Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard


Luna moth, which are not very common here. This one hung around for a few days, for some reason.

BTW - I had a close-call bear encounter yesterday. I was photographing one of my motorcycles by the lake, and was close to the water at the end of a dead end road with no occupied homes in sight. I turned around and saw a bear cub just standing in the street looking at me. At first I thought ‘oh, how cute’, immediately followed by ‘oh sh!t’. I knew momma must be near.

The cub went into the brush, so I turned my camera from photos to video and started recording as I narrated. I figured my voice may help to keep the bears away, but that’s not what happened. As I was saying that I was wondering where momma was, she came out of the brush and looked at me. She wasn’t in frame, and rather than trying to get her on video, I quickly backed up to put distance between us.

Fortunately, she went back into the brush, but I could still see her and the cub were close by. I was able to get flashes of them on video, but nothing very clear. After a few minutes, it occurred to me that the noise from my Harley would likely push them further away. The only problem was, I had to go much closer to them to start the bike up. But I finally got up the nerve and started up the bike…and while I was at it, I got my a$$ outta there!

BTW - black bears are common where I live. I mean, just look at that huge one in the first pic of this thread. And here’s one a few block from my home that I stopped to watch, and he decided to take a closer look at me!!

So I’m not a total wimp when it comes to being close to a bear in the wild, but when it comes to a cub and its mother, I’d rather keep my distance.


Always the smart thing to do. Just no predicting what a momma bear will do or what she will perceive as a threat.


Cross orb weaver spider that’s been hanging around all week, figure he’s harmless :spider:


Niiiice, I have one that’s been hanging outside my window the last couple weeks too, didn’t know what they were called so cheers!


Think I found the mother the next day we had some rain so they are both gone now


Wet season here in the tropics has all types or critters coming out… well more like trying to come in

This guy couldn’t get out the pool so I gave him a hand

Let this guy hangout and have a feed on the nightly visitors

I thought this was a toy at first my daughter had left on the table but then it moved haha, eyes off the weed dude

I felt something in my hair last night… this is what fell out


Pretty scary to live there … frech|nullxnull


New resident and part-time worker!


Always look above the doorway.
What a cute couple. lol


Looks like a Salamander? Either that or a baby Lizard. :lizard:


And under the toilet seat :rofl:


You must have spent some time in the tropics! :rofl:


The one that I have to remember is to check my boots before pulling them on.


Not really these guys just want to hang out, it’s everything back home in Australia that’s trying to kill you haha.

That’s a couple Aussie redback spiders, takes about 8 hours unattended by medics but their venom can be deadly

Baby gecko bro

That’s exactly where the redback spider likes to hang, under the lid of an outdoor dunny


Son of a bitch!?! Are those black widows? I just seen the hour glass and I’m not scared of spiders but HEELLLL NOOOO. No black widows!

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Yep @Boozer . That’s a Widow. I see four or five every year. We have Recluses everywhere and that’s bad enough for me. I have several scars from tissue damage from them. The Widows aren’t as plentiful thank God.


That makes my ticks seem not too bad haha.


Ticks can give you Lyme disease. And that can last a life time. :scream:

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These pics are almost 20 years old, taken in my previous yard…

This is a large “Fishing Spider”.

It looked like that caterpillar was about to have a bad day, but these next 3 pics are shown in the order in which they were taken. It looks like the spider checked it out, then thought…“NOPE!”

Or maybe he/she just doesn’t like to eat in front of people :crazy_face: