LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

I’ve not gotten any, I also don’t know if I was Orginaly on the list to start with…

If I was thank you :wink:

man I gotta write this stuff down. I usually only write down whatever ends up in the mailbox :mailbox_with_mail: lol


I’m getting more stamps today @CADMAN yours will be going out soon. I was waiting to see if anyone up there got there’s yet. I didn’t forget about you bro.


Haha no worries brother :+1:


Hey guys what’s the best way to clean a flat screen. I hear Windex is no good.


I’ve used windex, lysol wipes most of the time though. Baby butt wipes ect when kids where young.


I didn’t realize how dirty my TV was until I hung it yesterday.


He @LilJonB flowering outside kinda depends on the region. Obviously autos start about 3 months in but around my area it’s early August. I’ve had flowers in July.


That’s what I thought. I never had a harvest at the end of October.


This was my first outdoor grow. I was Anavrin on OG 1.0

Back when cmera phones for the rich.
The place was perfect. It was all bulldozed but they were didn’t start construction. The place is called Bulle Rock in Havre de Grace. Million dollars homes with a golf course. Sad I used to play in those woods. I wish I when to the high school now then back then. They have a lot of really nice classes now.
It was crazy. I was out there You’re a very Sunny day. I dug 3’ by 2’ hole And dumped a bag of miracle grow potting soil. Planted 3 bag seeds. When I went back out a week later bugs ravaged all 3 plants. I didn’t think they were gonna make it all that was left was stems.
Later that year I was in that area walking my Chihuahua. I went into the field sticker vines galore. I’m looking down the whole time when I damn near walked into em. All of them ended up being female too. It was a good feeling
Being new to growing I broke rule #1. I had to show my friends what I was capable of. Smh. I went out there to check on them and the middle one was missing. I was thinking who would take just one??
It wasn’t until I was in prison one of my friends from my old neighborhood told me it was my best friend that took it. I found out later it the only reason he took just the one was because he was my friend. :unamused:
I ended up pulling the last 2. My mind set was they was not going to get anything else. They were mine to kill. They weren’t even done yet. They just started to flower. I ended up pulling all the sugar leaves to smoke. We all would hang out in my backyard every one had fat joint of sugar leaves. We would get a little buz from them.
But this wasn’t good enough. I had another “friend” that would come in through the back of my house to get into my room to dip into my stash.
It’s okay tho. The following summer I grew my first success outdoor run of Big Bud & Top 44 from Nirvana seeds and I charged them little ass holes $20 a gram lol.


Too-fucking-Shay, right?


Hey big Mike I’m about to make my own brownies. After I decarb.
I bring a pot of water to a simmer.
Take a Pyrex measuring cup put it in the water. Take the stick of butter and melt it in the Pyrex bowl.
Add the material ster and cook it for 2 hours.
Do I strain the material from the butter using a coffee filter?
After that I just follow the brownie recipe correct?

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You might ask @ReikoX he is the resident tincture, cookie, and candy man around here. Personally, I made mine by referring the bud and adding it to the butter. I did not make tincture to add to the butter. Then I just use the same amount of cannabis butter as the recipe calls for regular butter.


Oh and I did not strain it either. Used it all. Probly not the best way, tho.


You leave the weed in the butter? Oh lol. You answered.


And the way I did it you could really tell they were pot brownies. The chocolate in the brownie did not hide the weed taste.


The brownies I got call for 1.5 cups of vegetable oil. Do I substitute the veg. oil with the stick of butter? Or do I still use the oil? It don’t call for butter at all.


A stick of butter is 1/2 cup, so I would use the stick of melted butter and a cup of oil.


Last time I made butter by hand, I filtered it through cheese cloth. Took me a while to find it at the grocery store, but it was there :rofl:


Thanks sir.
Yeah @other_barry, I’m not going to be able to get to the store. I don’t know how my buddy did it with a coffee filter. I’m going to find a white tee I don’t want any more. Boil it to clean it for good measure.


Thanks guys the brownies turned out great. Strong as hell. I only ate the stuff the was stuck to the spatula this morning. An hour later I was wondering why I was buzzed. Lol
3 gms of bud, 10 gms of material.