Liberty caps?

Are these libs!? It’s been so long!!!.


No, don’t eat those. According to my app it has caused a few deaths


Thank you!!!


No problem :grin:

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Even if they’re look alike best to spore test them to be safe!

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O ya :rofl:. I find hunting them, more dangerous as I don’t know what I’m doing compared to controlled cultivation.


I wish I knew more about mushroom identification and when and where to find them. Dried mushroom powders of all kinds are the rage right now…lol

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We used to call those haymakers. Liberty caps don’t open up and flatten out like that. I have seen some very light colored caps due to sun bleaching. They have a pronounced nipple in the middle and when picked they will stick to your finger. I’ve found lots that were infested with mites under the cap so take a look if you care to not eat a bunch of bugs. And im notnsure if it was bro science but the people who showed me the ways also said “flick em before you pick em” to release spores so they come back in that patch again.


Thanks for that information bud.

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I’m more familiar with blue ringers we found fields of them. They were phenomenal. Those and cyans


No problem bud. I grew up on the west coast of BC and the 2nd to 3rd week of Sept when the rains came they would pop up all over town. My front yard even! One of the best times of the year :grin:

Here’s a couple good pics off the interwebz The 2nd one shows how they can change in look as they get older.


Liberty caps, has been 1 of my best mushroom experiences of my life. Little but the unlock the magic of life, for a moment.