Lets try this another way big plants small pots

I’ve heard grape ape is supposed to be a power house, let us know how she smokes!


Real Grape Ape , done proper is

This was neither :see_no_evil:


Sorry to hear that. Anything real standout or is it all mids?


Gawd that is lucious



The C99 is tasty n quick smiling high .

The GG4 , worst tasting 4 i ever had , power is there however .

Randy needs to up his dry/cure game

The Ape tasted green , all the buds were loose n not dense at all . I bet all 3 are legit , just not grown the best and not dried properly .

That said , the C99 is very good and i like it , but to be honest , its a super up happy high and TRIANGLE KUSH. stomps all over it @HolyAngel . Even cured proper its not in TK realm , but it is good enough id run a cut if it .

yesterday Randall and I sat watching Ricky Stanicky , smoking a fat ass joint of TK covered in her rosin . I laughed so hard my side hurt and we couldnt stop talking . Not revved up really , just lit as Hell and happy , pretty much a perfect high . TK has cured into trippy weed . No you dont trip or see things , lol , least i do not , but she takes you places inside yourself that are nice . No where near narcotic like ICC or ChemD , not a “heavy” high but much more cerebral and enlightening . The more i smoke of her the more im starting to appreciate her .

Lol , it is just stunning bud . Looks smell taste power and ill now take her at 10 weeks from now on . Like the smaller buds, bit crisper brighter taste , high is more mellow , yield half of what she could , but still acceptable .

I like Fritter , but no where near my fav . The dude who bought my old press off FB Marketplace stopped over again , lol .
I was smoking a joint I had just rolled of apple fritter a big fat joint and said smoke it with me. it absolutely planted him to the point he looked retarded lol don’t think he knew where he . was for a few minutes. he has been smoking and pressing​:see_no_evil::boom::boom::boom::see_no_evil: This local THC a bud he has been buying.
The AF greened him out on 2/3 of a big joint . ICC would have put him asleep i bet , lol

I got up to go do something in the kitchen I don’t know what I stumbled over probably one of the packs bones or balls or God knows what else but I took a horrible fall onto the tile bouncing off the wooden bottom step that goes upstairs. honestly one of the worst balls I’ve ever taken and trust me I’ve taken a bunch.

my right leg slid out behind me as I was walking my left leg was fully extended and all my weight went onto my left knee and hyperextended the shit out of it. I swear while it was happening I thought for sure I was going to snap my leg. I just knew it was going to snap and somehow threw my body weight off of it and went flying to the floor. my right side right on my ribs not in front but right on the side slammed into the lower wooden step on my staircase, I then proceeded to hit the floor the tile floor in the kitchen completely on my side with both of my arms at my side and cracked my head on the floor.

it knocked the wind out of me and knocked me so silly that I had to lay on the floor for about two minutes before I could move. when I was able to get up not get up but sit on the floor my stomach just started to turn and I threw up.

it took me about five minutes of laying there to catch my wits and pull myself up.

somehow my left leg is fine I guess I took the weight off it right at the right time but my side is killing me. I’ve bruised cracked and broken ribs before so my guesstimation is four bruised ribs. it’s already starting to hurt and I did this about 6 o’clock . I felt so shitty when I got up I went to the bedroom and laid in bed and fell asleep for two hours.

i’m feeling fine now actually in a good mood even though I know when I get up in the morning I’m going to hurt like a son of a bitch and I’m barely going to be able to breathe I figured I might as well get high tonight because I’m surely not going to feel like it tomorrow

and of course my new PCP pellet rifle arrives tomorrow there will be no way in hell I’ll be able to pump a high-volume high-pressure pump to fill the thing to shoot it🙈

Just watched new Godzilla x Kong flic

meh , 100 percent CGI , just silly impossible story lines. who the f likes this shit ???


Damn! Hope you don’t feel too bad in the morning! Sounds like a nasty fall for sure but also like you handled it as best you could. Hopefully just bruised at the worst but I definitely know that throwing up from pain alone shit :confused:


You’re lucky you didn’t break something falling like that. Hope you’re not hurting too bad tomorrow.


geez man load the tub with epsom salt fill a hot water bottle to use as a pillow and sit in a warm bath for a hour. will help the lungs recover and any swelling. lucky you didnt break anything is right at your age we might have to take you out back and use your new pellet gun to put you down lol.

feel better buddy


Dam Jet! Take is easy and ice it up, so sorry to hear.



Thanks for the concern gents!! :+1:

im ok just sore as hell and hard to get up from sitting .


hope you didnt crack a rib that hurts for a while
smoking would be less fun if so


naw just bruised them good , broken and cracked ribs before , they are not broke

I tried some triangle Kush because holy angel says it relieves pain well trust me it didn’t work on this lol but I am high so there is that💥


I wish you a speedy recovery. just grab some nice soft weed. coughing and laughing is not good for your ribs right now. Just take it easy brother


Nah, only the SSDD relieves pain of everything I’ve tried, and it’s only nerve related pain at that. No muscle aches/pains. I might get high enough on the triangle that I forget about it for a bit tho lol


Shoots really really well . Needs some tinkering and a clean inside her guts (10 years in its new box never opened ) and she will be a tack driver . Random pellets off a crappy rest at 25 yards pretty much produces all pellets touching , cool since its .177 cal meaning tight groups .


Nice setup! :gun: I’ve got a use for that thing that doesn’t involve end of life for any loud roof-pecking birds.


it packs tight into his little case when it comes apart keeps a scope zero has straps so you can use it as a backpack
has adjustable power I turned it down tonight just before I stop shooting and it is almost in audible at the lowest setting
and would be really cool for short range work, maybe 400 fps in low . Over 1000 fps in high power , and it hits damn hard for a little .177!

super light , holds off hand very well , i am gonna keep this around a while me thinks .

About 60 or a few more shots , accurate shots, before it falls off a fill .

BITCH to fill to 200 bar with the hand pump and its a good pump .

i see a high psi elec compressor in my future


I bet it pita to pump up. My buddy has a Benjamin airbow when he first got it we pumped by hand and it took for ever and would wear your ass out. He got the compressor and it works great. The thing can really sling some arrows tho.


You can also use a scuba tank and fill with your garage air compressor if you have one


garage presser cannot do 3500PSI NONE of them can, special compressors needed to do it