LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

What’s the netting over top for? They are some big a$$ Indicas

The big one is called “the black” the Hopscotch is a month or more behind. She’s been outside the whole time. I appreciate you guys and not labeling me. Reason is huge today theres craziness happening.


I know what that can feel like man.


you might be able to see names on the solo cups. This a couple months ago. I’m going out there in a few weeks to help build light dep structures. Could you imagine how much work is in that grow? 6-8 wears me out.


I would love to do it all day. Doing something to that’s degree and work a job. Not for me. Plants would be dieing and looking sad. I would probably get a larger yield with a fraction of the plants.
What state are they in? If you don’t mind me asking.


I’ll tell you in private message @LilJonB . I will say those genetics are what the Hopscotch is built of.


So those are the Hopscotch parents?

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The weight is staying pretty stable now. It at 7.5 oz it’s pretty dry. It safe to say it’s 7 oz.


That’s where the genetics came from. I got your letter today thanks man. I will pop some my next round

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Damn did you say you’re at 200 gms? That’s great

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Sweet I’m glad they made it. Can you see the difference between the two crosses?
Yup you’re the winner!

LilJonB, sorry for jumping in on your thread but I’ll be quick.:pray:

I just wanted to tell you this; I saw your point in that discussion. I grew up in a different time and that means, a different world. That world made sense to me.
I stayed out of the conversion because there are points on both sides that I agree with. I also didn’t think that OG was the place for that conversion.
It was way too volatile a subject and against the policy of the site. I agree with that policy 100%.
So I don’t want to instigate it here.
A PM might have been better but I wanted to say on record that the labeling was wrong.

Again LilJonB, sorry to jump in like that but now I’ll jump right back out.


Wow that’s huge @LilJonB. That’s what a person expects but rarely gets.


Ya I get it @MoBilly.


I blame my success on the genetics and OG man.


This is going to be the first time I was ever able to do a full cure before I run out. I gave my cousin a oz. I’m going to get a good cure on it before I give some to my brother. How long is a good cure? I’ve heard different numbers.


That would depend on the bud I’m sure. Lighter buds vs chunky… My best cured for two months but some were done and done in a month.
That’s why I put like sized buds together in the jars.
No help, I know.


It makes sense. There all going to get smoked regardless right? Lol.


Hey guys what month can you expect to see flowers starting? It’s been a while.


Did any of my Canadian folks receive there seeds?
I’m going to wait another week and then I will resend if I have too. Just sucks to think I waisted a half a book of stamps just to send some seeds around town.