: 55%

  • blooming beginning: 50%

  • blooming end: 50%

  • flushing: 45%


  • Plagron Light Mix with perlite

for soil

  • Symbiosis mycorrhiza fungi

  • Sannie’s Bacto

Pot size

  • 400ml -> 6.5 ltr -> 17 ltr

Grow Diary

Day 1 (Germination)

  • 60% humidity, 25 Celsius

Day 2

  • 60% humidity, 25 Celsius

Day 6 (Seedling)

  • 20/4
  • Transplant

Day 9

  • 20/4 but started 300w
  • Need to test temperature before Day 12

Day 12 (Vegetative)

  • 18/6 for 3wks then flowering

Day 22

  • Temp: 26~28; 25 or lower close the tent, 28.5 or higher open the tent
  • Humid: 48~50; below 47% turn it on, above 51% turn it off

Day 24

  • Chocolate Rain #2 has been Discarded

Day 25

  • Prepare 10L of soil in the pot with Myco and two of buffer tablets.

water with Bacto

Day 26

  • Transplant; 6.5L -> 17L

Day 36 (Flowering)

  • 12/12 start and for a 5days 150w CFL will be used without nutrients.

Day 38

  • A female confirmed.

Day 41

  • Started to feeding Plant according to my feeding schedule

Day 43

  • Next time I will feed from the first day of 12/12 and with organic tea. Won’t wait a week to start feeding. Realised plant starve a lot.
  • Upgraded the light to 250w HID with ballast

Day 83

  • Since Week7 started and plant is waiting to be ripen into full maturity, I start feeding with plain water aka flushing.

Day 96

  • Winter starts. No more light and water for the plant. Time to chop.

Chocolate Rain fem

  1. It grows like Chocolope for instance short-stocky Indica dom hybrid and vigorous growth.
  2. Trichomes are visible after Wk2-flo.
  3. From the flowering, it stretches until 90cm from approximately 30cm.
  4. It stops stretching in Wk3-flo and during the time it produces some red berries smell.
  5. Even though the plant grows like Chocolope in the vegetative stage, it grows like Cocoa Kush from the flowering stage, more likely Sativa leaves expressions and the x3 stretch.
  6. Wk4-flo to Wk6-flo, it starts stink a lot with Raspberry/Strawberry Ice-cream Flavour smell. Especially, Wk5-flo to Wk6-flo.
  7. From the end of Wk6-flo, the stink starts becoming faint but less sourness and more like fruitiness.
  8. Wk7-Flo, the main cola produces Banana/Coconut scent. It’s less sweeter than fruit banana but with some musky funk, which I believe coconut scent.
  9. Anyway, resin smells like raspberry.
  10. Smells range from raspberry to chocolate to musky/kushy.
  11. Compact Sat. structure.

Feeding schedule

First day of feeding: 23th April

  • Average 2L of water everyday; 1L in the morning time (17:45) and 1L in the evening (23:45)
  • Feed lesser water from Week4 after the stretching
  • Every Sunday add Bacto when feeding

(Wk1-flo) Guano:Nutrient=0ml:5ml

(Wk2-flo) Guano:Nutrient=20ml:5ml

(Wk3-flo) Guano:Nutrient=20ml:5ml

(Wk4-flo) Guano:Nutrient=20ml:5ml

(Wk5-flo) Guano:Nutrient=0ml:4ml

(Wk6-flo) Guano:Nutrient=0ml:3ml

(Wk7-flo) Flushing

(Wk8-flo) Flushing

In addition
Back in the day, I had a serious time limit… had to back to my home country to serve military service so I kept veg stage short and compact. Finally, I’m discharged and after almost two and a half year I’m able to write the grow report.
Hope you guys can enjoy it!


Seedling Stage!


Transplanting the seedlings in order to start vegetative stage!
Used Sannie’s Bacto for the better root system. Since, I wasn’t able to control the PH level back in the day, I used Buffer tablet from Sannie!


Once the fan leave touched the pot, I made a move to the bigger pot before I start the flo stage!

and added more Bacto for the better root system in the new pot!


Obviously, it’s the fem seeds but it was the step it actually got confirmed that it was female!
As pistil came out, I decided to start the flowering stage!


Used Bacto from Organic Bloom for a nutrient and Guanokalong for the sweeter flavor and finally, the plant went to the flo stage!


Almost close to the harvest and I was confirmed it was Raspberry pheno!
The pheno supposed be the Raspberry one since Eskobar nailed down, inbred, to Raspberry for his last batchs of Chocolate Rain seeds!


The last pics of flowers before cut off… they look gorgeous :laughing:


Chopped them with stems and hanged them inside of the dark tent before the trimming session… :relieved:


Finally, the bud porns!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Looks killer, well done! I love the super tight node spacing on that in veg. Does it taste like chocolate?


Smoke Report
I left the grow report in 2018 but didn’t leave a smoke report :roll_eyes:
so it depends on my memory…which means may not be 100% truth but 85%, lets say :laughing:

The smoke was the most smooth strain I ever took it…
Insanely smooth that you don’t even notice if you took the hit! Well, you’ll realize it after the hit due to the THC pumping up and tickling your throat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In case of flavor, it got raspberry taste of it… some of cherrish flavor, some of red fruits…not identical to straberry but that sourness in the Chocolate Rain was similar to slight sourness in strawberries, I mean actual fruit!
To be honest, I didn’t like that sourness… I pref to have just killer sweet raspberry flav so in my taste that taste wasn’t a killer.
But as I popped two seeds and discard one and grow out one seed, I might just get an ordinary genes, you know…

In case of high, it was very comfortable and well well well balanced hybrids high…
Both head and body shaking but nothing was overwhelming!
Pretty much a social smoke, I can say…

I still have three seeds left in my friend’s hand.
I couldn’t take the seeds with me to my home country so yeah…
As soon as, I go back to Europe and have a place to grow out, I’ll take out the rest three and see if there’s a better raspberry flavor without sourness!!

Let it rain!! Da Chocolate Rain!! :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :strawberry: :strawberry:


Unfortunately, it didn’t taste like a chocolate at all!
and yeah, it has super tight node spacing for real haha

It’s more likely raspberry with some sourness… I hoped it to be chocolate flav but nahh…

and the breeder narrow down to raspberry pheno since that was his fav…good flavor and very social high with vigorous growth and also pretty short flo time!
The female pollen used were F4 Raspberry pheno so kinda hard to expect any chocolate flav honestly but full of red fruits!!


That’s awesome. Bravo.

I’ve a couple right now for the first time. You said you chopped at 8 weeks of flower?


Thanks for your words!!

To be precise, i chopped it as soon as Day63 started!
I was bit wrong that the last pic is day 59 in flo but i actually gave them a day or two of full dark room in my memory before i chopped.


Cool post @mongbae :sunglasses: :+1:
looking forward to see what you do next.


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Thanks mate!!

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Cool to see a serious and complete grow and smoke report. Thanks :pray:t3::pray:t3::+1:t3:

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Thanks alooot!!
Hope you enjoyed it!

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You didn’t happen to keep any clones did you?

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