Let's See The Wild Animals In Your Yard


A few eagles waiting for fish scraps!



Strawberry patch invasion

" You go, I’ll catch up with you later. These strawberries are too good."

“Really? I can’t eat your strawberries anymore?”

“Fine… I’ll guess these birch sapplings are good too.” :joy:


It looks beautiful and harmless, cute little deer. But it will eat your berries

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Who needs a stump grinder when you have this guy?


Good fences make good neighbors.


The deer moved to the area in the woods I cleared, I have a mineral block and a salt block placed there for them and I feed them corn.

56 second video of the deer in the clearing


Red Squirrel

Blue Jay

Cardinals are closely related to Blue Jays

Here is a doe bedded down about 15 feet away from where we watched her drop
a fawn last year. She is very comfortable around our home.

Last year on May 22nd, we watched her give birth at the far end of our pond. Too cool.
Licking it clean to remove the scent. It’s the second time we’ve been witness to fawns being born. This one last year stayed for about a half hour, at times looking directly at me in our
home as if to show off her fawn. Awesome sauce.

It’s got to be a boy as it was hanging on the teat within 10 minutes of being born.

This Painted Turtle’s spidey senses were on high alert and he left.

Here’s why. This guy showed up about a second after the turtle left.
Any critter that wears a mask is probably bad news.


Lizard in the fire pit

Never seen this beetle guy before

I rubbed the symbol on his back, he’s a decepticon lol



Pretty scary, somebody buried around? :see_no_evil: :skull:



@breadwinner has no enemies, alive . Lol


Oh, well shitballs…wtf lol

Take a step back

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My wife and I spent most of the day working on our garden. We should have started a little earlier this month as there is a lot of work left to do. Pruned a briar patch of raspberries to get rid of the dead branches. Did a lot of weeding. Moved some garden fabric to accommodate our first row of veggies. I always move each 3 foot wide garden fabric over about a foot to expose new ground that was not planted the prior year. We planted 36 tomato plants of which there is around 10 varieties, and 4 pepper plants in our first row. We still have 8 flats left growing in one of my tents . The next few days, we will be busy. Harvest time makes up for all of the work.

The first hen wood duck came to our pond today to show off
her brood. This time, there were eleven little ducklings. The prior record was
a hen with nine. It was too cool to see these today after being in the garden all day.

Later this afternoon, I got to take these pics.
Great Blue Heron

Cardinal - Female

Cardinal - Male

Rose Breasted Grosbeak


Pileated Woodpecker


Nice pics man I love nature so much !


Here is one of the does that calls the pond home. I have pics of her last year
dropping a fawn at the far end of our pond on 5-22. Scroll up to post 970 to see
pics of her last year in almost the exact same spot.

This year it was this morning on 5-30.
Too cool to witness this. This is the 3rd time we’ve been witness to fawns being born.
There is a very good chance that next year this doe will have twins.

Licking them clean after birth is instinctual.

She always seems to look at us in our home to show us. Proud mommy.

Going for teat for the first time. Cool beans.

All of these were taken from inside using a tripod and remote shutter release. The release keeps the camera movement to a minimum. The camera, tri-pod, and shutter release was
a little over $500. They were a little over a hundred yards away.
The camera is a Canon SX 60 HS that cost around $450. 65x digital zoom. I quickly found out that I needed a tri-pod and a shutter release as hand held at that distance, the shots are
a little blurry. It still was much cheaper than the top notch stuff many outdoor photographers use, where some of them have 10s of thousands tied up in the camera and
the zoom lenses. I feel that the price I paid was cheap by comparison.


Blue Jays were going crazy. This guy is the reason.

It has a bird in its claws. :scream:
Anyone know what kind of owl it is?


I’m no expert but I believe it’s what’s called a true owl. Could b a juvenile great horned owl also

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Could be a Scops Owl? icon_e_confused|nullxnull