Lets burn one togetheršŸ˜Ž

Just watched The Burial , new Jaime Foxx Tommy Lee Jones movie , i loved it

Mmm mmmm my joint is mighty tasty :seedling:

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Ok, 1st impressions on the Wedding Cake, taste is much lighter than the ICC, but can see where the ICC gets its taste from, it Carried over well into the ICC cross, and is definitely stronger in the Ice Cream Cake.
WC Nugs are real dense, break up nice, taste is there, just a lot lighter, burns nice, buzz is different also, more physical than heady, more relaxing, good after work smoke. Has a very good split between heady and physical.
WC I would say is more potent, with a different high that hits quicker. Iā€™m about 1/2 thru a joint, and the taste IS getting stronger, but not pronounced like the ICC.
So, I would say that so far, WC wins potency and buzz,
ICC wins taste.

As you can see, I smoked about as much as I did the other night, time to chill and let this one set in for a minute, LOL


I feel her on 2nd or 3rd hit , usually smoke about half a joint

To me , its relaxing but not down or couch lock . I find it heavy but for me functional . Im high strung , she calms me down quick . Puts me in real good mood , like her after taste . With a 30 day cure her flavor is same but much heavier and creamy really comes out .

All these buds are fresh from 'trol , so even across the board test .

Agree , ICC is louder , deeper , darker . WC cured is about where ICC is now . I dont know where ICC goes cured , but i shall find out .

WC generally flattens casuals, for me i smoke her all day long , she is perfect high for me . Bud affects us all differently . WC puts me in MY happy place


Do me a flavor , EVERYONE BUT ME LOVES ST . PLEASE just take one big hit of her from a clean pipe , not bong ,

tell me , am i NUTS , or is she HORRID ???

Maybe im one out of whack

Just the thought of a big hit of her gives me the gag reflex, lol


LOL, I donā€™t have too, I smelled the ST, and wasnā€™t too keen on the orange funk.
It doesnā€™t strike the nose too well IMO
And if it smoked anything like what I smell, your not crazy.
Clean bowl??? LMFAO!!! Dude, my 2 pipes are so caked from 2 years of hash smoking itā€™s ridiculous.
Yup, WC to me has that creeper aspect too, now that Iā€™ve chilled for a little bit, I really like the buzz of this, itā€™s definitely not couch lock, itā€™s almost like a perfect split between mind/body, real good ā€œafter workā€ smoke.

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Been puffn all day . All different . That j of WC puts me where i want to be . Yes , she just suits me and i have not got tired of her in a year

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Come on i gotta know what you think

im still ramping up from my joint :sunglasses:

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Let me see if the kids got one. Both mine have hash in them, it doesnā€™t come out easy.
Iā€™ll get back with ya shortly on that, LOL

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Your lucky, i smoked ST FRESH FRESH , it was choking . She has mellowed 100 percent , now only putrid to me . Buzz is EXCELLENT however



Going back in to finish the rest of that WC joint

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Skunk Tangerine will have to wait until tomorrow night. Kids are crashed, wifeā€™s hitting the pipe, headed for the stratosphere, about a pint of Titoā€™s deep, Ranger is hiding, itā€™s going to be interesting tonight, LOL


what is wife smoking ??,

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Hash, LOL
Thatā€™s whatā€™s loaded in the pipe

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Fuck ya. :100: :fire:


I got you Jet, I have been hitting the ST all day :yum:
I love her clean yet stoney buzz :sunglasses: I got rid of my mother plant though, the Frankie and 90ā€™s kush have taken her place. 13 weeks is just too long of a flower time

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:100: :fire:

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Skunk Tangerine is 13 weeks! Yikes

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Yes, 13 weeks, she is like ECSD in that respect. ECSD may be worth it because its even more delicious, but I prefer cultivars which finish in a more timely mannerā€¦ this ainā€™t 1992 and I ainā€™t got time for that! :joy: You can pull her at 9-10 though, and she is pretty darn niceā€“I pulled my last batch at d70 and love it-- but she really shines at 13


Ya 13 is pushing it I prefer 10 max In my rooms but if itā€™s worth itā€¦. Iā€™m in. Was hoping to get her one day but sheā€™s moved down the list for that one, plus 4 people I know have now kicked her from the program sooo :man_shrugging:t2:

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