LilJonB's Black Candyland, God's Space Needle and Blue Cookies šŸ’š

@LilJonB, thereā€™s no reason to leave. Stay. I asked for a mod to clean up that other thread, and Northern Loki did just that. You may want to delete the 4 most recent posts you made in THIS thread so the whole ordeal can just fade away and die. In 24 hours, itā€™ll be as if it never happened - and youā€™ll be glad you stuck around.

If you delete your most recent posts in this thread, Iā€™ll delete this one. The whole thing will be historyā€¦without evidence!


You canā€™t go anywhere BigMike55 says so.


What he said. :arrow_up:

Nah man a misunderstanding is just that. Misunderstanding. No reason to leave here.

Cā€™monā€¦ I need to see those blue cookies finish!

Are you really gonna track this man down on his thread n keep stirring? Let some of that old irish brawler instinct you got go.
Its a weed spot man not a cage match.

He said it was misunderstanding and even tagged you. No talking about or behind you. Just brush off n move forward. If you feel sour just keep that taste to yourself. I didnt see anything in the posts that was really offending. At same time ive gotten on forums all high n said much stupider shit. Point is realizing how others may have taken it , manning up and owning it and appologizing. To keep something petty alive is no good for anyone. You like being in shit. Seems you thrive on it. Just let go. Accept he misunderstood n move on to the next (hopefully positive) thing.

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My favorite saying is very appropriate here.

" He who stirs the shit, has to lick the spoon!"

Not pointing fingers, but this should be left to die.


@LilJonB !
Please reconsider leaving. Man if I dropped out after a bad encounter on here, Iā€™d have left before very many even knew I was here.
I donā€™t know the context of the conversation ( no need to), but this place has a kind of family atmosphere. Family members but heads sometimes. Itā€™ll pass.
:pray::v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Iā€™ll be back guys. Im just chilling for a little bit. Iā€™ll be popping in and out.
Hereā€™s a lil peek at whatā€™s going on with the grow.

Everyone is at day 44. The Blue Cookies is a little blotchy atm. Gave it a a dose of Cal-Mag and lowered the PPM to 800ā·ā°ā°.


Canā€™t seem to get the Blue Cookies right.

I brought the PPM down to 650 and the fade wonā€™t go away.
In a week she will be at 60 days.


Buds look nice. Did Mike say how long they go?


Nice your plants are looking good brother


Iā€™m pretty sure he mentioned that he saw a big difference in 75 days over 60. So I plan to run that long.
Thanks @Grizz718


I been having a little trouble with my Purple Kush auto.

I know it looks pretty but the flowers are not turning into buds. They wonā€™t fatten up.

Itā€™s just a bunch of these.
I think I might have been over feeding (notice how shiny the leaves are) so I dropped her to 550 PPMā·ā°ā° sheā€™s 53 days old. Any suggestions?


My first harvest of BC I ran for 70 days. Smoke was good and buds were nice and dense and fairly hard.
The second time I ran her I let her go 80 days and there was a noticeable difference in sticky on the buds. And the smoke was a little better. I think yo would be OK either way.
And old-time grower once told me, " If there is any doubt, wait another week".
How do they smell?


Really I am surprised that they arenā€™t showing purple leaves and in the buds. Something doesnā€™t seem right. Hmmm!


Yeah Iā€™ve been having problems with her not wanting to eat. I dropped her PPM again I think it around 650ā·ā°ā°. I got a new job so I will be able to buy the Technaflora nute line I want. Itā€™s the same nutes JoeCrowe uses. They help keep you PH stable.
She smells good. I Iā€™m not very good at describing smells when I get home I will try. My work schedule is the same as my light schedule lol. So I havenā€™t been able to really get in there. Just enough time to check my PH and top off at 4 in the morning before I leave for work.


I hope the smoke cures out as good as mine. I smoke a small bowl in my bong last night and It put me in bed until this morning. Never even got up to pee. Itā€™s not couch locky but if you want to relax and feel your body kinda just float away, youā€™re good with BC.


Looks good man I wouldnā€™t worry too much a few of my friends grow this way and usually the roots just take over and fill the gap eithier way they look healthy and happy good job !!!


My flowers are the same way I donā€™t know why and it doesnā€™t seem like they are getting any bigger just my main top fattened up all the others look exactly like yours