LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies 💚

So true. I’m sure the aliens are looking at us and thinking “Look at these dumb asses. All you have to do is _____ .” Lol.


The aliens actually thrive in the trash we have been duped (by aliens living among us) into pumping into the atmosphere. … :thinking: … But I’m feeling much better now.


At least someone has a use for the stuff. Lol.


As in the light? I like my Mars Hydro lights. For $80 US they work really well. Looking back I should have gotten a HLG but I didn’t know any better. The thing I don’t like about Mars Hydro on the other hand is there needing to feel like they need to lie about how much power they pull. My lights are not 600 watts but they are advertised as such.


I agree 100%! That is bad business practice.
:lying_face: :angry:


So when I transferred the Coco Black Candyland into DWC I didn’t think about watering from the top until the roots became established. Part of me was probably wanting them to work to get roots in the water. I watered from the top today and she’s looking happier then ever in there.

Blue Cookies is looking great as well. Waiting for the flowers though.

The funny thing is I seen pistols 2 day in flower. She just doesn’t seem to want to start stacking her sets and pushing out flowers just yet. Maybe she’s one of those plants that explode out of no where.
We are Day 18 of flower.


Absolutely! They look happy happy happy!
Love the little hedgehogs poking their heads up.
Now just keep feeding the hedgehogs.


Lol my hedgehog will be fed every day.


@LilJonB are you sure that your lights are shutting off. My brother @Books_grow thought he was in flower for 4 weeks until he came home from work early one day and discovered that one of his lights weren’t shutting off so basically he’s been vegging this whole time. Not saying that’s what’s happening with you but just make sure it isn’t


Yeah. I remember that. But yeah my lights are of from 3pm to 4am. Lol. That would suck. I would think this if both of my plants wasn’t flowering. The Black Candyland is going fine.
It could be that she’s was a little stressed from over feeding for a while. I’m waiting to see what @BigMike55 has gotta say about the situation.
Should I see a lot more flowers right now?

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U right I forget about the other flowering plants kind of high when I posted

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It’s all good bro.

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Im sorry @LilJonB can you again tell me how long in veg and how long have you had the lights at 12/12 ?


Hey bro. 30 days Veg. And we are at 18 days flower. I seen pistols 2 days after I flip. I’m thinking it could be stress from over feeding making her preform this way. I was wondering if this was the case for you.

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No. But the method I chose was a longer veg cycle. It was like 6 weeks, my standard, usually. Mine were fuckin BEGGING to be put into flower when I switched the lights. They were already forming nice flower heads by the time i switched the lights. She should be coming around any time now.
I will say this though. When she does start packing the flowers it will be ‘Holy shit. Look how fast and fat theyre growing!’
And let me say this. You have done her justice my friend. She frickin gorgeous! Has she stretched much?


That’s kinda what I figured, about her being a fashionably late to the party and all. I’m glad you like her. But I could have done better. There will be a redemption run my next cycle. Now I know what she likes I’m very much looking forward to it. She is beautiful. I like her the most out of the lot.
Not much stretching, which I like. Not in the pain in the ass way the Forest Candy can be. I didn’t top her just waited till she was tall enough to bend her over.


Yeah thats kinda what I found to be true. Especially that Blue Cookies. But once get her figgered out, growing her is easier than falling out of bed. Shes well on her way. Have patience. Haha.


I was just curious. If I would have asked questions earlier I would have figured out I was over feed. Lol. I’m verry much looking forward to her.


Another Rundown

Still feeding the Hedgehog lol

The Autos


Looking real green :green_apple:. Nice

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