LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies 💚

Yeah. That was a nightmare for sure. I always try to throw a fem in if I’m running regs.
I was thinking about putting my tent back in in veg to try again but I’m just going to rough it out. Grow my autos with the Blue Cookies and Black Candyland. I got

Thanks @nefrella !

The other 3 came from @Chronickyle
So things ant all bad in the tent. It just really sucks watching it empty so fast.
Well damn! I can’t edit out the GSN out of my title. Oh well.


If you make the first post a wiki I think you can edit the title again.


It’s Okay. If anyone is interested in the God’s Space Needle strain they should be aware that it’s not always a 50/50 shot when it comes to GSN. I know I’m very bitter atm. But the taste won’t go away until I pop more seeds to see.


Sometimes the plants go through a cycle of looking sad just before the lights come on. Does your plant always look like that or go through cycles?


She always looks like that. I thought the extra air would help but nope. I was thinking of lowering the EC but she don’t look burnt. I’ve just been hoping she grows out of it.


That might be a good idea, cut the dose by half and see if there is a positive response.

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I will give it a go. Won’t hurt anything. Right now she’s at EC 1.5. Drop her down to 9 in the morning.


Hey @BigMike55 what was your average PPM/EC for the Blue Cookies preflower?
Did she seem like a light feeder?


I averaged about 750 PPM right before flip. Then during stretch they ate real good. Upped to close to 1000 PPM I never went over 1000 for the whole grow.


I dont know much about EC but over 1 seems high. Just to my liking. I try to always stay around 1000 or less during flower unless the plants are begging for more. But now I have been using Fox farm trio and full dose is way too hot in my opinion. I have used mostly half strength.


Yeah I’m a little over that. 1.0 is 700PPM on a 700 scale. So if I cut where I am (1.5/1050⁷⁰⁰) in half it should put me exactly where I need to be. Thanks bro.
I use this chart to help me.


Okay. I just knocked the Blue Cookies back to 0.9 EC with a PH of 6

The leaves have been folded this trend. I removed them. Let’s see if it continues. I did a little more LST.

I did a little bit of defoliation on the Black Candyland.

I kept one branch on there that don’t need to be there. That’s going to be a clone. She looks like she’s beginning to come around. Has a good bit of roots coming out of her now.

I’m trying to keep the water level just close enough for the roots to touch so more will come out. I guess this is the way it should be done.

Then we got the baby Autos.

I haven’t feed in a few days. Maybe I’ll feed them today.
Do you guys give your autos flower nutes right out the gate? Or do you do veg nutes for a few weeks?


Interesting lookin stuff indeed


Veg nutes until they stretch and flower a bit, usually around 3-4 weeks.

May want to transplant those into the final pots soon. Growth will slow when the roots hit the bottom of solo cups, with a limited veg time this can hurt yields.


Thanks for the information. I don’t know quite yet what I want to do with the Auto Maria & Think Different Auto Extreme. More then likely they are going to have to go outside.

I did up pot the GG#4 form Nef in the big pot and Purple Kush in a slightly bigger pot then the cup. I don’t have any more pots ATM. They are staying inside any way. I’m starting another Purple Kush in DWC. She’s in a Rapid Rooter right now I’m just waiting for her to pop.


I feel like I’m starting to get my MOJO back. I just have been feeling like not having much to do with anything. I think think once these flowers start packing on I should feel a lot better. Why wouldn’t I? Right?
Just took a cut of the Black Candyland. It’s a little farther along then I would like but we will see what happens.


Look at miss crazy roots!

More then 2 times the roots today.

I don’t know if the GG#4 is going to make it. I had to prop her up.
She keeps falling over. You guys think I should scrap her and put something in it’s place? I will give her a couple days.
The rest of the Autos.

I thinking the Blue Cookies is looking a whole lot better l. What do you think?

Side by side of yesterday and today.
To be fair I did do a defoliation yesterday. But she really bounced back quickly.
The leaves are more perky and better colors I believe.
So I must have been over feeding.


Blue cookies looking 1000% better. I would build a little hill around the gg4, almost to the cotes and gently pack it down.


Will do. I will make her a little hill. Thanks @Eagles009.


I’d also say it’s on the 4rth node usually when the stalk sheds it’s skin and starts thickening up.
The cookies plant looks much better, not under any more stress.