Life after Death?

Not here to argue either way, my beliefs about the hereafter will stay out of this.

My question is: how does your scientific method of determining truth account for what we cannot yet measure or record?

For instance — all the non-visible light that goes on around us. Before we figured out how to use instruments and measure it, did it exist?

Was non-visible light only a truth after we gained enough base knowledge to measure and record it or was it a truth that was outside our realm of understanding?

True religion and true science are all about truth seeking in my opinion. They are both about understanding why and how nature works.

In my opinion, without the aspects of hope and belief in things we cannot yet see or measure science would have stagnated a long time ago.

What are your thoughts?


That’s sins of the father logical fallacy it’s like your grandfather stole a horse so they cut your hand off to repay the crime.

You are talking about objective reality. Imagine a universe with no conscious minds just existing with nothing to observe it. Does the light still travel in this universe?
The answer is yes. Even though you cannot measure the light and lack the technology, you can still come up with a falsifiable hypothesis about the nature of the light you can measure later to see if it can be falsified.
The real problem is when you come up with a non-falsifiable hypothesis that can never be tested. That’s when it defaults to “false”.


Interested to hear the perspective of someone who’s experienced consuming Ayahuasca and/or DMT multiple times on this topic.


Hey there’s buddy’s science teacher. Hegel, now I understand why he didn’t know anything about science, wow that is amazing!

Here I got a good question for you. And it comes with a scenario. OK so I am basically living the foundation life where I clone myself a new body except with a twist. I also make sure the clone has my memories and the same neural pathways. So it’s basically me, right, including the fact the new clone is everything from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. So then, am I both the clone and myself? Are they different people? which one of us lives in this “after life”? Then, since so many of my clones are created, there are thousands of copies of me in the afterlife? Who sets these rules and how do you know that it’s true?

You can’t do this without conscious minds.

The question I’m asking is why are you so concerned with the beliefs of others? Why burst comfortable bubbles?

A self important gadfly I say.

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Those are two separate things, an empty universe and one where you are formulating a hypothesis. Your comfortable bubble of belief is the thing holding you back from true knowledge.

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Bow down in awe of the new faith joecroweism.

He is the one and only arbiter of true knowledge.

Only through him shall salvation be…I’ve heard this one before.

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I’m up for that, if i can be a High Priest

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I believe in reincarnation. I also believe that a God is something that gives you the ability to live. Take that how you will. After 12 years of catholic school I don’t believe in Christianity at all. Especially the catholic church and all its turmoil. There is just something about how energy moves(in all its forms ie kinetic and such) I have no label for my beliefs and they evolve every day I really at this point am trying to find like minded people to further my beliefs. That is the whole point of religion Right? To find what happens after death.


I can only ask that you don’t do that. Instead you have to test things yourself and make sure you adhere to the principals of figuring out what is real and what is not. I am merely reciting the philosophy of science and quoting the geniuses of our time. Realistically, I know you will never do that. You have belief and that answers all the questions for you. Why ask them at all?

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I had this friend and he had a strange phobia you will perhaps laugh at. But it was no laughing matter. Apeirophobia is the fear of living eternally. He would call me a few days after a triggering episode… drunk out of his mind… pleading with me to explain how he would just be dead and gone after he died. You think this story is a joke, but it’s way too real. He died man, and my friends were like ohh he’s living eternally in the after life. Man, it’s sad, they probably triggered him all the time with their nonsense.

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You misunderstand.

You assume I was talking about me. I’m not. You know nothing of my beliefs.

The truth is that I agree with some of what you say here. But I dislike the way you say it.

If somebody believes in the supernatural, let them. That is their business.

Why is it so important to you to generate converts? Ego, that’s why.


I already explained the why, go back and read it.

oh yah so most people would think I AM trying to convince believers of something. hah hah that’s not true at all. Humans aren’t like that. I could never come up with a logic stream so obvious that someone who believed in the after life would change their mind.

It’s called the prison of belief for a reason.

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There is too much joy and comfort in the idea that one is right and everyone else is wrong to accept even for an imaginary second that they could be right, I guess.

I thought it was a fun thought experiment, but if you needlessly repeat yourself chastising people it kinda takes the fun out of it.

I had an old Italian man who was chatholic tell me once that religion was like a spider Web with God being in the middle. There are 3 things that prove God does exist and that’s scripture, nature, and law.

I am a stickler for WHO you are talking about when you say God. God is a title, not a name. You might be talking about Lucifer, or Yahweh, or who knows, if you are are talking about the god of this world. Yahweh indicates in the scripture(a whole new thread about what the scriptures are haha) that Lucifer, or whatever name you call that entity, rules this world, so maybe you’re talking about Lucifer and don’t even realize it.

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Yes, it has turned into badgering. I wonder why.

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