Lets try this another way big plants small pots

Que Lastima Jet! :rage:

I feel your pain on this one. My beloved aging but immaculate RAV4 was declared “Totalled” by the dealer last May, as in “sorry sir, this vehicle cannot be repaired.” Yep, Rodent damage, they devoured the entire wiring harness, A/C lines and almost triggered the airbag system!

Miraculously, my insurance policy included “Comprehensive” coverage that covered the entire loss. I would never have guessed that insurance would cover this atrocity. Luckily, my saintly spouse called them and the response was, “Oh sure that happens all the time, of course we’ll cover it…”

I had to haggle with them for a decent settlement but in the end I received enough to ease the pain.

I’m hoping you have good insurance on your Baby, and that it covers the disgusting rat city you discovered under the hood. Also hoping your revenge war on the rats provides some cathartic healing!




great job on the girls looking :fire: sharp AF

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How many rats have you terminated so far? Nice looking buds you’ve got growing.

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Big fatty girl up top!!! Great job brother!


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Lol, go get em @Jetdro . We have been getting rats beside my house due to a bird feeder but been killing them off wholesale. Never like killing stuff but they got to go. On a funnier note, we had a squirrel in our toilet when we opened the cottage, lol. Plants looking great man.


Update :

Everyone here happy happy.

Mom Tent :

Fresh transplants and new octo ladies

The ladies 2 weeks away from going to flower tent

Tahoe day 63 :slight_smile:

Goji Pinesoul, Romulan, ICC at 5 weeks in :slight_smile:

ICC @ 63 days looking excellent as usual :slight_smile:

One Permanent Marker , tall one in front left, 3 ICC’s 20 days in :slight_smile:

The Pack after a 11 miles WFO run this morning …they be a chilln…lol


Man @Jetdro my job has been working me like a rented mule. The paycheck is nice but 10 and 12 hour days hurt.

Plants are looking great as usual. I take it you have the rom and goji ready for when you harvest the icc?


watched a movie called megan leavey last night from 2017 reminded me of your pack. about an army girl who bonds with a bomb sniffing dog. lol

plants look phenomanal


Correctimundo senior


morning @HolyAngel


Good morning ^^


How much water do those square mini-octos hold? Are you topping off twice a day or more? :sweat_smile:

Think I’m definitely gonna be keeping an eye out for deals on the real octos.


The mini octo pups hold about a gallon but I try not to fill past 1/2 way
I find the 3 gallon bag can get a bit too wet if you fill and you don’t want to over fill those at all
I got a tall 3 gallon bag but I wish it was even taller

Jet i hope you don’t mind me chiming in


Reminds me of that tune

“ I wish I was a little bit taller , wish I was a baller “ haha

Gonna roll another : )


Hmm interesting, so only filling two liters or so of water also :thinking: which is about the most these round micro octos hold.

Interesting on wanting even taller than a 3 gallon bag too :thinking: I like these half gallons but I think the 2gallon talls are a bit too tall :joy: just getting started over here tho so I’ll see that changes as I go. The half gallon nursery fabrics in the micros are only damp on the bottom third or so at best. They actually hold like 1.5gallons of media so idk why they’re called 1/2 gallons.


In they original octopots the 12 in height is the minimum for the different zones also keeps the soil drier on the top of the bag octochris explains it a bit better


Yeah that’s how tall these 2 gallon bags are. The 1/2 gallon nursery bags are only 8 inches or so at most. Maybe 6 inches :thinking: top half at least still dry but see how it goes.

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Those of you that have my ICC cut need to run it. She produces just a beautiful big heavy dense harvest its not funny. Tahoe threw down also