Light for a 4x2

How tall is your tent? My only concern right now is not having enough room for a quantum board in a 6 foot ACI due to them needing more space between the light and plants

Okay- the bundle for the 2x4 tent came with 6inch so I was assuming the holes were sized for that

Do you think I’m going to have height issues running a 300+ watt quantum board in an ACI 2x4 6 foot tall tent?

You can avoid issues but would definitely be height considerations because you want to keep them 17-24" away depending on the strain + need some headroom for exhaust & however tall are the pots.

Something super broad leaf dominant like Urkle, Bubba or Irene won’t be an issue but if you like stretchy stuff might grow too close and get weird.

Clones are easier to keep smaller because you don’t have to veg as long. +1 for smaller pots will help as they are shorter and don’t need as much veg.

5 foot tall. Cheap ass amazon tent.

That’s the same as I used in my 2x4. Got a tad over 5oz (160g) out my single plant in a SCROG. That was my 1st grow, just finished up about 2 weeks ago. While the yield isn’t spectacular, I can still say it’s a great light and let the plant give me a fair supply despite ALL the mistakes I made.


R-spec stands for red I think


Fuck man I just spent 6 hours on here today and I still don’t know.

Starting to lean toward bar-style lights now.


Do you guys think the Migro Array 4 would end up disappointing me on bud quality? It seems like the perfect entry-level light for a 2x4 - I just question it’s ability to produce high end buds.

Migro Array 4 - $280
KindLED x420 $600
Atreum Hydra 3200 -$500
and the Vivspectra xs1500s or MARS hydro ts1000s- $200

@Growgrassblowglass @Foreigner
What were the buds like when flowering using the ts1000s and the Migro Array 4?

Any light from a quality manufacturer will do the job.

I’d rather give my money to Shane than whoever the hell owns Mars hydro.

But to answer your question the buds are the same as you would expect under any quality fixture.

I’ve been saying for a long time “I want a QB but a big one with no hotspot.” This is that.

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My opinion is…you’re overthinking this. The advise that has always been given to me and has held me in good stead. Buy the best light you can afford. To be honest, it would be hard to wrong with any of the lights you have listed. Me personally, I would go with the HLG light (either one). They are a highly respected company and I know several people who are running them. All have said getting that brand has been life changing for their grow quality. BUT…if you can’t get your hands on the RSpec or Diablo…then go with 2 Vivspectra xs1500 lights. The updated version with the Samsung 301H diodes.

Good luck sir. I hope you find a light that meets your needs and expectations!
Happy Growing!!!

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Get this one bro, the one you were going to get from the beginning. Bar style with way more than enough watts and those bridgelux diodes are solid.

I’ll tag you in my ongoing grow thread, only on my third grow but it had my first photoperiod run and my current run of og photos is in week 4 of flower, got like 12oz from my first grow.
I just looked and vipaspectra is 3.1 umol/j vs mars hydro 2.3 umol/j, so the vipaspectras are even more efficient the mars hydro

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I’ve got 1 of the xs1500 pros and getting another one this weekend to add in my 2x4.
It was going to just be my veg tent, but my timings all mucked up. So gonna do 2 fastbuds in it for now while my flower tent finishes up.
Absolutely love the viparspectra.
I also have the 69 pro 4" running in it. Seperate timer for the light.
I would never, ever trust that outlet adapter from ACI. It can’t handle alot of power. Beware.

Don’t overthink it, keep it simple. Just like growing.
with 2,you have much more versatility.

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I’m going with a KindLED x420 in an AC infinity 4x2 6 foot tent.

Thanks for all of the input guys :slight_smile:


I run QB’s a love them BUT my next up-grade will be bars from HLG - forget the “box” style lights - too much noise and too much heat give-off. Kind has great stuff but expensive !!

After sleeping on it I’m currently of the mindset that I should go with the viva pro xs1500s to start out.

I really wanted this light- it hits every mark

but it’s out of stock. The KindLED is a $600, 420 watt light that just seems a bit “extra” for my first grow. Without any experience, I’ll use the viva’s to get through my first couple of runs, dial in my process, and then upgrade to a high end bar style setup if/when I feel the need.

I think that’s a decent approach after soaking up the last few days of research

Still going with ACInfiinity 4x2 but I’ll put the viva’s on 12/12 timer when it’s time to flower.

@Ris hey man will the 4 inch inline fan/filter fit on this model 2x4 cloudline 642? AC infinity recommends 6 inch for this… seems like overkill especially when I’m dealing with low-temp garage.

What did you pay for the PRO xs1500s? They are up to 109.99 on Amazon today from 89.99 yesterday. There’s a $20 off coupon but only 1 allowed per order so 99.99 each… I wonder if I can just do two separate orders and get them both $20 off lol

I’m one click away from ordering everything… just want to make sure I’m not gonna miss out on another 89.99 sale tomorrow for the lights

Then there are the older models with the off switch and MW drivers for like $120 each.

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What am I missing here guys?

It’s gonna be a month before this stuff gets here… just double checking I got everything

Recommendations on a timer for the lights @LzBoy ?
That’s a cool 750 with free shipping to Alaska for everything… 1 month weed budget right there :smiley:

What do you think @Ris ?


With your environment it more than likely wouldn’t be a problem, that said. There is a formula and “Optimal” rating but it really comes down to maintaining temperature.

here is how i break it down for my setups

I want to be able to exchange the air completely at least 6x an hour. For that size tent you would be looking at a base of 288 CFM, take into consideration ducting/filter and the new total is somewhere between 300/400 CMF.

The 4in exhaust is 200 CMF and the 6in being 400 CMF. The 4in “technically” wouldn’t be big enough.

But also Id rather run a 6in on low - medium then a 4in on high.


I’m in Canada. So with tax and the 20 off. It was like 122.
Just oreded my second one and used the $20 off for the second time :ok_hand:
Shows out for delivery :grin: